blob: 6d79b536658f34245d7442ba2897ecb05e6b859d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
// All Rights Reserved.
// Author: <> (Marius Renn)
// This file contains the Stack class, which is used to provide a more
// stack-like interface to Arrays. This is mainly used by Tracers to store
// alternate routes.
#ifndef HELIUM_STACK_H__
#define HELIUM_STACK_H__
#include "array.h"
namespace helium {
// The Stack class simply provides a different interface to an Array, that more
// resembles stack functionality.
template<typename T>
class Stack {
Stack() : values_(4) {
// Clears the Stack.
inline void Clear() {
// Push an element onto the Stack.
inline void Push(T loc) {
// Pop an element off of the top of the Stack.
inline T Pop() {
T value = values_.ValueAt(values_.size() - 1);
return value;
// Return the top element on the Stack.
inline const T& Top() const {
return values_.ValueAt(values_.size() - 1);
// Returns true if there is no element on the Stack.
inline bool Empty() const {
return (values_.size() == 0);
// Returns the size of the Stack.
inline unsigned Size() const {
return values_.size();
// Returns the amount of memory the Stack uses in bytes. This is good for
// debugging.
inline unsigned MemoryUsage() const {
return values_.MemoryUsage();
Array<T> values_;
// Disallow copying
Stack(const Stack&);
void operator=(const Stack&);
} // namespace
#endif // HELIUM_STACK_H__