blob: 94a278c3cf46351a4d5f2cc3834e8f57827df75f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/compiler.h"
#include "src/compiler/bytecode-branch-analysis.h"
#include "src/compiler/js-graph.h"
#include "src/interpreter/bytecode-array-iterator.h"
#include "src/interpreter/bytecodes.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
// The BytecodeGraphBuilder produces a high-level IR graph based on
// interpreter bytecodes.
class BytecodeGraphBuilder {
BytecodeGraphBuilder(Zone* local_zone, CompilationInfo* info,
JSGraph* jsgraph);
// Creates a graph by visiting bytecodes.
bool CreateGraph(bool stack_check = true);
Graph* graph() const { return jsgraph_->graph(); }
class Environment;
class FrameStateBeforeAndAfter;
void CreateGraphBody(bool stack_check);
void VisitBytecodes();
Node* LoadAccumulator(Node* value);
// Get or create the node that represents the outer function closure.
Node* GetFunctionClosure();
// Get or create the node that represents the outer function context.
Node* GetFunctionContext();
// Get or create the node that represents the incoming new target value.
Node* GetNewTarget();
// Builder for accessing a (potentially immutable) object field.
Node* BuildLoadObjectField(Node* object, int offset);
Node* BuildLoadImmutableObjectField(Node* object, int offset);
// Builder for accessing type feedback vector.
Node* BuildLoadFeedbackVector();
// Builder for loading the a native context field.
Node* BuildLoadNativeContextField(int index);
// Helper function for creating a pair containing type feedback vector and
// a feedback slot.
VectorSlotPair CreateVectorSlotPair(int slot_id);
void set_environment(Environment* env) { environment_ = env; }
const Environment* environment() const { return environment_; }
Environment* environment() { return environment_; }
// Node creation helpers
Node* NewNode(const Operator* op, bool incomplete = false) {
return MakeNode(op, 0, static_cast<Node**>(nullptr), incomplete);
Node* NewNode(const Operator* op, Node* n1) {
Node* buffer[] = {n1};
return MakeNode(op, arraysize(buffer), buffer, false);
Node* NewNode(const Operator* op, Node* n1, Node* n2) {
Node* buffer[] = {n1, n2};
return MakeNode(op, arraysize(buffer), buffer, false);
Node* NewNode(const Operator* op, Node* n1, Node* n2, Node* n3) {
Node* buffer[] = {n1, n2, n3};
return MakeNode(op, arraysize(buffer), buffer, false);
Node* NewNode(const Operator* op, Node* n1, Node* n2, Node* n3, Node* n4) {
Node* buffer[] = {n1, n2, n3, n4};
return MakeNode(op, arraysize(buffer), buffer, false);
// Helpers to create new control nodes.
Node* NewIfTrue() { return NewNode(common()->IfTrue()); }
Node* NewIfFalse() { return NewNode(common()->IfFalse()); }
Node* NewMerge() { return NewNode(common()->Merge(1), true); }
Node* NewLoop() { return NewNode(common()->Loop(1), true); }
Node* NewBranch(Node* condition, BranchHint hint = BranchHint::kNone) {
return NewNode(common()->Branch(hint), condition);
// Creates a new Phi node having {count} input values.
Node* NewPhi(int count, Node* input, Node* control);
Node* NewEffectPhi(int count, Node* input, Node* control);
// Helpers for merging control, effect or value dependencies.
Node* MergeControl(Node* control, Node* other);
Node* MergeEffect(Node* effect, Node* other_effect, Node* control);
Node* MergeValue(Node* value, Node* other_value, Node* control);
// The main node creation chokepoint. Adds context, frame state, effect,
// and control dependencies depending on the operator.
Node* MakeNode(const Operator* op, int value_input_count, Node** value_inputs,
bool incomplete);
// Helper to indicate a node exits the function body.
void UpdateControlDependencyToLeaveFunction(Node* exit);
Node** EnsureInputBufferSize(int size);
Node* ProcessCallArguments(const Operator* call_op, Node* callee,
interpreter::Register receiver, size_t arity);
Node* ProcessCallNewArguments(const Operator* call_new_op,
interpreter::Register callee,
interpreter::Register first_arg, size_t arity);
Node* ProcessCallRuntimeArguments(const Operator* call_runtime_op,
interpreter::Register first_arg,
size_t arity);
void BuildCreateLiteral(const Operator* op,
const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
void BuildCreateRegExpLiteral(
const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
void BuildCreateArrayLiteral(
const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
void BuildCreateObjectLiteral(
const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
void BuildCreateArguments(CreateArgumentsParameters::Type type,
const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
void BuildLoadGlobal(const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator,
TypeofMode typeof_mode);
void BuildStoreGlobal(const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
void BuildNamedLoad(const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
void BuildKeyedLoad(const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
void BuildNamedStore(const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
void BuildKeyedStore(const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
void BuildLdaLookupSlot(TypeofMode typeof_mode,
const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
void BuildStaLookupSlot(LanguageMode language_mode,
const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
void BuildCall(const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
void BuildBinaryOp(const Operator* op,
const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
void BuildCompareOp(const Operator* op,
const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
void BuildDelete(const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
void BuildCastOperator(const Operator* js_op,
const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
// Control flow plumbing.
void BuildJump(int source_offset, int target_offset);
void BuildJump();
void BuildConditionalJump(Node* condition);
void BuildJumpIfEqual(Node* comperand);
void BuildJumpIfToBooleanEqual(Node* boolean_comperand);
// Constructing merge and loop headers.
