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# - Copyright (C) 2001 Leptonica. All rights reserved.
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# *====================================================================*/
* skew.c
* Simple top-level deskew interfaces
* PIX *pixDeskew()
* PIX *pixFindSkewAndDeskew()
* Simple top-level angle-finding interface
* l_int32 pixFindSkew()
* Basic angle-finding functions with all parameters
* l_int32 pixFindSkewSweep()
* l_int32 pixFindSkewSweepAndSearch()
* l_int32 pixFindSkewSweepAndSearchScore()
* l_int32 pixFindSkewSweepAndSearchScorePivot()
* Search over arbitrary range of angles in orthogonal directions
* l_int32 pixFindSkewOrthogonalRange()
* Differential square sum function for scoring
* l_int32 pixFindDifferentialSquareSum()
* Measures of variance of row sums
* l_int32 pixFindNormalizedSquareSum()
* ==============================================================
* Page skew detection
* Skew is determined by pixel profiles, which are computed
* as pixel sums along the raster line for each line in the
* image. By vertically shearing the image by a given angle,
* the sums can be computed quickly along the raster lines
* rather than along lines at that angle. The score is
* computed from these line sums by taking the square of
* the DIFFERENCE between adjacent line sums, summed over
* all lines. The skew angle is then found as the angle
* that maximizes the score. The actual computation for
* any sheared image is done in the function
* pixFindDifferentialSquareSum().
* The search for the angle that maximizes this score is
* most efficiently performed by first sweeping coarsely
* over angles, using a significantly reduced image (say, 4x
* reduction), to find the approximate maximum within a half
* degree or so, and then doing an interval-halving binary
* search at higher resolution to get the skew angle to
* within 1/20 degree or better.
* The differential signal is used (rather than just using
* that variance of line sums) because it rejects the
* background noise due to total number of black pixels,
* and has maximum contributions from the baselines and
* x-height lines of text when the textlines are aligned
* with the raster lines. It also works well in multicolumn
* pages where the textlines do not line up across columns.
* The method is fast, accurate to within an angle (in radians)
* of approximately the inverse width in pixels of the image,
* and will work on a surprisingly small amount of text data
* (just a couple of text lines). Consequently, it can
* also be used to find local skew if the skew were to vary
* significantly over the page. Local skew determination
* is not very important except for locating lines of
* handwritten text that may be mixed with printed text.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "allheaders.h"
/* Default sweep angle parameters for pixFindSkew() */
static const l_float32 DEFAULT_SWEEP_RANGE = 5.; /* degrees */
static const l_float32 DEFAULT_SWEEP_DELTA = 1.; /* degrees */
/* Default final angle difference parameter for binary
* search in pixFindSkew(). The expected accuracy is
* not better than the inverse image width in pixels,
* say, 1/2000 radians, or about 0.03 degrees. */
static const l_float32 DEFAULT_MINBS_DELTA = 0.01; /* degrees */
/* Default scale factors for pixFindSkew() */
static const l_int32 DEFAULT_SWEEP_REDUCTION = 4; /* sweep part; 4 is good */
static const l_int32 DEFAULT_BS_REDUCTION = 2; /* binary search part */
/* Minimum angle for deskewing in pixDeskew() */
static const l_float32 MIN_DESKEW_ANGLE = 0.1; /* degree */
/* Minimum allowed confidence (ratio) for deskewing in pixDeskew() */
static const l_float32 MIN_ALLOWED_CONFIDENCE = 3.0;
/* Minimum allowed maxscore to give nonzero confidence */
static const l_int32 MIN_VALID_MAXSCORE = 10000;
/* Constant setting threshold for minimum allowed minscore
* to give nonzero confidence; multiply this constant by
* (height * width^2) */
static const l_float32 MINSCORE_THRESHOLD_CONSTANT = 0.000002;
#endif /* ~NO_CONSOLE_IO */
* Top-level interfaces *
* pixDeskew()
* Input: pixs (1 bpp)
* redsearch (for binary search: reduction factor = 1, 2 or 4)
* Return: deskewed pix, or null on error
* Notes:
* (1) This is the most simple high level interface, for 1 bpp input.
