tree: 9153a46a96cc60454b089977da7da9bc00197949 [path history] [tgz]
  1. Android.bp
  2. AndroidTest.xml
  4. WriterListener.h
  5. WriterTest.cpp
  6. WriterTestEnvironment.h
  7. WriterUtility.cpp
  8. WriterUtility.h

Media Testing

Writer :

The Writer Test Suite validates the writers available in libstagefright.

Run the following steps to build the test suite:

mmm frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/tests/writer/

The 32-bit binaries will be created in the following path : ${OUT}/data/nativetest/ The 64-bit binaries will be created in the following path : ${OUT}/data/nativetest64/

To test 64-bit binary push binaries from nativetest64.

adb push ${OUT}/data/nativetest64/writerTest/writerTest /data/local/tmp/

To test 32-bit binary push binaries from nativetest.

adb push ${OUT}/data/nativetest/writerTest/writerTest /data/local/tmp/

The resource file for the tests is taken from here. Download and extract the folder. Push all the files in this folder to /data/local/tmp/ on the device.

adb push WriterTestRes-1.1/. /data/local/tmp/WriterTestRes/

usage: writerTest -P <path_to_res_folder> -C <remove_output_file>

adb shell /data/local/tmp/writerTest -P /data/local/tmp/WriterTestRes/ -C true

Alternatively, the test can also be run using atest command.

atest writerTest -- --enable-module-dynamic-download=true