void MergeEnvironmentsOfBackwardBranches(int source_offset,
int target_offset);
void MergeEnvironmentsOfForwardBranches(int source_offset);
void BuildLoopHeaderForBackwardBranches(int source_offset);
// Attaches a frame state to |node| for the entry to the function.
void PrepareEntryFrameState(Node* node);
// Growth increment for the temporary buffer used to construct input lists to
// new nodes.
static const int kInputBufferSizeIncrement = 64;
// Field accessors
CommonOperatorBuilder* common() const { return jsgraph_->common(); }
Zone* graph_zone() const { return graph()->zone(); }
CompilationInfo* info() const { return info_; }
JSGraph* jsgraph() const { return jsgraph_; }
JSOperatorBuilder* javascript() const { return jsgraph_->javascript(); }
Zone* local_zone() const { return local_zone_; }
const Handle<BytecodeArray>& bytecode_array() const {
return bytecode_array_;
const FrameStateFunctionInfo* frame_state_function_info() const {
return frame_state_function_info_;
LanguageMode language_mode() const {
// TODO(mythria): Don't rely on parse information to get language mode.
return info()->language_mode();
const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator* bytecode_iterator() const {
return bytecode_iterator_;
void set_bytecode_iterator(
const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator* bytecode_iterator) {
bytecode_iterator_ = bytecode_iterator;
const BytecodeBranchAnalysis* branch_analysis() const {
return branch_analysis_;
void set_branch_analysis(const BytecodeBranchAnalysis* branch_analysis) {
branch_analysis_ = branch_analysis;
#define DECLARE_VISIT_BYTECODE(name, ...) \
void Visit##name(const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
Zone* local_zone_;
CompilationInfo* info_;
JSGraph* jsgraph_;
Handle<BytecodeArray> bytecode_array_;
const FrameStateFunctionInfo* frame_state_function_info_;
const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator* bytecode_iterator_;
const BytecodeBranchAnalysis* branch_analysis_;
Environment* environment_;
// Merge environments are snapshots of the environment at a particular
// bytecode offset to be merged into a later environment.
ZoneMap<int, Environment*> merge_environments_;
// Loop header environments are environments created for bytecodes
// where it is known there are back branches, ie a loop header.
ZoneMap<int, Environment*> loop_header_environments_;
// Temporary storage for building node input lists.
int input_buffer_size_;
Node** input_buffer_;
// Nodes representing values in the activation record.
SetOncePointer<Node> function_context_;
SetOncePointer<Node> function_closure_;
SetOncePointer<Node> new_target_;
// Optimization to cache loaded feedback vector.
SetOncePointer<Node> feedback_vector_;
// Control nodes that exit the function body.
ZoneVector<Node*> exit_controls_;
class BytecodeGraphBuilder::Environment : public ZoneObject {
Environment(BytecodeGraphBuilder* builder, int register_count,
int parameter_count, Node* control_dependency, Node* context);
int parameter_count() const { return parameter_count_; }
int register_count() const { return register_count_; }
Node* LookupAccumulator() const;
Node* LookupRegister(interpreter::Register the_register) const;
void ExchangeRegisters(interpreter::Register reg0,
interpreter::Register reg1);
void BindAccumulator(Node* node, FrameStateBeforeAndAfter* states = nullptr);
void BindRegister(interpreter::Register the_register, Node* node,
FrameStateBeforeAndAfter* states = nullptr);
void BindRegistersToProjections(interpreter::Register first_reg, Node* node,
FrameStateBeforeAndAfter* states = nullptr);
void RecordAfterState(Node* node, FrameStateBeforeAndAfter* states);
bool IsMarkedAsUnreachable() const;
void MarkAsUnreachable();
// Effect dependency tracked by this environment.
Node* GetEffectDependency() { return effect_dependency_; }
void UpdateEffectDependency(Node* dependency) {
effect_dependency_ = dependency;
// Preserve a checkpoint of the environment for the IR graph. Any
// further mutation of the environment will not affect checkpoints.
Node* Checkpoint(BailoutId bytecode_offset, OutputFrameStateCombine combine);
// Returns true if the state values are up to date with the current
// environment.
bool StateValuesAreUpToDate(int output_poke_offset, int output_poke_count);
// Control dependency tracked by this environment.
Node* GetControlDependency() const { return control_dependency_; }
void UpdateControlDependency(Node* dependency) {
control_dependency_ = dependency;
Node* Context() const { return context_; }
void SetContext(Node* new_context) { context_ = new_context; }
Environment* CopyForConditional() const;
Environment* CopyForLoop();
void Merge(Environment* other);
explicit Environment(const Environment* copy);
void PrepareForLoop();
bool StateValuesAreUpToDate(Node** state_values, int offset, int count,
int output_poke_start, int output_poke_end);
bool StateValuesRequireUpdate(Node** state_values, int offset, int count);
void UpdateStateValues(Node** state_values, int offset, int count);
int RegisterToValuesIndex(interpreter::Register the_register) const;
Zone* zone() const { return builder_->local_zone(); }
Graph* graph() const { return builder_->graph(); }
CommonOperatorBuilder* common() const { return builder_->common(); }
BytecodeGraphBuilder* builder() const { return builder_; }
const NodeVector* values() const { return &values_; }
NodeVector* values() { return &values_; }
int register_base() const { return register_base_; }
int accumulator_base() const { return accumulator_base_; }
BytecodeGraphBuilder* builder_;
int register_count_;
int parameter_count_;
Node* context_;
Node* control_dependency_;
Node* effect_dependency_;
NodeVector values_;
Node* parameters_state_values_;
Node* registers_state_values_;
Node* accumulator_state_values_;
int register_base_;
int accumulator_base_;
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8