* (2) It first finds the skew angle. If the angle is large enough,
* it returns a deskewed image; otherwise, it returns a clone.
pixDeskew(PIX *pixs,
l_int32 redsearch)
if (!pixs)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
if (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 1)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 1 bpp", procName, NULL);
if (redsearch != 1 && redsearch != 2 && redsearch != 4)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("redsearch not in {1,2,4}", procName, NULL);
return pixFindSkewAndDeskew(pixs, redsearch, NULL, NULL);
* pixFindSkewAndDeskew()
* Input: pixs (1 bpp)
* redsearch (for binary search: reduction factor = 1, 2 or 4)
* &angle (<optional return> angle required to deskew,
* in degrees)
* &conf (<optional return> conf value is ratio max/min scores)
* Return: deskewed pix, or null on error
* Notes:
* (1) This first finds the skew angle. If the angle is large enough,
* it returns a deskewed image; otherwise, it returns a clone.
* (2) Use NULL for &angle and/or &conf if you don't want those values
* returned.
pixFindSkewAndDeskew(PIX *pixs,
l_int32 redsearch,
l_float32 *pangle,
l_float32 *pconf)
l_int32 ret;
l_float32 angle, conf, deg2rad;
PIX *pixd;
if (!pixs)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
if (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 1)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 1 bpp", procName, NULL);
if (redsearch != 1 && redsearch != 2 && redsearch != 4)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("redsearch not in {1,2,4}", procName, NULL);
deg2rad = 3.1415926535 / 180.;
ret = pixFindSkewSweepAndSearch(pixs, &angle, &conf,
if (pangle)
*pangle = angle;
if (pconf)
*pconf = conf;
if (ret)
return pixClone(pixs);
return pixClone(pixs);
if ((pixd = pixRotateShear(pixs, 0, 0, deg2rad * angle, L_BRING_IN_WHITE))
== NULL)
return pixClone(pixs);
return pixd;
* pixFindSkew()
* Input: pixs (1 bpp)
* &angle (<return> angle required to deskew, in degrees)
* &conf (<return> confidence value is ratio max/min scores)
* Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error or if angle measurment not valid
* Notes:
* (1) This is a simple high-level interface, that uses default
* values of the parameters for reasonable speed and accuracy.
* (2) The angle returned is the negative of the skew angle of
* the image. It is the angle required for deskew.
* Clockwise rotations are positive angles.
pixFindSkew(PIX *pixs,
l_float32 *pangle,
l_float32 *pconf)
if (!pixs)
return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined", procName, 1);
if (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 1)
return ERROR_INT("pixs not 1 bpp", procName, 1);
if (!pangle)
return ERROR_INT("&angle not defined", procName, 1);
if (!pconf)
return ERROR_INT("&conf not defined", procName, 1);
return pixFindSkewSweepAndSearch(pixs, pangle, pconf,
* Basic angle-finding functions with all parameters *
* pixFindSkewSweep()
* Input: pixs (1 bpp)
* &angle (<return> angle required to deskew, in degrees)
* reduction (factor = 1, 2, 4 or 8)
* sweeprange (half the full range; assumed about 0; in degrees)
* sweepdelta (angle increment of sweep; in degrees)
* Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error or if angle measurment not valid
* Notes:
* (1) This examines the 'score' for skew angles with equal intervals.
* (2) Caller must check the return value for validity of the result.
pixFindSkewSweep(PIX *pixs,
l_float32 *pangle,
l_int32 reduction,
l_float32 sweeprange,
l_float32 sweepdelta)
l_int32 ret, bzero, i, nangles;
l_float32 deg2rad, theta;
l_float32 sum, maxscore, maxangle;
NUMA *natheta, *nascore;
PIX *pix, *pixt;
if (!pixs)
return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined", procName, 1);
if (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 1)
return ERROR_INT("pixs not 1 bpp", procName, 1);
if (!pangle)
return ERROR_INT("&angle not defined", procName, 1);
if (reduction != 1 && reduction != 2 && reduction != 4 && reduction != 8)
return ERROR_INT("reduction must be in {1,2,4,8}", procName, 1);
*pangle = 0.0; /* init */
deg2rad = 3.1415926535 / 180.;
ret = 0;
/* Generate reduced image, if requested */
if (reduction == 1)
pix = pixClone(pixs);
else if (reduction == 2)
pix = pixReduceRankBinaryCascade(pixs, 1, 0, 0, 0);
else if (reduction == 4)
