canonicaliseSymtab: fix silly logic that could cause the function to
loop forever.  In particular, it will do that when two symbols have
exactly the same address range but differ in their .isText attribute.
Fixes #342117.

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/coregrind/m_debuginfo/storage.c b/coregrind/m_debuginfo/storage.c
index a745330..0fcaa58 100644
--- a/coregrind/m_debuginfo/storage.c
+++ b/coregrind/m_debuginfo/storage.c
@@ -1636,15 +1636,16 @@
-   /* If two symbols have identical address ranges, and agree on
-      .isText and .isIFunc, merge them into a single entry, but
-      preserve both names, so we end up knowing all the names for that
-      particular address range. */
+   /* BEGIN Detect and "fix" identical address ranges. */
    while (1) {
       Word r, w, n_merged;
       n_merged = 0;
       w = 0;
-      /* A pass merging entries together */
+      /* A pass merging entries together in the case where they agree
+         on .isText -- that is, either: both are .isText or both are
+         not .isText.  They are merged into a single entry, but both
+         sets of names are preserved, so we end up knowing all the
+         names for that particular address range.*/
       for (r = 1; r < di->symtab_used; r++) {
          vg_assert(w < r);
          if (   di->symtab[w].avmas.main == di->symtab[r].avmas.main
@@ -1675,6 +1676,46 @@
             w = r;
+      /* A second pass merging entries together where one .isText but
+         the other isn't.  In such cases, just ignore the non-.isText
+         one (a heuristic hack.) */
+      for (r = 1; r < di->symtab_used; r++) {
+         /* Either of the symbols might already have been zapped by
+            the previous pass, so we first have to check that. */
+         if (di->symtab[r-1].pri_name == NULL) continue;
+         if (di->symtab[r-0].pri_name == NULL) continue;
+         /* ok, they are both still valid.  Identical address ranges? */
+         if (di->symtab[r-1].avmas.main != di->symtab[r-0].avmas.main) continue;
+         if (di->symtab[r-1].size       != di->symtab[r-0].size) continue;
+         /* Identical address ranges.  They must disagree on .isText
+            since if they agreed, the previous pass would have merged
+            them. */
+         if (di->symtab[r-1].isText && di->symtab[r-0].isText) vg_assert(0);
+         if (!di->symtab[r-1].isText && !di->symtab[r-0].isText) vg_assert(0);
+         Word to_zap  = di->symtab[r-1].isText ? (r-0) : (r-1);
+         Word to_keep = di->symtab[r-1].isText ? (r-1) : (r-0);
+         vg_assert(!di->symtab[to_zap].isText);
+         vg_assert(di->symtab[to_keep].isText);
+         /* Add to_zap's names to to_keep if to_zap has secondary names 
+            or to_zap's and to_keep's primary names differ. */
+         if (di->symtab[to_zap].sec_names 
+             || (0 != VG_(strcmp)(di->symtab[to_zap].pri_name,
+                                  di->symtab[to_keep].pri_name))) {
+            add_DiSym_names_to_from(di, &di->symtab[to_keep],
+                                        &di->symtab[to_zap]);
+         }
+         /* Mark to_zap as not-in use in the same way as in the
+            previous loop. */
+         di->symtab[to_zap].pri_name = NULL;
+         if (di->symtab[to_zap].sec_names) {
+            ML_(dinfo_free)(di->symtab[to_zap].sec_names);
+            di->symtab[to_zap].sec_names = NULL;
+         }
+         VG_(memset)(&di->symtab[to_zap], 0, sizeof(DiSym));
+         n_merged++;
+      }
       TRACE_SYMTAB( "canonicaliseSymtab: %ld symbols merged\n", n_merged);
       if (n_merged == 0)
@@ -1691,9 +1732,10 @@
       vg_assert(w + n_merged == di->symtab_used);
       di->symtab_used = w;
-   }
+   } /* while (1) */
+   /* END Detect and "fix" identical address ranges. */
-   /* Detect and "fix" overlapping address ranges. */
+   /* BEGIN Detect and "fix" overlapping address ranges. */
    n_truncated = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < ((Word)di->symtab_used) -1; i++) {
@@ -1781,6 +1823,7 @@
+   /* END Detect and "fix" overlapping address ranges. */
    if (n_truncated > 0) goto cleanup_more;