blob: bd08b65a59bb4eb4cc0ce183d45fa1775aaef086 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "dsp/core/basic.h"
//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#include <cutils/log.h>
namespace le_fx {
namespace sigmod {
template <typename T, class Algorithm>
InterpolatorBase<T, Algorithm>::InterpolatorBase() {
status_ = false;
cached_index_ = 0;
x_data_ = NULL;
y_data_ = NULL;
data_length_ = 0;
own_x_data_ = false;
x_start_offset_ = 0.0;
last_element_index_ = -1;
x_inverse_sampling_interval_ = 0.0;
state_ = NULL;
template <typename T, class Algorithm>
InterpolatorBase<T, Algorithm>::~InterpolatorBase() {
delete [] state_;
if (own_x_data_) {
delete [] x_data_;
template <typename T, class Algorithm>
bool InterpolatorBase<T, Algorithm>::Initialize(const vector<T> &x_data,
const vector<T> &y_data) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (x_data.size() != y_data.size()) {
LoggerError("InterpolatorBase::Initialize: xData size (%d) != yData size"
" (%d)", x_data.size(), y_data.size());
return Initialize(&x_data[0], &y_data[0], x_data.size());
template <typename T, class Algorithm>
bool InterpolatorBase<T, Algorithm>::Initialize(double x_start_offset,
double x_sampling_interval,
const vector<T> &y_data) {
return Initialize(x_start_offset,
template <typename T, class Algorithm>
bool InterpolatorBase<T, Algorithm>::Initialize(double x_start_offset,
double x_sampling_interval,
const T *y_data,
int data_length) {
// Constructs and populate x-axis data: `x_data_`
T *x_data_tmp = new T[data_length];
float time_offset = x_start_offset;
for (int n = 0; n < data_length; n++) {
x_data_tmp[n] = time_offset;
time_offset += x_sampling_interval;
Initialize(x_data_tmp, y_data, data_length);
// Sets-up the regularly sampled interpolation mode
x_start_offset_ = x_start_offset;
x_inverse_sampling_interval_ = 1.0 / x_sampling_interval;
own_x_data_ = true;
return status_;
template <typename T, class Algorithm>
bool InterpolatorBase<T, Algorithm>::Initialize(
const T *x_data, const T *y_data, int data_length) {
// Default settings
cached_index_ = 0;
data_length_ = 0;
x_start_offset_ = 0;
x_inverse_sampling_interval_ = 0;
state_ = NULL;
// Input data is externally owned
own_x_data_ = false;
x_data_ = x_data;
y_data_ = y_data;
data_length_ = data_length;
last_element_index_ = data_length - 1;
// Check input data sanity
for (int n = 0; n < last_element_index_; ++n) {
if (x_data_[n + 1] <= x_data_[n]) {
ALOGE("InterpolatorBase::Initialize: xData are not ordered or "
"contain equal values (X[%d] <= X[%d]) (%.5e <= %.5e)",
n + 1, n, x_data_[n + 1], x_data_[n]);
status_ = false;
return false;
// Pre-compute internal state by calling the corresponding function of the
// derived class.
status_ = static_cast<Algorithm*>(this)->SetInternalState();
return status_;
template <typename T, class Algorithm>
T InterpolatorBase<T, Algorithm>::Interpolate(T x) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (cached_index_ < 0 || cached_index_ > data_length_ - 2) {
LoggerError("InterpolatorBase:Interpolate: CachedIndex_ out of bounds "
"[0, %d, %d]", cached_index_, data_length_ - 2);
// Search for the containing interval
if (x <= x_data_[cached_index_]) {
if (cached_index_ <= 0) {
cached_index_ = 0;
return y_data_[0];
if (x >= x_data_[cached_index_ - 1]) {
cached_index_--; // Fast descending
} else {
if (x <= x_data_[0]) {
cached_index_ = 0;
return y_data_[0];
cached_index_ = SearchIndex(x_data_, x, 0, cached_index_);
} else {
if (cached_index_ >= last_element_index_) {
cached_index_ = last_element_index_;
return y_data_[last_element_index_];
if (x > x_data_[cached_index_ + 1]) {
if (cached_index_ + 2 > last_element_index_) {
cached_index_ = last_element_index_ - 1;
return y_data_[last_element_index_];
if (x <= x_data_[cached_index_ + 2]) {
cached_index_++; // Fast ascending
} else {
if (x >= x_data_[last_element_index_]) {
cached_index_ = last_element_index_ - 1;
return y_data_[last_element_index_];
cached_index_ = SearchIndex(
x_data_, x, cached_index_, last_element_index_);
// Compute interpolated value by calling the corresponding function of the
// derived class.
return static_cast<Algorithm*>(this)->MethodSpecificInterpolation(x);
} // namespace sigmod
} // namespace le_fx