pix = pixReduceRankBinaryCascade(pixs, 1, 1, 0, 0);
else /* reduction == 8 */
pix = pixReduceRankBinaryCascade(pixs, 1, 1, 2, 0);
pixZero(pix, &bzero);
if (bzero) {
return 1;
nangles = (l_int32)((2. * sweeprange) / sweepdelta + 1);
natheta = numaCreate(nangles);
nascore = numaCreate(nangles);
pixt = pixCreateTemplate(pix);
if (!pix || !pixt) {
ret = ERROR_INT("pix and pixt not both made", procName, 1);
goto cleanup;
if (!natheta || !nascore) {
ret = ERROR_INT("natheta and nascore not both made", procName, 1);
goto cleanup;
for (i = 0; i < nangles; i++) {
theta = -sweeprange + i * sweepdelta; /* degrees */
/* Shear pix about the UL corner and put the result in pixt */
pixVShearCorner(pixt, pix, deg2rad * theta, L_BRING_IN_WHITE);
/* Get score */
pixFindDifferentialSquareSum(pixt, &sum);
L_INFO_FLOAT2("sum(%7.2f) = %7.0f", procName, theta, sum);
/* Save the result in the output arrays */
numaAddNumber(nascore, sum);
numaAddNumber(natheta, theta);
/* Find the location of the maximum (i.e., the skew angle)
* by fitting the largest data point and its two neighbors
* to a quadratic, using lagrangian interpolation. */
numaFitMax(nascore, &maxscore, natheta, &maxangle);
*pangle = maxangle;
L_INFO_FLOAT2(" From sweep: angle = %7.3f, score = %7.3f", procName,
maxangle, maxscore);
#endif /* DEBUG_PRINT_SWEEP */
/* Plot the result -- the scores versus rotation angle --
* using gnuplot with GPLOT_LINES (lines connecting data points).
* The GPLOT data structure is first created, with the
* appropriate data incorporated from the two input NUMAs,
* and then the function gplotMakeOutput() uses gnuplot to
* generate the output plot. This can be either a .png file
* or a .ps file, depending on whether you use GPLOT_PNG
* or GPLOT_PS. */
{GPLOT *gplot;
gplot = gplotCreate("sweep_output", GPLOT_PNG,
"Sweep. Variance of difference of ON pixels vs. angle",
"angle (deg)", "score");
gplotAddPlot(gplot, natheta, nascore, GPLOT_LINES, "plot1");
gplotAddPlot(gplot, natheta, nascore, GPLOT_POINTS, "plot2");
#endif /* DEBUG_PLOT_SCORES */
return 0;
* pixFindSkewSweepAndSearch()
* Input: pixs (1 bpp)
* &angle (<return> angle required to deskew; in degrees)
* &conf (<return> confidence given by ratio of max/min score)
* redsweep (sweep reduction factor = 1, 2, 4 or 8)
* redsearch (binary search reduction factor = 1, 2, 4 or 8;
* and must not exceed redsweep)
* sweeprange (half the full range, assumed about 0; in degrees)
* sweepdelta (angle increment of sweep; in degrees)
* minbsdelta (min binary search increment angle; in degrees)
* Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error or if angle measurment not valid
* Notes:
* (1) This finds the skew angle, doing first a sweep through a set
* of equal angles, and then doing a binary search until
* convergence.
* (2) Caller must check the return value for validity of the result.
* (3) In computing the differential line sum variance score, we sum
* the result over scanlines, but we always skip:
* - at least one scanline
* - not more than 10% of the image height
* - not more than 5% of the image width
* (4) See also notes in pixFindSkewSweepAndSearchScore()
pixFindSkewSweepAndSearch(PIX *pixs,
l_float32 *pangle,
l_float32 *pconf,
l_int32 redsweep,
l_int32 redsearch,
l_float32 sweeprange,
l_float32 sweepdelta,
l_float32 minbsdelta)
return pixFindSkewSweepAndSearchScore(pixs, pangle, pconf, NULL,
redsweep, redsearch, 0.0, sweeprange,
sweepdelta, minbsdelta);
* pixFindSkewSweepAndSearchScore()
* Input: pixs (1 bpp)
* &angle (<return> angle required to deskew; in degrees)
* &conf (<return> confidence given by ratio of max/min score)
* &endscore (<optional return> max score; use NULL to ignore)
* redsweep (sweep reduction factor = 1, 2, 4 or 8)
* redsearch (binary search reduction factor = 1, 2, 4 or 8;
* and must not exceed redsweep)
* sweepcenter (angle about which sweep is performed; in degrees)
* sweeprange (half the full range, taken about sweepcenter;
* in degrees)
* sweepdelta (angle increment of sweep; in degrees)
* minbsdelta (min binary search increment angle; in degrees)
* Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error or if angle measurment not valid
* Notes:
* (1) This finds the skew angle, doing first a sweep through a set
* of equal angles, and then doing a binary search until convergence.
