blob: ce65e887f84aec811648f27e0253b934e1fb89d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef V8_ARM_FRAMES_ARM_H_
#define V8_ARM_FRAMES_ARM_H_
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
// The ARM ABI does not specify the usage of register r9, which may be reserved
// as the static base or thread register on some platforms, in which case we
// leave it alone. Adjust the value of kR9Available accordingly:
const int kR9Available = 1; // 1 if available to us, 0 if reserved
// Register list in load/store instructions
// Note that the bit values must match those used in actual instruction encoding
const int kNumRegs = 16;
// Caller-saved/arguments registers
const RegList kJSCallerSaved =
1 << 0 | // r0 a1
1 << 1 | // r1 a2
1 << 2 | // r2 a3
1 << 3; // r3 a4
const int kNumJSCallerSaved = 4;
// Return the code of the n-th caller-saved register available to JavaScript
// e.g. JSCallerSavedReg(0) returns r0.code() == 0
int JSCallerSavedCode(int n);
// Callee-saved registers preserved when switching from C to JavaScript
const RegList kCalleeSaved =
1 << 4 | // r4 v1
1 << 5 | // r5 v2
1 << 6 | // r6 v3
1 << 7 | // r7 v4 (cp in JavaScript code)
1 << 8 | // r8 v5 (pp in JavaScript code)
kR9Available << 9 | // r9 v6
1 << 10 | // r10 v7
1 << 11; // r11 v8 (fp in JavaScript code)
// When calling into C++ (only for C++ calls that can't cause a GC).
// The call code will take care of lr, fp, etc.
const RegList kCallerSaved =
1 << 0 | // r0
1 << 1 | // r1
1 << 2 | // r2
1 << 3 | // r3
1 << 9; // r9
const int kNumCalleeSaved = 7 + kR9Available;
// Double registers d8 to d15 are callee-saved.
const int kNumDoubleCalleeSaved = 8;
// Number of registers for which space is reserved in safepoints. Must be a
// multiple of 8.
// TODO(regis): Only 8 registers may actually be sufficient. Revisit.
const int kNumSafepointRegisters = 16;
// Define the list of registers actually saved at safepoints.
// Note that the number of saved registers may be smaller than the reserved
// space, i.e. kNumSafepointSavedRegisters <= kNumSafepointRegisters.
const RegList kSafepointSavedRegisters = kJSCallerSaved | kCalleeSaved;
const int kNumSafepointSavedRegisters = kNumJSCallerSaved + kNumCalleeSaved;
// ----------------------------------------------------
class EntryFrameConstants : public AllStatic {
static const int kCallerFPOffset =
-(StandardFrameConstants::kFixedFrameSizeFromFp + kPointerSize);
class ExitFrameConstants : public AllStatic {
static const int kFrameSize = FLAG_enable_ool_constant_pool ?
3 * kPointerSize : 2 * kPointerSize;
static const int kConstantPoolOffset = FLAG_enable_ool_constant_pool ?
-3 * kPointerSize : 0;
static const int kCodeOffset = -2 * kPointerSize;
static const int kSPOffset = -1 * kPointerSize;
// The caller fields are below the frame pointer on the stack.
static const int kCallerFPOffset = 0 * kPointerSize;
// The calling JS function is below FP.
static const int kCallerPCOffset = 1 * kPointerSize;
// FP-relative displacement of the caller's SP. It points just
// below the saved PC.
static const int kCallerSPDisplacement = 2 * kPointerSize;
class JavaScriptFrameConstants : public AllStatic {
// FP-relative.
static const int kLocal0Offset = StandardFrameConstants::kExpressionsOffset;
static const int kLastParameterOffset = +2 * kPointerSize;
static const int kFunctionOffset = StandardFrameConstants::kMarkerOffset;
// Caller SP-relative.
static const int kParam0Offset = -2 * kPointerSize;
static const int kReceiverOffset = -1 * kPointerSize;
class ArgumentsAdaptorFrameConstants : public AllStatic {
// FP-relative.
static const int kLengthOffset = StandardFrameConstants::kExpressionsOffset;
static const int kFrameSize =
StandardFrameConstants::kFixedFrameSize + kPointerSize;
class ConstructFrameConstants : public AllStatic {
// FP-relative.
static const int kImplicitReceiverOffset = -6 * kPointerSize;
static const int kConstructorOffset = -5 * kPointerSize;
static const int kLengthOffset = -4 * kPointerSize;
static const int kCodeOffset = StandardFrameConstants::kExpressionsOffset;
static const int kFrameSize =
StandardFrameConstants::kFixedFrameSize + 4 * kPointerSize;
class InternalFrameConstants : public AllStatic {
// FP-relative.
static const int kCodeOffset = StandardFrameConstants::kExpressionsOffset;
inline Object* JavaScriptFrame::function_slot_object() const {
const int offset = JavaScriptFrameConstants::kFunctionOffset;
return Memory::Object_at(fp() + offset);
inline void StackHandler::SetFp(Address slot, Address fp) {
Memory::Address_at(slot) = fp;
} } // namespace v8::internal
#endif // V8_ARM_FRAMES_ARM_H_