| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| #ifndef MPEG4_WRITER_H_ |
| |
| #define MPEG4_WRITER_H_ |
| |
| #include <stdio.h> |
| |
| #include <media/stagefright/MediaWriter.h> |
| #include <utils/List.h> |
| #include <utils/threads.h> |
| |
| namespace android { |
| |
| class AMessage; |
| class MediaBuffer; |
| class MediaSource; |
| class MetaData; |
| |
| class MPEG4Writer : public MediaWriter { |
| public: |
| MPEG4Writer(int fd); |
| |
| // Limitations |
| // 1. No more than 2 tracks can be added |
| // 2. Only video or audio source can be added |
| // 3. No more than one video and/or one audio source can be added. |
| virtual status_t addSource(const sp<MediaSource> &source); |
| |
| // Returns INVALID_OPERATION if there is no source or track. |
| virtual status_t start(MetaData *param = NULL); |
| virtual status_t stop() { return reset(); } |
| virtual status_t pause(); |
| virtual bool reachedEOS(); |
| virtual status_t dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args); |
| |
| void beginBox(const char *fourcc); |
| void beginBox(uint32_t id); |
| void writeInt8(int8_t x); |
| void writeInt16(int16_t x); |
| void writeInt32(int32_t x); |
| void writeInt64(int64_t x); |
| void writeCString(const char *s); |
| void writeFourcc(const char *fourcc); |
| void write(const void *data, size_t size); |
| inline size_t write(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb); |
| void endBox(); |
| uint32_t interleaveDuration() const { return mInterleaveDurationUs; } |
| status_t setInterleaveDuration(uint32_t duration); |
| int32_t getTimeScale() const { return mTimeScale; } |
| |
| status_t setGeoData(int latitudex10000, int longitudex10000); |
| status_t setCaptureRate(float captureFps); |
| virtual void setStartTimeOffsetMs(int ms) { mStartTimeOffsetMs = ms; } |
| virtual int32_t getStartTimeOffsetMs() const { return mStartTimeOffsetMs; } |
| |
| protected: |
| virtual ~MPEG4Writer(); |
| |
| private: |
| class Track; |
| |
| int mFd; |
| status_t mInitCheck; |
| bool mIsRealTimeRecording; |
| bool mUse4ByteNalLength; |
| bool mUse32BitOffset; |
| bool mIsFileSizeLimitExplicitlyRequested; |
| bool mPaused; |
| bool mStarted; // Writer thread + track threads started successfully |
| bool mWriterThreadStarted; // Only writer thread started successfully |
| off64_t mOffset; |
| off_t mMdatOffset; |
| uint8_t *mMoovBoxBuffer; |
| off64_t mMoovBoxBufferOffset; |
| bool mWriteMoovBoxToMemory; |
| off64_t mFreeBoxOffset; |
| bool mStreamableFile; |
| off64_t mEstimatedMoovBoxSize; |
| off64_t mMoovExtraSize; |
| uint32_t mInterleaveDurationUs; |
| int32_t mTimeScale; |
| int64_t mStartTimestampUs; |
| int mLatitudex10000; |
| int mLongitudex10000; |
| bool mAreGeoTagsAvailable; |
| int32_t mStartTimeOffsetMs; |
| |
| Mutex mLock; |
| |
| List<Track *> mTracks; |
| |
| List<off64_t> mBoxes; |
| |
| sp<AMessage> mMetaKeys; |
| |
| void setStartTimestampUs(int64_t timeUs); |
| int64_t getStartTimestampUs(); // Not const |
| status_t startTracks(MetaData *params); |
| size_t numTracks(); |
| int64_t estimateMoovBoxSize(int32_t bitRate); |
| |
| struct Chunk { |
| Track *mTrack; // Owner |
| int64_t mTimeStampUs; // Timestamp of the 1st sample |
| List<MediaBuffer *> mSamples; // Sample data |
| |
| // Convenient constructor |
| Chunk(): mTrack(NULL), mTimeStampUs(0) {} |
| |
| Chunk(Track *track, int64_t timeUs, List<MediaBuffer *> samples) |
| : mTrack(track), mTimeStampUs(timeUs), mSamples(samples) { |
| } |
| |
| }; |
| struct ChunkInfo { |
| Track *mTrack; // Owner |
| List<Chunk> mChunks; // Remaining chunks to be written |
| |
| // Previous chunk timestamp that has been written |
| int64_t mPrevChunkTimestampUs; |
| |
| // Max time interval between neighboring chunks |
| int64_t mMaxInterChunkDurUs; |
| |
| }; |
| |
| bool mIsFirstChunk; |
| volatile bool mDone; // Writer thread is done? |
| pthread_t mThread; // Thread id for the writer |
| List<ChunkInfo> mChunkInfos; // Chunk infos |
| Condition mChunkReadyCondition; // Signal that chunks are available |
| |
| // Writer thread handling |
| status_t startWriterThread(); |
| void stopWriterThread(); |
| static void *ThreadWrapper(void *me); |
| void threadFunc(); |
| |
| // Buffer a single chunk to be written out later. |
| void bufferChunk(const Chunk& chunk); |
| |
| // Write all buffered chunks from all tracks |
| void writeAllChunks(); |
| |
| // Retrieve the proper chunk to write if there is one |
| // Return true if a chunk is found; otherwise, return false. |
| bool findChunkToWrite(Chunk *chunk); |
| |
| // Actually write the given chunk to the file. |
| void writeChunkToFile(Chunk* chunk); |
| |
| // Adjust other track media clock (presumably wall clock) |
| // based on audio track media clock with the drift time. |
| int64_t mDriftTimeUs; |
| void setDriftTimeUs(int64_t driftTimeUs); |
| int64_t getDriftTimeUs(); |
| |
| // Return whether the nal length is 4 bytes or 2 bytes |
| // Only makes sense for H.264/AVC |
| bool useNalLengthFour(); |
| |
| // Return whether the writer is used for real time recording. |
| // In real time recording mode, new samples will be allowed to buffered into |
| // chunks in higher priority thread, even though the file writer has not |
| // drained the chunks yet. |
| // By default, real time recording is on. |
| bool isRealTimeRecording() const; |
| |
| void lock(); |
| void unlock(); |
| |
| // Acquire lock before calling these methods |
| off64_t addSample_l(MediaBuffer *buffer); |
| off64_t addLengthPrefixedSample_l(MediaBuffer *buffer); |
| |
| bool exceedsFileSizeLimit(); |
| bool use32BitFileOffset() const; |
| bool exceedsFileDurationLimit(); |
| bool isFileStreamable() const; |
| void trackProgressStatus(size_t trackId, int64_t timeUs, status_t err = OK); |
| void writeCompositionMatrix(int32_t degrees); |
| void writeMvhdBox(int64_t durationUs); |
| void writeMoovBox(int64_t durationUs); |
| void writeFtypBox(MetaData *param); |
| void writeUdtaBox(); |
| void writeGeoDataBox(); |
| void writeLatitude(int degreex10000); |
| void writeLongitude(int degreex10000); |
| |
| void addDeviceMeta(); |
| void writeHdlr(); |
| void writeKeys(); |
| void writeIlst(); |
| void writeMetaBox(); |
| void sendSessionSummary(); |
| void release(); |
| status_t reset(); |
| |
| static uint32_t getMpeg4Time(); |
| |
| MPEG4Writer(const MPEG4Writer &); |
| MPEG4Writer &operator=(const MPEG4Writer &); |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace android |
| |
| #endif // MPEG4_WRITER_H_ |