blob: 8ea48eac72f1538d90b53c2c5ae0447be9685511 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
// All Rights Reserved.
// Author: <> (Marius Renn)
// This file contains the TextAreas class, which is used to store information
// on where and what text is located within an image. It can read and write
// "dat" files, which are outputted by the Osmium text detector, and by the
// ground-truthing QA system.
// TextAreas are used as the common datastructure for passing information
// of detected of ground-truthed text on an image, and provide functionality
// for reporting the accuracy of detected text areas and given ground-truth.
#include "array.h"
#include "box.h"
#include "clusterer.h"
namespace helium {
// The TextAreas class combines bounding boxes and associated text. It contains
// two member Arrays, one for each. As it is not always possible to specify
// text with the boxes, it is possible to add boxes only. However it is never
// allowed to mix adding only a box, and adding box with text. In other words:
// Either the Box Array is of the same size as the text Array, or the size
// of the text Array is zero.
class TextAreas {
// Any box given to constructor whose size is smaller will be ignored.
static const int kMinAreaWidth;
static const int kMinAreaHeight;
static const int kMissingConf;
// Constructor for a TextAreas object with no boxes or text.
// Deep copy to duplicate text strings.
explicit TextAreas(const TextAreas& areas);
// Constructor for a TextAreas object, with the specified Array of Boxes.
// Note that you may not add any areas with text information after using
// this constructor!
explicit TextAreas(const Array<Box>& boxes);
// Constructor for a TextAreas object, with the specified boxes and the
// text for each of these boxes. Both Arrays must be of the same size.
// Note: This function allocates memory for a new copy of each text string
// and is freed later in the destructor.
TextAreas(const Array<Box>& boxes, const Array<const char*>& text);
TextAreas(const Array<Box>& boxes, const Array<const char*>& text,
const Array<int>& confs);
// Constructor for creating a TextAreas object from the given ClusterArray.
// Note, that since Clusters do not provide any textual information, you
// may not add any areas with text information after using this
// constructor!
explicit TextAreas(const ClusterArray& clusters);
// Destructor that calls Clear() first to delete memory allocated in text_
// that would otherwise not be freed by the destructor of Array<const char*>
~TextAreas() {
// Determines if the given box can be a valid text area based on size.
bool IsValidArea(const Box& box_area);
// Clears the box and text Array, and deallocates the contained strings.
void Clear();
// Clears current object and makes a copy of the given input. New memory
// is allocated for the text strings so they can be destroyed independently.
void Copy(const TextAreas& areas);
// Read a dat file at the given path, that contains box and text
// information. The file must be ASCII, and each line must be in the
// following format:
// "<text>" <left> <right> <top> <bottom> [conf]
// Returns true if the file was found and could be parsed.
// If there is an area confidence in the file, and the value is smaller
// than conf_thresh, the area is ignored.
bool ReadDatFile(const char* path, int conf_thresh);
bool ReadDatFile(const char* path) {
return ReadDatFile(path, 0);
// Writes the text areas to the file at the given path. The file will be
// in ASCII, and for each area a line of the following format is written:
// "<text>" <left> <right> <top> <bottom>
// where <text> is empty if there is no text information for the areas.
// Returns true if the write was successful.
bool WriteDatFile(const char* path) const;
// Accessor to the Array of boxes.
inline const Array<Box>& boxes() const {
return boxes_;
// Accessor to the Array of text.
inline const Array<const char*>& text() const {
return text_;
inline const Array<int>& conf() const {
return conf_;
// Returns the number of boxes.
inline unsigned Size() const {
return boxes_.size();
// Add a box and the associated text to the TextAreas object. This method
// may only be called if the already added box information was supplied
// with text as well (no mixed adding allowed).
// Note: This function allocates memory for a new copy of the text string
// and is freed later in the destructor.
void AddArea(const Box& bounds, const char* text) {
AddArea(bounds, text, kMissingConf);
void AddArea(const Box& bounds, const char* text, const int conf);
// This method scales the text boxes by a given factor. This is used when
// scaling the input image and reading associated ground-truth data.
void ScaleBoxes(float scale);
// This method, used for reporting, specifies how much of the ground-truth
// box area is covered by the detected area (prescision), and how much of
// the detected area overlaps with the ground-truth area (recall).
void BoxCoverage(const TextAreas& groundtruth,
float& precision,
float& recall) const;
// This method, used for reporting, specifies how many of the ground-
// truth boxes were detected. A 'hit' is when a ground truthed box overlaps
// with a detected box. A 'miss' is when a ground truthed box does not
// overlap with a detected box. A 'false-positive' is when a detected box
// does not overlap with a ground truthed box.
void BoxHits(const TextAreas& groundtruth,
unsigned& hits,
unsigned& misses,
unsigned& false_positives) const;
// This method, used for reporting, specifies how many words of text were
// detected. A 'hit' is when a ground truthed word was found in the
// detected text. A 'miss' is when a ground truthed word was not found in
// the detected text. A 'false positive' is when a detected word was not
// found in the ground truth.
void TextHits(const TextAreas& groundtruth,
unsigned& hits,
unsigned& misses,
unsigned& false_positives) const;
// Helper method that returns true, if the given Box overlaps with any of
// the Boxes in the specified Array.
static bool IntersectsWith(const Box& box, const Array<Box>& box_list);
Array<Box> boxes_;
Array<const char*> text_;
Array<int> conf_;
} // namespace