blob: 35a9ea1de7a3aebaafa9c99ed3b99ef459df2ffe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Flags: --harmony-species
// Subclasses of %TypedArray% construct themselves under map, etc
var typedArrayConstructors = [
for (let constructor of typedArrayConstructors) {
class MyTypedArray extends constructor { }
assertEquals(MyTypedArray, new MyTypedArray().map(()=>0).constructor);
assertEquals(MyTypedArray, new MyTypedArray().filter(()=>{}).constructor);
assertEquals(MyTypedArray, new MyTypedArray().slice().constructor);
// Subclasses can override @@species to return the another class
for (let constructor of typedArrayConstructors) {
class MyTypedArray extends constructor { }
class MyOtherTypedArray extends constructor {
static get [Symbol.species]() { return MyTypedArray; }
assertEquals(MyTypedArray, new MyOtherTypedArray().map(()=>0).constructor);
assertEquals(MyTypedArray, new MyOtherTypedArray().filter(()=>{}).constructor);
assertEquals(MyTypedArray, new MyOtherTypedArray().slice().constructor);
// TypedArray too-short and non-TypedArray error checking
for (let constructor of typedArrayConstructors) {
class MyShortTypedArray extends constructor {
constructor(length) { super(length - 1); }
assertThrows(() => new MyShortTypedArray(5).map(()=>0), TypeError);
assertThrows(() => new MyShortTypedArray(5).filter(()=>true), TypeError);
assertThrows(() => new MyShortTypedArray(5).slice(), TypeError);
class MyNonTypedArray extends constructor {
static get [Symbol.species]() { return Array; }
assertThrows(() => new MyNonTypedArray().map(()=>0), TypeError);
assertThrows(() => new MyNonTypedArray().filter(()=>{}), TypeError);
assertThrows(() => new MyNonTypedArray().slice(), TypeError);
// Defaults when constructor or @@species is missing or non-constructor
for (let constructor of typedArrayConstructors) {
class MyDefaultTypedArray extends constructor {
static get [Symbol.species]() { return undefined; }
assertEquals(constructor, new MyDefaultTypedArray().map(()=>0).constructor);
class MyOtherDefaultTypedArray extends constructor { }
assertEquals(MyOtherDefaultTypedArray, new MyOtherDefaultTypedArray().map(()=>0).constructor);
MyOtherDefaultTypedArray.prototype.constructor = undefined;
assertEquals(constructor, new MyOtherDefaultTypedArray().map(()=>0).constructor);
// Exceptions propagated when getting constructor @@species throws
class SpeciesError extends Error { }
class ConstructorError extends Error { }
for (let constructor of typedArrayConstructors) {
class MyThrowingArray extends constructor {
static get [Symbol.species]() { throw new SpeciesError; }
assertThrows(() => new MyThrowingArray().map(()=>{}), SpeciesError);
Object.defineProperty(MyThrowingArray.prototype, 'constructor', {
get() { throw new ConstructorError; }
assertThrows(() => new MyThrowingArray().map(()=>{}), ConstructorError);