* (2) There are two built-in constants that determine if the
* returned confidence is nonzero:
* - MIN_VALID_MAXSCORE (minimum allowed maxscore)
* - MINSCORE_THRESHOLD_CONSTANT (determines minimum allowed
* minscore, by multiplying by (height * width^2)
* If either of these conditions is not satisfied, the returned
* confidence value will be zero. The maxscore is optionally
* returned in this function to allow evaluation of the
* resulting angle by a method that is independent of the
* returned confidence value.
* (3) The larger the confidence value, the greater the probability
* that the proper alignment is given by the angle that maximizes
* variance. It should be compared to a threshold, which depends
* on the application. Values between 3.0 and 6.0 are common.
* (4) By default, the shear is about the UL corner.
pixFindSkewSweepAndSearchScore(PIX *pixs,
l_float32 *pangle,
l_float32 *pconf,
l_float32 *pendscore,
l_int32 redsweep,
l_int32 redsearch,
l_float32 sweepcenter,
l_float32 sweeprange,
l_float32 sweepdelta,
l_float32 minbsdelta)
return pixFindSkewSweepAndSearchScorePivot(pixs, pangle, pconf, pendscore,
redsweep, redsearch, 0.0,
sweeprange, sweepdelta,
* pixFindSkewSweepAndSearchScorePivot()
* Input: pixs (1 bpp)
* &angle (<return> angle required to deskew; in degrees)
* &conf (<return> confidence given by ratio of max/min score)
* &endscore (<optional return> max score; use NULL to ignore)
* redsweep (sweep reduction factor = 1, 2, 4 or 8)
* redsearch (binary search reduction factor = 1, 2, 4 or 8;
* and must not exceed redsweep)
* sweepcenter (angle about which sweep is performed; in degrees)
* sweeprange (half the full range, taken about sweepcenter;
* in degrees)
* sweepdelta (angle increment of sweep; in degrees)
* minbsdelta (min binary search increment angle; in degrees)
* Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error or if angle measurment not valid
* Notes:
* (1) See notes in pixFindSkewSweepAndSearchScore().
* (2) This allows choice of shear pivoting from either the UL corner
* or the center. For small angles, the ability to discriminate
* angles is better with shearing from the UL corner. However,
* for large angles (say, greater than 20 degrees), it is better
* to shear about the center because a shear from the UL corner
* loses too much of the image.
pixFindSkewSweepAndSearchScorePivot(PIX *pixs,
l_float32 *pangle,
l_float32 *pconf,
l_float32 *pendscore,
l_int32 redsweep,
l_int32 redsearch,
l_float32 sweepcenter,
l_float32 sweeprange,
l_float32 sweepdelta,
l_float32 minbsdelta,
l_int32 pivot)
l_int32 ret, bzero, i, nangles, n, ratio, maxindex, minloc;
l_int32 width, height;
l_float32 deg2rad, theta, delta;
l_float32 sum, maxscore, maxangle;
l_float32 centerangle, leftcenterangle, rightcenterangle;
l_float32 lefttemp, righttemp;
l_float32 bsearchscore[5];
l_float32 minscore, minthresh;
l_float32 rangeleft;
NUMA *natheta, *nascore;
PIX *pixsw, *pixsch, *pixt1, *pixt2;
if (!pixs)
return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined", procName, 1);
if (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 1)
return ERROR_INT("pixs not 1 bpp", procName, 1);
if (!pangle)
return ERROR_INT("&angle not defined", procName, 1);
if (!pconf)
return ERROR_INT("&conf not defined", procName, 1);
