Camera: reduce long inflight request list spam

By checking the expected duration for all inflight requests to
finish and only log when it takes more than a threshold (5 secs)
to process all inflight requests and the list is long.

Test: manual testing
Bug: 135927862
Change-Id: Iaa2c593f1e69f63b1da7d35d73c696de3510cd2c
diff --git a/services/camera/libcameraservice/device3/Camera3Device.cpp b/services/camera/libcameraservice/device3/Camera3Device.cpp
index 9771f9e..a1a4958 100644
--- a/services/camera/libcameraservice/device3/Camera3Device.cpp
+++ b/services/camera/libcameraservice/device3/Camera3Device.cpp
@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@
 #define CLOGE(fmt, ...) ALOGE("Camera %s: %s: " fmt, mId.string(), __FUNCTION__, \
+#define CLOGW(fmt, ...) ALOGW("Camera %s: %s: " fmt, mId.string(), __FUNCTION__, \
+            ##__VA_ARGS__)
 // Convenience macros for transitioning to the error state
 #define SET_ERR(fmt, ...) setErrorState(   \
     "%s: " fmt, __FUNCTION__,              \
@@ -3267,14 +3270,19 @@
         ALOGVV("%s: removed frame %d from InFlightMap", __FUNCTION__, frameNumber);
-    // Sanity check - if we have too many in-flight frames, something has
-    // likely gone wrong
-    if (!mIsConstrainedHighSpeedConfiguration && mInFlightMap.size() > kInFlightWarnLimit) {
-        CLOGE("In-flight list too large: %zu", mInFlightMap.size());
-    } else if (mIsConstrainedHighSpeedConfiguration && mInFlightMap.size() >
-            kInFlightWarnLimitHighSpeed) {
-        CLOGE("In-flight list too large for high speed configuration: %zu",
-                mInFlightMap.size());
+    // Sanity check - if we have too many in-flight frames with long total inflight duration,
+    // something has likely gone wrong. This might still be legit only if application send in
+    // a long burst of long exposure requests.
+    if (mExpectedInflightDuration > kMinWarnInflightDuration) {
+        if (!mIsConstrainedHighSpeedConfiguration && mInFlightMap.size() > kInFlightWarnLimit) {
+            CLOGW("In-flight list too large: %zu, total inflight duration %" PRIu64,
+                    mInFlightMap.size(), mExpectedInflightDuration);
+        } else if (mIsConstrainedHighSpeedConfiguration && mInFlightMap.size() >
+                kInFlightWarnLimitHighSpeed) {
+            CLOGW("In-flight list too large for high speed configuration: %zu,"
+                    "total inflight duration %" PRIu64,
+                    mInFlightMap.size(), mExpectedInflightDuration);
+        }
diff --git a/services/camera/libcameraservice/device3/Camera3Device.h b/services/camera/libcameraservice/device3/Camera3Device.h
index 6e8ac84..cae34ce 100644
--- a/services/camera/libcameraservice/device3/Camera3Device.h
+++ b/services/camera/libcameraservice/device3/Camera3Device.h
@@ -227,6 +227,7 @@
     static const size_t        kDumpLockAttempts  = 10;
     static const size_t        kDumpSleepDuration = 100000; // 0.10 sec
     static const nsecs_t       kActiveTimeout     = 500000000;  // 500 ms
+    static const nsecs_t       kMinWarnInflightDuration = 5000000000; // 5 s
     static const size_t        kInFlightWarnLimit = 30;
     static const size_t        kInFlightWarnLimitHighSpeed = 256; // batch size 32 * pipe depth 8
     static const nsecs_t       kDefaultExpectedDuration = 100000000; // 100 ms