blob: 1293aca2fb080a4dffa612d2096a8334e8d96ba6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// To sync with upstream:
// # Update.
// git remote add toybox
// git fetch toybox
// git merge toybox/master
// # Regenerate generated files.
// NOBUILD=1 scripts/
// # Make any necessary Android.bp changes and rebuild.
// mm -j32
// # Run tests.
// ./
// # Run a single test.
// ./ wc
// # Upload changes.
// git commit -a --amend
// git push aosp HEAD:refs/for/master # Push to gerrit for review.
// git push aosp HEAD:master # Push directly, avoiding gerrit.
// To add a toy:
// Edit .config to enable the toy you want to add.
// make clean && make # Regenerate the generated files.
// # Edit `srcs` below to add the toy.
// # If you just want to use it as "toybox x" rather than "x", you can stop now.
// # If you want this toy to have a symbolic link in /system/bin, add the toy to symlinks.
cc_defaults {
name: "toybox-defaults",
srcs: [
cflags: [
// This doesn't actually prevent us from dragging in libc++ at runtime
// because is C++.
stl: "none",
// not usable on Android?: freeramdisk fsfreeze makedevs nbd-client
// partprobe pivot_root pwdx rev rfkill vconfig
// currently prefer external/efs2progs: blkid chattr lsattr
// currently prefer external/iputils: ping ping6
target: {
android: {
symlinks: [
shared_libs: [
linux: {
shared_libs: [
// toybox for /system, /vendor, and /recovery
cc_binary {
name: "toybox",
defaults: ["toybox-defaults"],
host_supported: true,
recovery_available: true,
target: {
darwin: {
enabled: false,
cc_binary {
name: "toybox_vendor",
defaults: ["toybox-defaults"],
vendor: true,
// Running the toybox tests
sh_test {
name: "toybox-tests",
src: "",
filename: "",
test_suites: ["general-tests"],
host_supported: true,
device_supported: false,
test_config: "toybox-tests.xml",
data: [