Fix audio HAL restart sequence to improve uptime

Do not use 'restart' directly when serving the
framework request for HAL restart via ''
property.  This is to avoid triggering 'onrestart' event the .rc
file of the audio HAL service. Instead use 'stop / start'

Do not use the '' property for handling
audioserver restart to avoid race conditions.

Bug: 151795571
Bug: 159966243
Test: 1) repro steps from b/151795571
      2) adb shell stop, verify that audio HAL is running
         and has been restarted (has different PID from prior
         to adb shell stop)
Change-Id: I5d87f4bba93153a84fe35c7a740e05960dcb6997
Merged-In: I5d87f4bba93153a84fe35c7a740e05960dcb6997
1 file changed