blob: 306483a52f17d27df2d9a9aff98d74d574e8b06f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
// All Rights Reserved.
// Author: <> (Marius Renn)
// This file contains the ClusterValidator class, that is used to assert
// whether proposed Shapes, neighbors and Clusters qualify as valid Clusters.
// The idea is that for each class of objects, such as text or bar-codes, a
// separate validator is used, that analyzes a given Cluster for the
// likelihood of belonging to the class it is testing for. On the Shape level
// this can be as simple as looking at the Shape's type. On a pair or
// Cluster level however, more sophisticated measures are required to validate
// the proposed relation.
namespace helium {
class Shape;
// ClusterValidator subclasses must implement three methods to assert the
// validity of a potential cluster.
class ClusterValidator {
// Destructor.
virtual ~ClusterValidator() {}
// Validate that the given Shape is a potential member of a cluster.
virtual bool ValidateShape(const Shape& shape) = 0;
// Validate that the two given Shapes are potential neighbors in a cluster.
virtual bool ValidatePair(const Shape& left, const Shape& right) = 0;
// Validate that the Cluster starting with the given Shape, is a valid
// Cluster. This method may alter the Cluster, if it detects clustering
// errors. Return a pointer to the first Shape (which may have changed
// during error correction), or NULL if the Cluster is considered invalid.
virtual Shape* ValidateClusterStartingAt(Shape& shape) = 0;
} // namespace