Fix the incorrect conversion detection in PEM format.

Since there could be some human readble help text in the PEM header,
we need to refine our type checking to make it correct since tls_openssl
can accept blob with DER format only.

+ The keystore blobs will be cleaned up for each tls connection.
1 file changed
tree: 4016b4c24e8ddbdba945226826cd5c43540f9ff2
  1. examples/
  2. tests/
  3. wpa_gui/
  4. wpa_gui-qt4/
  5. .config
  6. aes.c
  7. aes.h
  8. aes_wrap.c
  9. aes_wrap.h
  11. asn1.c
  12. asn1.h
  13. asn1_test.c
  14. base64.c
  15. base64.h
  16. bignum.c
  17. bignum.h
  18. build_config.h
  19. ChangeLog
  20. common.c
  21. common.h
  22. config.c
  23. config.h
  24. config_file.c
  25. config_none.c
  26. config_ssid.h
  27. config_types.h
  28. config_winreg.c
  30. crypto.c
  31. crypto.h
  32. crypto_cryptoapi.c
  33. crypto_gnutls.c
  34. crypto_internal.c
  35. crypto_libtomcrypt.c
  36. crypto_none.c
  37. ctrl_iface.c
  38. ctrl_iface.h
  39. ctrl_iface_dbus.c
  40. ctrl_iface_dbus.h
  41. ctrl_iface_dbus_handlers.c
  42. ctrl_iface_dbus_handlers.h
  43. ctrl_iface_named_pipe.c
  44. ctrl_iface_udp.c
  45. ctrl_iface_unix.c
  46. dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf
  47. dbus_dict_helpers.c
  48. dbus_dict_helpers.h
  49. defconfig
  50. defs.h
  51. des.c
  52. driver.h
  53. driver_atmel.c
  54. driver_broadcom.c
  55. driver_bsd.c
  56. driver_hostap.c
  57. driver_hostap.h
  58. driver_ipw.c
  59. driver_madwifi.c
  60. driver_ndis.c
  61. driver_ndis.h
  62. driver_ndis_.c
  63. driver_ndiswrapper.c
  64. driver_prism54.c
  65. driver_test.c
  66. driver_wext.c
  67. driver_wext.h
  68. driver_wired.c
  69. drivers.c
  70. eap.c
  71. eap.h
  72. eap_aka.c
  73. eap_defs.h
  74. eap_fast.c
  75. eap_gpsk.c
  76. eap_gpsk_common.c
  77. eap_gpsk_common.h
  78. eap_gtc.c
  79. eap_i.h
  80. eap_leap.c
  81. eap_md5.c
  82. eap_methods.c
  83. eap_methods.h
  84. eap_mschapv2.c
  85. eap_otp.c
  86. eap_pax.c
  87. eap_pax_common.c
  88. eap_pax_common.h
  89. eap_peap.c
  90. eap_psk.c
  91. eap_psk_common.c
  92. eap_psk_common.h
  93. eap_sake.c
  94. eap_sake_common.c
  95. eap_sake_common.h
  96. eap_sim.c
  97. eap_sim_common.c
  98. eap_sim_common.h
  99. eap_testing.txt
  100. eap_tls.c
  101. eap_tls_common.c
  102. eap_tls_common.h
  103. eap_tlv.c
  104. eap_tlv.h
  105. eap_ttls.c
  106. eap_ttls.h
  107. eap_vendor_test.c
  108. eapol_sm.c
  109. eapol_sm.h
  110. eapol_test.c
  111. eloop.c
  112. eloop.h
  113. eloop_none.c
  114. eloop_win.c
  115. events.c
  116. hostapd.h
  117. if_index.c
  118. includes.h
  119. l2_packet.h
  120. l2_packet_freebsd.c
  121. l2_packet_linux.c
  122. l2_packet_ndis.c
  123. l2_packet_none.c
  124. l2_packet_pcap.c
  125. l2_packet_winpcap.c
  126. libtommath.c
  127. main.c
  128. main_none.c
  129. main_winmain.c
  130. main_winsvc.c
  131. Makefile
  132. md4.c
  133. md5.c
  134. md5.h
  135. mlme.c
  136. mlme.h
  138. ms_funcs.c
  139. ms_funcs.h
  140. ndis_events.c
  141. NOTICE
  142. os.h
  143. os_internal.c
  144. os_none.c
  145. os_unix.c
  146. os_win32.c
  147. pcsc_funcs.c
  148. pcsc_funcs.h
  149. pmksa_cache.c
  150. pmksa_cache.h
  151. preauth.c
  152. preauth.h
  153. preauth_test.c
  154. priv_netlink.h
  155. radius.c
  156. radius.h
  157. radius_client.c
  158. radius_client.h
  159. rc4.c
  160. rc4.h
  161. README
  162. rsa.c
  163. rsa.h
  164. sha1.c
  165. sha1.h
  166. sha256.c
  167. sha256.h
  168. state_machine.h
  169. tls.h
  170. tls_gnutls.c
  171. tls_internal.c
  172. tls_none.c
  173. tls_openssl.c
  174. tls_schannel.c
  175. tlsv1_client.c
  176. tlsv1_client.h
  177. tlsv1_common.c
  178. tlsv1_common.h
  179. todo.txt
  180. version.h
  181. win_if_list.c
  182. wireless_copy.h
  183. wpa.c
  184. wpa.h
  185. wpa_cli.c
  186. wpa_common.h
  187. wpa_ctrl.c
  188. wpa_ctrl.h
  189. wpa_i.h
  190. wpa_passphrase.c
  191. wpa_supplicant.c
  192. wpa_supplicant.conf
  193. wpa_supplicant.h
  194. wpa_supplicant_i.h
  195. x509v3.c
  196. x509v3.h