if (redsweep != 1 && redsweep != 2 && redsweep != 4 && redsweep != 8)
return ERROR_INT("redsweep must be in {1,2,4,8}", procName, 1);
if (redsearch != 1 && redsearch != 2 && redsearch != 4 && redsearch != 8)
return ERROR_INT("redsearch must be in {1,2,4,8}", procName, 1);
if (redsearch > redsweep)
return ERROR_INT("redsearch must not exceed redsweep", procName, 1);
return ERROR_INT("invalid pivot", procName, 1);
*pangle = 0.0;
*pconf = 0.0;
deg2rad = 3.1415926535 / 180.;
ret = 0;
/* Generate reduced image for binary search, if requested */
if (redsearch == 1)
pixsch = pixClone(pixs);
else if (redsearch == 2)
pixsch = pixReduceRankBinaryCascade(pixs, 1, 0, 0, 0);
else if (redsearch == 4)
pixsch = pixReduceRankBinaryCascade(pixs, 1, 1, 0, 0);
else /* redsearch == 8 */
pixsch = pixReduceRankBinaryCascade(pixs, 1, 1, 2, 0);
pixZero(pixsch, &bzero);
if (bzero) {
return 1;
/* Generate reduced image for sweep, if requested */
ratio = redsweep / redsearch;
if (ratio == 1)
pixsw = pixClone(pixsch);
else { /* ratio > 1 */
if (ratio == 2)
pixsw = pixReduceRankBinaryCascade(pixsch, 1, 0, 0, 0);
else if (ratio == 4)
pixsw = pixReduceRankBinaryCascade(pixsch, 1, 2, 0, 0);
else /* ratio == 8 */
pixsw = pixReduceRankBinaryCascade(pixsch, 1, 2, 2, 0);
pixt1 = pixCreateTemplate(pixsw);
if (ratio == 1)
pixt2 = pixClone(pixt1);
pixt2 = pixCreateTemplate(pixsch);
nangles = (l_int32)((2. * sweeprange) / sweepdelta + 1);
natheta = numaCreate(nangles);
nascore = numaCreate(nangles);
if (!pixsch || !pixsw) {
ret = ERROR_INT("pixsch and pixsw not both made", procName, 1);
goto cleanup;
if (!pixt1 || !pixt2) {
ret = ERROR_INT("pixt1 and pixt2 not both made", procName, 1);
goto cleanup;
if (!natheta || !nascore) {
ret = ERROR_INT("natheta and nascore not both made", procName, 1);
goto cleanup;
/* Do sweep */
rangeleft = sweepcenter - sweeprange;
for (i = 0; i < nangles; i++) {
theta = rangeleft + i * sweepdelta; /* degrees */
/* Shear pix and put the result in pixt1 */
if (pivot == L_SHEAR_ABOUT_CORNER)
pixVShearCorner(pixt1, pixsw, deg2rad * theta, L_BRING_IN_WHITE);
pixVShearCenter(pixt1, pixsw, deg2rad * theta, L_BRING_IN_WHITE);
/* Get score */
pixFindDifferentialSquareSum(pixt1, &sum);
L_INFO_FLOAT2("sum(%7.2f) = %7.0f", procName, theta, sum);
/* Save the result in the output arrays */
numaAddNumber(nascore, sum);
numaAddNumber(natheta, theta);
/* Find the largest of the set (maxscore at maxangle) */
numaGetMax(nascore, &maxscore, &maxindex);
numaGetFValue(natheta, maxindex, &maxangle);
L_INFO_FLOAT2(" From sweep: angle = %7.3f, score = %7.3f", procName,
maxangle, maxscore);
#endif /* DEBUG_PRINT_SWEEP */
/* Plot the sweep result -- the scores versus rotation angle --
* using gnuplot with GPLOT_LINES (lines connecting data points). */
{GPLOT *gplot;
gplot = gplotCreate("sweep_output", GPLOT_PNG,
"Sweep. Variance of difference of ON pixels vs. angle",
"angle (deg)", "score");
gplotAddPlot(gplot, natheta, nascore, GPLOT_LINES, "plot1");
gplotAddPlot(gplot, natheta, nascore, GPLOT_POINTS, "plot2");
#endif /* DEBUG_PLOT_SCORES */
/* Check if the max is at the end of the sweep. */
n = numaGetCount(natheta);
if (maxindex == 0 || maxindex == n - 1) {
L_WARNING("max found at sweep edge", procName);
goto cleanup;
/* Empty the numas for re-use */
/* Do binary search to find skew angle.
