blob: 465bacaab84918b21a1db437b37353940bfb25bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/signature.h"
#include "src/wasm/decoder.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-opcodes.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-result.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class BitVector; // forward declaration
namespace compiler { // external declarations from compiler.
class WasmGraphBuilder;
namespace wasm {
// Helpers for decoding different kinds of operands which follow bytecodes.
struct LocalIndexOperand {
uint32_t index;
LocalType type;
int length;
inline LocalIndexOperand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
index = decoder->checked_read_u32v(pc, 1, &length, "local index");
type = kAstStmt;
struct ImmI8Operand {
int8_t value;
int length;
inline ImmI8Operand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
value = bit_cast<int8_t>(decoder->checked_read_u8(pc, 1, "immi8"));
length = 1;
struct ImmI32Operand {
int32_t value;
int length;
inline ImmI32Operand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
value = bit_cast<int32_t>(decoder->checked_read_u32(pc, 1, "immi32"));
length = 4;
struct ImmI64Operand {
int64_t value;
int length;
inline ImmI64Operand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
value = bit_cast<int64_t>(decoder->checked_read_u64(pc, 1, "immi64"));
length = 8;
struct ImmF32Operand {
float value;
int length;
inline ImmF32Operand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
value = bit_cast<float>(decoder->checked_read_u32(pc, 1, "immf32"));
length = 4;
struct ImmF64Operand {
double value;
int length;
inline ImmF64Operand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
value = bit_cast<double>(decoder->checked_read_u64(pc, 1, "immf64"));
length = 8;
struct GlobalIndexOperand {
uint32_t index;
LocalType type;
MachineType machine_type;
int length;
inline GlobalIndexOperand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
index = decoder->checked_read_u32v(pc, 1, &length, "global index");
type = kAstStmt;
machine_type = MachineType::None();
struct Block;
struct BreakDepthOperand {
uint32_t depth;
Block* target;
int length;
inline BreakDepthOperand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
depth = decoder->checked_read_u8(pc, 1, "break depth");
length = 1;
target = nullptr;
struct BlockCountOperand {
uint32_t count;
int length;
inline BlockCountOperand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
count = decoder->checked_read_u8(pc, 1, "block count");
length = 1;
struct SignatureIndexOperand {
uint32_t index;
FunctionSig* sig;
int length;
inline SignatureIndexOperand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
index = decoder->checked_read_u32v(pc, 1, &length, "signature index");
sig = nullptr;
struct FunctionIndexOperand {
uint32_t index;
FunctionSig* sig;
int length;
inline FunctionIndexOperand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
index = decoder->checked_read_u32v(pc, 1, &length, "function index");
sig = nullptr;
struct ImportIndexOperand {
uint32_t index;
FunctionSig* sig;
int length;
inline ImportIndexOperand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
index = decoder->checked_read_u32v(pc, 1, &length, "import index");
sig = nullptr;
struct TableSwitchOperand {
uint32_t case_count;
uint32_t table_count;
const byte* table;
int length;
inline TableSwitchOperand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
case_count = decoder->checked_read_u16(pc, 1, "expected #cases");
table_count = decoder->checked_read_u16(pc, 3, "expected #entries");
length = 4 + table_count * 2;
if (decoder->check(pc, 5, table_count * 2, "expected <table entries>")) {
table = pc + 5;
} else {
table = nullptr;
inline uint16_t read_entry(Decoder* decoder, int i) {
DCHECK(i >= 0 && static_cast<uint32_t>(i) < table_count);
return table ? decoder->read_u16(table + i * sizeof(uint16_t)) : 0;
struct MemoryAccessOperand {
bool aligned;
uint32_t offset;
int length;
inline MemoryAccessOperand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
byte bitfield = decoder->checked_read_u8(pc, 1, "memory access byte");
aligned = MemoryAccess::AlignmentField::decode(bitfield);
if (MemoryAccess::OffsetField::decode(bitfield)) {
offset = decoder->checked_read_u32v(pc, 2, &length, "memory offset");
} else {
offset = 0;
length = 1;
typedef compiler::WasmGraphBuilder TFBuilder;
struct ModuleEnv; // forward declaration of module interface.
// Interface the function environment during decoding, include the signature
// and number of locals.
struct FunctionEnv {
ModuleEnv* module; // module environment
FunctionSig* sig; // signature of this function
uint32_t local_i32_count; // number of int32 locals
uint32_t local_i64_count; // number of int64 locals
uint32_t local_f32_count; // number of float32 locals
uint32_t local_f64_count; // number of float64 locals
uint32_t total_locals; // sum of parameters and all locals
uint32_t GetLocalCount() { return total_locals; }
LocalType GetLocalType(uint32_t index) {
if (index < static_cast<uint32_t>(sig->parameter_count())) {
return sig->GetParam(index);
index -= static_cast<uint32_t>(sig->parameter_count());
if (index < local_i32_count) return kAstI32;
index -= local_i32_count;
if (index < local_i64_count) return kAstI64;
index -= local_i64_count;
if (index < local_f32_count) return kAstF32;
index -= local_f32_count;
if (index < local_f64_count) return kAstF64;
return kAstStmt;
void AddLocals(LocalType type, uint32_t count) {
switch (type) {
case kAstI32:
local_i32_count += count;
case kAstI64:
local_i64_count += count;
case kAstF32:
local_f32_count += count;
case kAstF64:
local_f64_count += count;
total_locals += count;
(sig->parameter_count() + local_i32_count + local_i64_count +
local_f32_count + local_f64_count));
void SumLocals() {
total_locals = static_cast<uint32_t>(sig->parameter_count()) +
local_i32_count + local_i64_count + local_f32_count +
struct Tree;
typedef Result<Tree*> TreeResult;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Tree& tree);
TreeResult VerifyWasmCode(FunctionEnv* env, const byte* base, const byte* start,
const byte* end);
TreeResult BuildTFGraph(TFBuilder* builder, FunctionEnv* env, const byte* base,
const byte* start, const byte* end);
void PrintAst(FunctionEnv* env, const byte* start, const byte* end);
inline TreeResult VerifyWasmCode(FunctionEnv* env, const byte* start,
const byte* end) {
return VerifyWasmCode(env, nullptr, start, end);
inline TreeResult BuildTFGraph(TFBuilder* builder, FunctionEnv* env,
const byte* start, const byte* end) {
return BuildTFGraph(builder, env, nullptr, start, end);
enum ReadUnsignedLEB128ErrorCode { kNoError, kInvalidLEB128, kMissingLEB128 };
ReadUnsignedLEB128ErrorCode ReadUnsignedLEB128Operand(const byte*, const byte*,
int*, uint32_t*);
BitVector* AnalyzeLoopAssignmentForTesting(Zone* zone, FunctionEnv* env,
const byte* start, const byte* end);
// Computes the length of the opcode at the given address.
int OpcodeLength(const byte* pc, const byte* end);
// Computes the arity (number of sub-nodes) of the opcode at the given address.
int OpcodeArity(FunctionEnv* env, const byte* pc, const byte* end);
} // namespace wasm
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#endif // V8_WASM_AST_DECODER_H_