blob: 8f08929720cacf35c96b7c7c63348e98abe1442e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <vector>
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "webrtc/voice_engine/voice_engine_impl.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace test {
// NOTE: This class inherits from VoiceEngineImpl so that its clients will be
// able to get the various interfaces as usual, via T::GetInterface().
class FakeVoiceEngine final : public VoiceEngineImpl {
static const int kSendChannelId;
static const int kRecvChannelId;
static const uint32_t kSendSsrc;
static const uint32_t kRecvSsrc;
static const int kSendEchoDelayMedian;
static const int kSendEchoDelayStdDev;
static const int kSendEchoReturnLoss;
static const int kSendEchoReturnLossEnhancement;
static const int kRecvJitterBufferDelay;
static const int kRecvPlayoutBufferDelay;
static const unsigned int kSendSpeechInputLevel;
static const unsigned int kRecvSpeechOutputLevel;
static const CallStatistics kSendCallStats;
static const CodecInst kSendCodecInst;
static const ReportBlock kSendReportBlock;
static const CallStatistics kRecvCallStats;
static const CodecInst kRecvCodecInst;
static const NetworkStatistics kRecvNetworkStats;
static const AudioDecodingCallStats kRecvAudioDecodingCallStats;
FakeVoiceEngine() : VoiceEngineImpl(new Config(), true) {
// Increase ref count so this object isn't automatically deleted whenever
// interfaces are Release():d.
~FakeVoiceEngine() override {
// Decrease ref count before base class d-tor is called; otherwise it will
// trigger an assertion.
// VoEAudioProcessing
int SetNsStatus(bool enable, NsModes mode = kNsUnchanged) override {
return -1;
int GetNsStatus(bool& enabled, NsModes& mode) override { return -1; }
int SetAgcStatus(bool enable, AgcModes mode = kAgcUnchanged) override {
return -1;
int GetAgcStatus(bool& enabled, AgcModes& mode) override { return -1; }
int SetAgcConfig(AgcConfig config) override { return -1; }
int GetAgcConfig(AgcConfig& config) override { return -1; }
int SetEcStatus(bool enable, EcModes mode = kEcUnchanged) override {
return -1;
int GetEcStatus(bool& enabled, EcModes& mode) override { return -1; }
int EnableDriftCompensation(bool enable) override { return -1; }
bool DriftCompensationEnabled() override { return false; }
void SetDelayOffsetMs(int offset) override {}
int DelayOffsetMs() override { return -1; }
int SetAecmMode(AecmModes mode = kAecmSpeakerphone,
bool enableCNG = true) override { return -1; }
int GetAecmMode(AecmModes& mode, bool& enabledCNG) override { return -1; }
int EnableHighPassFilter(bool enable) override { return -1; }
bool IsHighPassFilterEnabled() override { return false; }
int SetRxNsStatus(int channel,
bool enable,
NsModes mode = kNsUnchanged) override { return -1; }
int GetRxNsStatus(int channel, bool& enabled, NsModes& mode) override {
return -1;
int SetRxAgcStatus(int channel,
bool enable,
AgcModes mode = kAgcUnchanged) override { return -1; }
int GetRxAgcStatus(int channel, bool& enabled, AgcModes& mode) override {
return -1;
int SetRxAgcConfig(int channel, AgcConfig config) override { return -1; }
int GetRxAgcConfig(int channel, AgcConfig& config) override { return -1; }
int RegisterRxVadObserver(int channel,
VoERxVadCallback& observer) override { return -1; }
int DeRegisterRxVadObserver(int channel) override { return -1; }
int VoiceActivityIndicator(int channel) override { return -1; }
int SetEcMetricsStatus(bool enable) override { return -1; }
int GetEcMetricsStatus(bool& enabled) override {
enabled = true;
return 0;
int GetEchoMetrics(int& ERL, int& ERLE, int& RERL, int& A_NLP) override {
ERL = kSendEchoReturnLoss;
ERLE = kSendEchoReturnLossEnhancement;
RERL = -123456789;
A_NLP = 123456789;
return 0;
int GetEcDelayMetrics(int& delay_median,
int& delay_std,
float& fraction_poor_delays) override {
delay_median = kSendEchoDelayMedian;
delay_std = kSendEchoDelayStdDev;
fraction_poor_delays = -12345.7890f;
return 0;
int StartDebugRecording(const char* fileNameUTF8) override { return -1; }
int StartDebugRecording(FILE* file_handle) override { return -1; }
int StopDebugRecording() override { return -1; }
int SetTypingDetectionStatus(bool enable) override { return -1; }
int GetTypingDetectionStatus(bool& enabled) override { return -1; }
