[zip] ZipReader can handle paths in different encodings

Added ZipReader::Entry::file_path_in_original_encoding() that gets the
file path in its original encoding from a ZIP archive Entry. This will
be used to actually detect the encoding.

Added ZipReader::SetEncoding() which allows to specify the expected
encoding of the ZIP archive. ZipReader now safely converts the file
paths from the assumed encoding to Unicode. This safe conversion is
performed even if the assumed encoding is UTF-8. This allows to detect
and sanitize invalid UTF-8 sequences by replacing them with the
replacement character �.

Added tests to zlib_unittests to check the encoding conversion:
EncodingSjisAsUtf8, EncodingSjisAs1252, EncodingSjisAsIbm866,
and EncodingSjis.

BUG=chromium:1287893, chromium:953256
TEST=autoninja -C out/Default zlib_unittests && out/Default/zlib_unittests

Change-Id: I534f761734b44bfce8417f97bef66bf4757df6ae
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/3430328
Reviewed-by: Noel Gordon <noel@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: François Degros <fdegros@chromium.org>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#967674}
GitOrigin-RevId: d9ecb93965cac30b44eca8fd839b0b8ac0ce1c8f
6 files changed