* First, set up initial three points. */
centerangle = maxangle;
if (pivot == L_SHEAR_ABOUT_CORNER) {
pixVShearCorner(pixt2, pixsch, deg2rad * centerangle, L_BRING_IN_WHITE);
pixFindDifferentialSquareSum(pixt2, &bsearchscore[2]);
pixVShearCorner(pixt2, pixsch, deg2rad * (centerangle - sweepdelta),
pixFindDifferentialSquareSum(pixt2, &bsearchscore[0]);
pixVShearCorner(pixt2, pixsch, deg2rad * (centerangle + sweepdelta),
pixFindDifferentialSquareSum(pixt2, &bsearchscore[4]);
else {
pixVShearCenter(pixt2, pixsch, deg2rad * centerangle, L_BRING_IN_WHITE);
pixFindDifferentialSquareSum(pixt2, &bsearchscore[2]);
pixVShearCenter(pixt2, pixsch, deg2rad * (centerangle - sweepdelta),
pixFindDifferentialSquareSum(pixt2, &bsearchscore[0]);
pixVShearCenter(pixt2, pixsch, deg2rad * (centerangle + sweepdelta),
pixFindDifferentialSquareSum(pixt2, &bsearchscore[4]);
numaAddNumber(nascore, bsearchscore[2]);
numaAddNumber(natheta, centerangle);
numaAddNumber(nascore, bsearchscore[0]);
numaAddNumber(natheta, centerangle - sweepdelta);
numaAddNumber(nascore, bsearchscore[4]);
numaAddNumber(natheta, centerangle + sweepdelta);
/* Start the search */
delta = 0.5 * sweepdelta;
while (delta >= minbsdelta)
/* Get the left intermediate score */
leftcenterangle = centerangle - delta;
if (pivot == L_SHEAR_ABOUT_CORNER)
pixVShearCorner(pixt2, pixsch, deg2rad * leftcenterangle,
pixVShearCenter(pixt2, pixsch, deg2rad * leftcenterangle,
pixFindDifferentialSquareSum(pixt2, &bsearchscore[1]);
numaAddNumber(nascore, bsearchscore[1]);
numaAddNumber(natheta, leftcenterangle);
/* Get the right intermediate score */
rightcenterangle = centerangle + delta;
if (pivot == L_SHEAR_ABOUT_CORNER)
pixVShearCorner(pixt2, pixsch, deg2rad * rightcenterangle,
pixVShearCenter(pixt2, pixsch, deg2rad * rightcenterangle,
pixFindDifferentialSquareSum(pixt2, &bsearchscore[3]);
numaAddNumber(nascore, bsearchscore[3]);
numaAddNumber(natheta, rightcenterangle);
/* Find the maximum of the five scores and its location.
* Note that the maximum must be in the center
* three values, not in the end two. */
maxscore = bsearchscore[1];
maxindex = 1;
for (i = 2; i < 4; i++) {
if (bsearchscore[i] > maxscore) {
maxscore = bsearchscore[i];
maxindex = i;
/* Set up score array to interpolate for the next iteration */
lefttemp = bsearchscore[maxindex - 1];
righttemp = bsearchscore[maxindex + 1];
bsearchscore[2] = maxscore;
bsearchscore[0] = lefttemp;
bsearchscore[4] = righttemp;
/* Get new center angle and delta for next iteration */
centerangle = centerangle + delta * (maxindex - 2);
delta = 0.5 * delta;
*pangle = centerangle;
L_INFO_FLOAT(" Binary search score = %7.3f", procName, bsearchscore[2]);
if (pendscore) /* save if requested */
*pendscore = bsearchscore[2];
/* Return the ratio of Max score over Min score
* as a confidence value. Don't trust if the Min score
* is too small, which can happen if the image is all black
* with only a few white pixels interspersed. In that case,
* we get a contribution from the top and bottom edges when
* vertically sheared, but this contribution becomes zero when
* the shear angle is zero. For zero shear angle, the only
* contribution will be from the white pixels. We expect that
* the signal goes as the product of the (height * width^2),
* so we compute a (hopefully) normalized minimum threshold as
* a function of these dimensions. */
numaGetMin(nascore, &minscore, &minloc);
width = pixGetWidth(pixsch);
height = pixGetHeight(pixsch);
minthresh = MINSCORE_THRESHOLD_CONSTANT * width * width * height;
L_INFO_FLOAT2(" minthresh = %10.2f, minscore = %10.2f", procName,
minthresh, minscore);
L_INFO_FLOAT(" maxscore = %10.2f", procName, maxscore);
#endif /* DEBUG_THRESHOLD */
if (minscore > minthresh)
*pconf = maxscore / minscore;
*pconf = 0.0;
/* Don't trust it if too close to the edge of the sweep
* range or if maxscore is small */
if ((centerangle > rangeleft + 2 * sweeprange - sweepdelta) ||
(centerangle < rangeleft + sweepdelta) ||
(maxscore < MIN_VALID_MAXSCORE))
*pconf = 0.0;
fprintf(stderr, "Binary search: angle = %7.3f, score ratio = %6.2f\n",
*pangle, *pconf);
fprintf(stderr, " max score = %8.0f\n", maxscore);
/* Plot the result -- the scores versus rotation angle --
* using gnuplot with GPLOT_POINTS. Because the data
* points are not ordered by theta (increasing or decreasing),
* using GPLOT_LINES would be confusing! */
{GPLOT *gplot;
gplot = gplotCreate("search_output", GPLOT_PNG,
"Binary search. Variance of difference of ON pixels vs. angle",
"angle (deg)", "score");
gplotAddPlot(gplot, natheta, nascore, GPLOT_POINTS, "plot1");
#endif /* DEBUG_PLOT_SCORES */
return ret;
* Search over arbitrary range of angles in orthogonal directions *
* pixFindSkewOrthogonalRange()
