RTCCertificates added to RTCConfiguration, used by WebRtcSession/-DescriptionFactory.

This CL allows you to, having generated one or more RTCCertificates, supply them to RTCConfiguration for CreatePeerConnection use. This means an SSLIdentity does not have to be generated with a DtlsIdentityStore[Interface/Impl] as part of the CreatePeerConnection steps because the certificate contains all the necessary information.

To create an RTCCertificate you have to do the identity generation yourself though. But you could reuse the same RTCCertificate for multiple connections.

R=tommi@webrtc.org, torbjorng@webrtc.org

Review URL: https://codereview.webrtc.org/1288033009 .

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#9774}
8 files changed