Always specify current OS when syncing Chromium.

Recently, we've hit a rare case of a dependency being
present only below 'unix' and not in the 'android' section
of the DEPS file in Chromium (src/third_party/junit/src).

This exposed a bug in our script, which is that
when the --deps flag is passed to gclient sync, _only_ that platform
is processed. That means our Android builders synced with --deps=android
and thus only getting the Android deps, not the 'unix' ones (Linux).
That behavior is different from a regular gclient sync, where both
the current platform's DEPS and the one specified by appending a target_os
variable into .gclient is used.

Ensuring that we pass both the current platform and the optionally specified
DEPS platform into our sync, gives us the same behavior
as a regular sync for the special Chromium sync we use.

rm chromium/.last_sync_chromium
Then I ran without this patch and with target_os = ["android"] in .gclient. Verified
that --deps=android was passed.
With this patch, I repeated the above and verified --deps=unix,android was passed.

Review URL:

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#9103}
1 file changed