int TimeSinceLastTyping(int& seconds) override { return -1; }
int SetTypingDetectionParameters(int timeWindow,
int costPerTyping,
int reportingThreshold,
int penaltyDecay,
int typeEventDelay = 0) override {
return -1;
void EnableStereoChannelSwapping(bool enable) override {}
bool IsStereoChannelSwappingEnabled() override { return false; }
// VoEBase
int RegisterVoiceEngineObserver(VoiceEngineObserver& observer) override {
return -1;
int DeRegisterVoiceEngineObserver() override { return -1; }
int Init(AudioDeviceModule* external_adm = NULL,
AudioProcessing* audioproc = NULL) override { return -1; }
AudioProcessing* audio_processing() override { return nullptr; }
int Terminate() override { return -1; }
int CreateChannel() override { return -1; }
int CreateChannel(const Config& config) override { return -1; }
int DeleteChannel(int channel) override { return -1; }
int StartReceive(int channel) override { return -1; }
int StopReceive(int channel) override { return -1; }
int StartPlayout(int channel) override { return -1; }
int StopPlayout(int channel) override { return -1; }
int StartSend(int channel) override { return -1; }
int StopSend(int channel) override { return -1; }
int GetVersion(char version[1024]) override { return -1; }
int LastError() override { return -1; }
AudioTransport* audio_transport() { return nullptr; }
int AssociateSendChannel(int channel, int accociate_send_channel) override {
return -1;
// VoECodec
int NumOfCodecs() override { return -1; }
int GetCodec(int index, CodecInst& codec) override { return -1; }
int SetSendCodec(int channel, const CodecInst& codec) override { return -1; }
int GetSendCodec(int channel, CodecInst& codec) override {
EXPECT_EQ(channel, kSendChannelId);
codec = kSendCodecInst;
return 0;
int SetBitRate(int channel, int bitrate_bps) override { return -1; }
int GetRecCodec(int channel, CodecInst& codec) override {
EXPECT_EQ(channel, kRecvChannelId);
codec = kRecvCodecInst;
return 0;
int SetRecPayloadType(int channel, const CodecInst& codec) override {
return -1;
int GetRecPayloadType(int channel, CodecInst& codec) override { return -1; }
int SetSendCNPayloadType(int channel, int type,
PayloadFrequencies frequency = kFreq16000Hz) override { return -1; }
int SetVADStatus(int channel,
bool enable,
VadModes mode = kVadConventional,
bool disableDTX = false) override { return -1; }
int GetVADStatus(int channel,
bool& enabled,
VadModes& mode,
bool& disabledDTX) override { return -1; }
int SetOpusMaxPlaybackRate(int channel, int frequency_hz) override {
return -1;
int SetOpusDtx(int channel, bool enable_dtx) override { return -1; }
RtcEventLog* GetEventLog() override { return nullptr; }
// VoEDtmf
int SendTelephoneEvent(int channel,
int eventCode,
bool outOfBand = true,
int lengthMs = 160,
int attenuationDb = 10) override { return -1; }
int SetSendTelephoneEventPayloadType(int channel,
unsigned char type) override {
return -1;
int GetSendTelephoneEventPayloadType(int channel,
unsigned char& type) override {
return -1;
int SetDtmfFeedbackStatus(bool enable,
bool directFeedback = false) override { return -1; }
int GetDtmfFeedbackStatus(bool& enabled, bool& directFeedback) override {
return -1;
int PlayDtmfTone(int eventCode,
int lengthMs = 200,
int attenuationDb = 10) override { return -1; }
// VoEExternalMedia
int RegisterExternalMediaProcessing(
int channel,
ProcessingTypes type,
VoEMediaProcess& processObject) override { return -1; }
int DeRegisterExternalMediaProcessing(int channel,
ProcessingTypes type) override {
return -1;
int GetAudioFrame(int channel,
int desired_sample_rate_hz,
AudioFrame* frame) override { return -1; }
int SetExternalMixing(int channel, bool enable) override { return -1; }
// VoEFile
int StartPlayingFileLocally(
int channel,
const char fileNameUTF8[1024],
bool loop = false,
FileFormats format = kFileFormatPcm16kHzFile,
float volumeScaling = 1.0,
int startPointMs = 0,
int stopPointMs = 0) override { return -1; }
int StartPlayingFileLocally(
int channel,
InStream* stream,
FileFormats format = kFileFormatPcm16kHzFile,
float volumeScaling = 1.0,
int startPointMs = 0,
int stopPointMs = 0) override { return -1; }
int StopPlayingFileLocally(int channel) override { return -1; }