* Input: pixs (1 bpp)
* &angle (<return> angle required to deskew; in degrees cw)
* &conf (<return> confidence given by ratio of max/min score)
* redsweep (sweep reduction factor = 1, 2, 4 or 8)
* redsearch (binary search reduction factor = 1, 2, 4 or 8;
* and must not exceed redsweep)
* sweeprange (half the full range in each orthogonal
* direction, taken about 0, in degrees)
* sweepdelta (angle increment of sweep; in degrees)
* minbsdelta (min binary search increment angle; in degrees)
* confprior (amount by which confidence of 90 degree rotated
* result is reduced when comparing with unrotated
* confidence value)
* Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error or if angle measurment not valid
* Notes:
* (1) This searches for the skew angle, first in the range
* [-sweeprange, sweeprange], and then in
* [90 - sweeprange, 90 + sweeprange], with angles measured
* clockwise. For exploring the full range of possibilities,
* suggest using sweeprange = 47.0 degrees, giving some overlap
* at 45 and 135 degrees. From these results, and discounting
* the the second confidence by @confprior, it selects the
* angle for maximal differential variance. If the angle
* is larger than pi/4, the angle found after 90 degree rotation
* is selected.
* (2) The larger the confidence value, the greater the probability
* that the proper alignment is given by the angle that maximizes
* variance. It should be compared to a threshold, which depends
* on the application. Values between 3.0 and 6.0 are common.
* (3) Allowing for both portrait and landscape searches is more
* difficult, because if the signal from the text lines is weak,
* a signal from vertical rules can be larger!
* The most difficult documents to deskew have some or all of:
* (a) Multiple columns, not aligned
* (b) Black lines along the vertical edges
* (c) Text from two pages, and at different angles
* Rule of thumb for resolution:
* (a) If the margins are clean, you can work at 75 ppi,
* although 100 ppi is safer.
* (b) If there are vertical lines in the margins, do not
* work below 150 ppi. The signal from the text lines must
* exceed that from the margin lines.
* (4) Choosing the @confprior parameter depends on knowing something
* about the source of image. However, we're not using
* real probabilities here, so its use is qualitative.
* If landscape and portrait are equally likely, use
* @confprior = 0.0. If the likelihood of portrait (non-rotated)
* is 100 times higher than that of landscape, we want to reduce
* the chance that we rotate to landscape in a situation where
* the landscape signal is accidentally larger than the
* portrait signal. To do this use a positive value of
* @confprior; say 1.5.
pixFindSkewOrthogonalRange(PIX *pixs,
l_float32 *pangle,
l_float32 *pconf,
l_int32 redsweep,
l_int32 redsearch,
l_float32 sweeprange,
l_float32 sweepdelta,
l_float32 minbsdelta,
l_float32 confprior)
l_float32 angle1, conf1, score1, angle2, conf2, score2;
PIX *pixr;
if (!pangle || !pconf)
return ERROR_INT("&angle and &conf not both defined", procName, 1);
*pangle = *pconf = 0.0;
if (!pixs || pixGetDepth(pixs) != 1)
return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined or not 1 bpp", procName, 1);
pixFindSkewSweepAndSearchScorePivot(pixs, &angle1, &conf1, &score1,
redsweep, redsearch, 0.0,
sweeprange, sweepdelta, minbsdelta,
pixr = pixRotateOrth(pixs, 1);
pixFindSkewSweepAndSearchScorePivot(pixr, &angle2, &conf2, &score2,
redsweep, redsearch, 0.0,
sweeprange, sweepdelta, minbsdelta,
if (conf1 > conf2 - confprior) {
*pangle = angle1;
*pconf = conf1;
} else {
*pangle = -90.0 + angle2;
*pconf = conf2;
fprintf(stderr, " About 0: angle1 = %7.3f, conf1 = %7.3f, score1 = %f\n",
angle1, conf1, score1);
fprintf(stderr, " About 90: angle2 = %7.3f, conf2 = %7.3f, score2 = %f\n",
angle2, conf2, score2);
fprintf(stderr, " Final: angle = %7.3f, conf = %7.3f\n", *pangle, *pconf);
#endif /* DEBUG_PRINT_ORTH */
return 0;
* Differential square sum function *
* pixFindDifferentialSquareSum()
* Input: pixs
* &sum (<return> result)
* Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
* Notes:
* (1) At the top and bottom, we skip:
* - at least one scanline
* - not more than 10% of the image height
* - not more than 5% of the image width
pixFindDifferentialSquareSum(PIX *pixs,
l_float32 *psum)
l_int32 i, n;
l_int32 w, h, skiph, skip, nskip;
l_float32 val1, val2, diff, sum;
NUMA *na;
if (!pixs)
return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined", procName, 1);
/* Generate a number array consisting of the sum
* of pixels in each row of pixs */
if ((na = pixCountPixelsByRow(pixs, NULL)) == NULL)
return ERROR_INT("na not made", procName, 1);
/* Compute the number of rows at top and bottom to omit.
