Fix issues with ARM/Thumb linking.

The top-level Android.bp for Tremolo specifies that it only uses ARM
instructions. These tests need to also specify ARM-only, since LLD now
enforces that the sections are correctly specified for interop between

ld.lld: error: external/tremolo/tests/test_floor0.cpp:47:(.text._ZN7android21Floor0Test_Test1_Test8TestBodyEv+0x52): branch and link relocation: R_ARM_THM_CALL to non STT_FUNC symbol: oggpack_readinit interworking not performed; consider using directive '.type oggpack_readinit, %function' to give symbol type STT_FUNC if interworking between ARM and Thumb is required
ld.lld: error: external/tremolo/tests/test_floor0.cpp:47:(.text._ZN7android21Floor0Test_Test1_Test8TestBodyEv+0x96): branch and link relocation: R_ARM_THM_CALL to non STT_FUNC symbol: oggpack_readinit interworking not performed; consider using directive '.type oggpack_readinit, %function' to give symbol type STT_FUNC if interworking between ARM and Thumb is required

Bug: http://b/155835175
Test: mm in external/tremolo
Change-Id: I23a01a6f637958ac80599cc84614eb1f15d55107
(cherry picked from commit 69f526b9bd4e513f09569348aa2bbbaa8f4fdb96)
1 file changed