int IsPlayingFileLocally(int channel) override { return -1; }
int StartPlayingFileAsMicrophone(
int channel,
const char fileNameUTF8[1024],
bool loop = false,
bool mixWithMicrophone = false,
FileFormats format = kFileFormatPcm16kHzFile,
float volumeScaling = 1.0) override { return -1; }
int StartPlayingFileAsMicrophone(
int channel,
InStream* stream,
bool mixWithMicrophone = false,
FileFormats format = kFileFormatPcm16kHzFile,
float volumeScaling = 1.0) override { return -1; }
int StopPlayingFileAsMicrophone(int channel) override { return -1; }
int IsPlayingFileAsMicrophone(int channel) override { return -1; }
int StartRecordingPlayout(int channel,
const char* fileNameUTF8,
CodecInst* compression = NULL,
int maxSizeBytes = -1) override { return -1; }
int StopRecordingPlayout(int channel) override { return -1; }
int StartRecordingPlayout(int channel,
OutStream* stream,
CodecInst* compression = NULL) override {
return -1;
int StartRecordingMicrophone(const char* fileNameUTF8,
CodecInst* compression = NULL,
int maxSizeBytes = -1) override { return -1; }
int StartRecordingMicrophone(OutStream* stream,
CodecInst* compression = NULL) override {
return -1;
int StopRecordingMicrophone() override { return -1; }
// VoEHardware
int GetNumOfRecordingDevices(int& devices) override { return -1; }
// Gets the number of audio devices available for playout.
int GetNumOfPlayoutDevices(int& devices) override { return -1; }
// Gets the name of a specific recording device given by an |index|.
// On Windows Vista/7, it also retrieves an additional unique ID
// (GUID) for the recording device.
int GetRecordingDeviceName(int index,
char strNameUTF8[128],
char strGuidUTF8[128]) override { return -1; }
// Gets the name of a specific playout device given by an |index|.
// On Windows Vista/7, it also retrieves an additional unique ID
// (GUID) for the playout device.
int GetPlayoutDeviceName(int index,
char strNameUTF8[128],
char strGuidUTF8[128]) override { return -1; }
// Sets the audio device used for recording.
int SetRecordingDevice(
int index,
StereoChannel recordingChannel = kStereoBoth) override { return -1; }
// Sets the audio device used for playout.
int SetPlayoutDevice(int index) override { return -1; }
// Sets the type of audio device layer to use.
int SetAudioDeviceLayer(AudioLayers audioLayer) override { return -1; }
// Gets the currently used (active) audio device layer.
int GetAudioDeviceLayer(AudioLayers& audioLayer) override { return -1; }
// Native sample rate controls (samples/sec)
int SetRecordingSampleRate(unsigned int samples_per_sec) override {
return -1;
int RecordingSampleRate(unsigned int* samples_per_sec) const override {
return -1;
int SetPlayoutSampleRate(unsigned int samples_per_sec) override {
return -1;
int PlayoutSampleRate(unsigned int* samples_per_sec) const override {
return -1;
// Queries and controls platform audio effects on Android devices.
bool BuiltInAECIsAvailable() const override { return false; }
int EnableBuiltInAEC(bool enable) override { return -1; }
bool BuiltInAGCIsAvailable() const override { return false; }
int EnableBuiltInAGC(bool enable) override { return -1; }
bool BuiltInNSIsAvailable() const override { return false; }
int EnableBuiltInNS(bool enable) override { return -1; }
// VoENetwork
int RegisterExternalTransport(int channel, Transport& transport) override {
return -1;
int DeRegisterExternalTransport(int channel) override { return -1; }
int ReceivedRTPPacket(int channel,
const void* data,
size_t length) override { return -1; }
int ReceivedRTPPacket(int channel,
const void* data,
size_t length,
const PacketTime& packet_time) override { return -1; }
int ReceivedRTCPPacket(int channel,
const void* data,
size_t length) { return -1; }
// VoENetEqStats
int GetNetworkStatistics(int channel, NetworkStatistics& stats) override {
EXPECT_EQ(channel, kRecvChannelId);
stats = kRecvNetworkStats;
return 0;
int GetDecodingCallStatistics(int channel,
AudioDecodingCallStats* stats) const override {
EXPECT_EQ(channel, kRecvChannelId);
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, stats);
*stats = kRecvAudioDecodingCallStats;
return 0;
int SetLocalSSRC(int channel, unsigned int ssrc) override { return -1; }