* We omit these to avoid getting a spurious signal from
* the top and bottom of a (nearly) all black image. */
w = pixGetWidth(pixs);
h = pixGetHeight(pixs);
skiph = (l_int32)(0.05 * w); /* skip for max shear of 0.025 radians */
skip = L_MIN(h / 10, skiph); /* don't remove more than 10% of image */
nskip = L_MAX(skip / 2, 1); /* at top & bot; skip at least one line */
/* Sum the squares of differential row sums, on the
* allowed rows. Note that nskip must be >= 1. */
n = numaGetCount(na);
sum = 0.0;
for (i = nskip; i < n - nskip; i++) {
numaGetFValue(na, i - 1, &val1);
numaGetFValue(na, i, &val2);
diff = val2 - val1;
sum += diff * diff;
*psum = sum;
return 0;
* Normalized square sum *
* pixFindNormalizedSquareSum()
* Input: pixs
* &hratio (<optional return> ratio of normalized horiz square sum
* to result if the pixel distribution were uniform)
* &vratio (<optional return> ratio of normalized vert square sum
* to result if the pixel distribution were uniform)
* &fract (<optional return> ratio of fg pixels to total pixels)
* Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error or if there are no fg pixels
* Notes:
* (1) Let the image have h scanlines and N fg pixels.
* If the pixels were uniformly distributed on scanlines,
* the sum of squares of fg pixels on each scanline would be
* h * (N / h)^2. However, if the pixels are not uniformly
* distributed (e.g., for text), the sum of squares of fg
* pixels will be larger. We return in hratio and vratio the
* ratio of these two values.
* (2) If there are no fg pixels, hratio and vratio are returned as 0.0.
pixFindNormalizedSquareSum(PIX *pixs,
l_float32 *phratio,
l_float32 *pvratio,
l_float32 *pfract)
l_int32 i, w, h, empty;
l_float32 sum, sumsq, uniform, val;
NUMA *na;
PIX *pixt;
if (!pixs || pixGetDepth(pixs) != 1)
return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined or not 1 bpp", procName, 1);
pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, NULL);
if (!phratio && !pvratio)
return ERROR_INT("nothing to do", procName, 1);
if (phratio) *phratio = 0.0;
if (pvratio) *pvratio = 0.0;
empty = 0;
if (phratio) {
na = pixCountPixelsByRow(pixs, NULL);
numaGetSum(na, &sum); /* fg pixels */
if (pfract) *pfract = sum / (l_float32)(w * h);
if (sum != 0.0) {
uniform = sum * sum / h; /* h*(sum / h)^2 */
sumsq = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
numaGetFValue(na, i, &val);
sumsq += val * val;
*phratio = sumsq / uniform;
empty = 1;
if (pvratio) {
if (empty == 1) return 1;
pixt = pixRotateOrth(pixs, 1);
na = pixCountPixelsByRow(pixt, NULL);
numaGetSum(na, &sum);
if (pfract) *pfract = sum / (l_float32)(w * h);
if (sum != 0.0) {
uniform = sum * sum / w;
sumsq = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < w; i++) {
numaGetFValue(na, i, &val);
sumsq += val * val;
*pvratio = sumsq / uniform;
empty = 1;
return empty;