int GetLocalSSRC(int channel, unsigned int& ssrc) override {
EXPECT_EQ(channel, kSendChannelId);
ssrc = 0;
return 0;
int GetRemoteSSRC(int channel, unsigned int& ssrc) override {
EXPECT_EQ(channel, kRecvChannelId);
ssrc = 0;
return 0;
int SetSendAudioLevelIndicationStatus(int channel,
bool enable,
unsigned char id = 1) override {
return -1;
int SetSendAbsoluteSenderTimeStatus(int channel,
bool enable,
unsigned char id) override { return -1; }
int SetReceiveAbsoluteSenderTimeStatus(int channel,
bool enable,
unsigned char id) override {
return -1;
int SetRTCPStatus(int channel, bool enable) override { return -1; }
int GetRTCPStatus(int channel, bool& enabled) override { return -1; }
int SetRTCP_CNAME(int channel, const char cName[256]) override { return -1; }
int GetRTCP_CNAME(int channel, char cName[256]) { return -1; }
int GetRemoteRTCP_CNAME(int channel, char cName[256]) override { return -1; }
int GetRemoteRTCPData(int channel,
unsigned int& NTPHigh,
unsigned int& NTPLow,
unsigned int& timestamp,
unsigned int& playoutTimestamp,
unsigned int* jitter = NULL,
unsigned short* fractionLost = NULL) override {
return -1;
int GetRTPStatistics(int channel,
unsigned int& averageJitterMs,
unsigned int& maxJitterMs,
unsigned int& discardedPackets) override { return -1; }
int GetRTCPStatistics(int channel, CallStatistics& stats) override {
if (channel == kSendChannelId) {
stats = kSendCallStats;
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(channel, kRecvChannelId);
stats = kRecvCallStats;
return 0;
int GetRemoteRTCPReportBlocks(
int channel,
std::vector<ReportBlock>* receive_blocks) override {
EXPECT_EQ(channel, kSendChannelId);
EXPECT_NE(receive_blocks, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(receive_blocks->size(), 0u);
webrtc::ReportBlock block = kSendReportBlock;
receive_blocks->push_back(block); // Has wrong SSRC.
block.source_SSRC = kSendSsrc;
receive_blocks->push_back(block); // Correct block.
block.fraction_lost = 0;
receive_blocks->push_back(block); // Duplicate SSRC, bad fraction_lost.
return 0;
int SetNACKStatus(int channel, bool enable, int maxNoPackets) override {
return -1;
// VoEVideoSync
int GetPlayoutBufferSize(int& buffer_ms) override { return -1; }
int SetMinimumPlayoutDelay(int channel, int delay_ms) override { return -1; }
int SetInitialPlayoutDelay(int channel, int delay_ms) override { return -1; }
int GetDelayEstimate(int channel,
int* jitter_buffer_delay_ms,
int* playout_buffer_delay_ms) override {
EXPECT_EQ(channel, kRecvChannelId);
*jitter_buffer_delay_ms = kRecvJitterBufferDelay;
*playout_buffer_delay_ms = kRecvPlayoutBufferDelay;
return 0;
int GetLeastRequiredDelayMs(int channel) const override { return -1; }
int SetInitTimestamp(int channel, unsigned int timestamp) override {
return -1;
int SetInitSequenceNumber(int channel, short sequenceNumber) override {
return -1;
int GetPlayoutTimestamp(int channel, unsigned int& timestamp) override {
return -1;
int GetRtpRtcp(int channel,
RtpRtcp** rtpRtcpModule,
RtpReceiver** rtp_receiver) override { return -1; }
// VoEVolumeControl
int SetSpeakerVolume(unsigned int volume) override { return -1; }
int GetSpeakerVolume(unsigned int& volume) override { return -1; }
int SetMicVolume(unsigned int volume) override { return -1; }
int GetMicVolume(unsigned int& volume) override { return -1; }
int SetInputMute(int channel, bool enable) override { return -1; }
int GetInputMute(int channel, bool& enabled) override { return -1; }
int GetSpeechInputLevel(unsigned int& level) override { return -1; }
int GetSpeechOutputLevel(int channel, unsigned int& level) override {
return -1;
int GetSpeechInputLevelFullRange(unsigned int& level) override {
level = kSendSpeechInputLevel;
return 0;
int GetSpeechOutputLevelFullRange(int channel,
unsigned int& level) override {
EXPECT_EQ(channel, kRecvChannelId);
level = kRecvSpeechOutputLevel;
return 0;
int SetChannelOutputVolumeScaling(int channel, float scaling) override {
return -1;
int GetChannelOutputVolumeScaling(int channel, float& scaling) override {
return -1;
int SetOutputVolumePan(int channel, float left, float right) override {
return -1;
int GetOutputVolumePan(int channel, float& left, float& right) override {
return -1;
} // namespace test
} // namespace webrtc