TensorFlow Lite & TensorFlow Compatibility Guide

TensorFlow Lite supports a number of TensorFlow operations used in common inference models. As they are processed by the TensorFlow Lite Optimizing Converter, those operations may be elided or fused, before the supported operations are mapped to their TensorFlow Lite counterparts.

Since the set of TensorFlow Lite operations is smaller than TensorFlow's, not every model is convertible. Even for supported operations, very specific usage patterns are sometimes expected, for performance reasons. We expect to expand the set of supported operations in future TensorFlow Lite releases.

The best way to understand how to build a TensorFlow model that can be used with TensorFlow Lite is to carefully consider how operations are converted and optimized, along with the limitations imposed by this process.

Supported Types

Most TensorFlow Lite operations target both floating-point (float32) and quantized (uint8) inference, but usually there is little or no support for other types like tf.float16 and strings.

Apart from using different version of the operations, the other difference between floating-point and quantized models lies in the way they are converted. Quantized conversion expect the models to be annotated with “fake quantization” nodes that record the dynamic range of the tensors. Without that information TF Lite is not able to accurately quantize a model, which means that proper quantized training is necessary before conversion.

Data Format and Broadcasting

At the moment TensorFlow Lite supports only TensorFlow's “NHWC” format, and broadcasting is only support in a limited number of ops (tf.add, tf.mul, tf.sub, and tf.div).

Compatible Operations

The following TensorFlow operations are usually mapped to their TensorFlow Lite counterparts:

Straightforward Conversions, Constant-Folding and Fusing

A number of TensorFlow operations can be processed by TensorFlow Lite even though they have no direct equivalent. This is the case for operations that can be simply removed from the graph (tf.identity), replaced by tensors (tf.placeholder), or fused into more complex operations (tf.nn.bias_add). Even some supported operations may sometimes be removed through one of these processes.

Here is a list of TensorFlow operations that are usually removed from the graph:

Note that many of those operations don‘t have TensorFlow Lite equivalents and the corresponding model will not be convertible if they can’t be elided or fused.

Unsupported Operations

TensorFlow operation not listed above are likely unsupported. Notably, the following common ops are not supported at the moment:

TensorFlow Lite Operations

The following TensorFlow Lite operations are fully supported and used in place of the TensorFlow operations listed above:


Inputs {
  0: a tensor
  1: a tensor
Outputs {
  0: elementwise sum of the input tensors
Options {
  fused_activation_function:  NONE|RELU|RELU6


Inputs {
  0: a tensor
Outputs {
  0: a tensor where each entry is the mean of the input values in the
     corresponding window.
Options {
  fused_activation_function:  NONE|RELU|RELU6
  padding: SAME|VALID
  stride_w,stride_h: stride of the sliding window
  filter_width,filter_height: size of the sliding window


Inputs {
  0: 4D tensor
  1: 1D tensor
  2: 2D tensor
Outputs {
  0: tensor rearranged using block_shape. See tf.batch_to_space_nd for


Inputs {
  0-N: any number of tensors
Outputs {
  0: concatenation of the input tensors along the given axis.
Options {
  fused_activation_function:  NONE|RELU|RELU6
  axis: dimension along which the concatenation is performed


Inputs {
  0: 4D tensor
  1: filter
  2: bias (optional)
Outputs {
  0: result of 2D convolution of the input tensor
Options {
  fused_activation_function:  NONE|RELU|RELU6
  padding: SAME|VALID
  stride_w,stride_h: stride of the filter window


Inputs {
  0: output_shape
  1: filter
  2: 4D tensor
Outputs {
  0: the transpose (gradient) of conv2d
Options {
  padding: SAME|VALID
  stride_w,stride_h: stride of the filter window


Inputs {
  0: 4D tensor
  1: filter
  2: bias (optional)
Outputs {
  0: result of a depthwise-2D convolution of the input tensor
Options {
  fused_activation_function:  NONE|RELU|RELU6
  padding: SAME|VALID
  stride_w,stride_h: stride of the filter window
  depth_multiplier: relation between the last dimension of the input and output


Inputs {
  0: a tensor
  1: a tensor
Outputs {
  0: a tensor of type bool, true whenever an element of the first tensor is
  equal to the corresponding element of the second tensor.


Inputs {
  0: tensor
Outputs {
  0: result of computing element-wise exponential of the input tensor


inputs {
  0: tensor
outputs: {
  0: result of computing element-wise floor of the input tensor


Inputs {
  0: 4D tensor
  1: filter
  2: bias (optional)
Outputs {
  0: output of a fully (densely) connected layer, which connects all
     elements in the input tensor with each element in this tensor.
Options {
  fused_activation_function:  NONE|RELU|RELU6


Inputs {
  0: params tensor
  1: indices tensor
  2: axis tensor (optional)
Outputs {
  0: a tensor with same type as the params tensor.


Inputs {
  0: a tensor
  1: a tensor
Outputs {
  0: a tensor of type bool, true whenever an element of the first tensor is
  greater than the corresponding element of the second tensor.


Inputs {
  0: a tensor
  1: a tensor
Outputs {
  0: a tensor of type bool, true whenever an element of the first tensor is
  greater than or equal to the corresponding element of the second tensor.


Inputs {
  0: input tensor
Outputs {
  0: normalized tensor (along the last dimension)
Options {
  fused_activation_function:  NONE|RELU|RELU6


Inputs {
  0: a tensor
Outputs {
  0: a tensor equivalent to tf.sqrt(tf.nn.ave_pool(tf.square(input))
Options {
  fused_activation_function:  NONE|RELU|RELU6
  padding: SAME|VALID
  stride_w,stride_h: stride of the sliding window
  filter_width,filter_height: size of the sliding window


Inputs {
  0: a tensor
  1: a tensor
Outputs {
  0: a tensor of type bool, true whenever an element of the first tensor is less
  than the corresponding element of the second tensor.


Inputs {
  0: a tensor
  1: a tensor
Outputs {
  0: a tensor of type bool, true whenever an element of the first tensor is less
  than or equal to the corresponding element of the second tensor.


Inputs {
  0: a tensor
Outputs {
  0: a tensor equivalent to tf.nn.local_response_normalization
Options {


Inputs {
  0: a tensor
Outputs {
  0: a tensor equivalent to 1 / (1 + exp(-input))


Inputs {
  0: a tensor
Outputs {
  0: a tensor equivalent to log(input)


Inputs {
  0: tensor
Outputs {
  0: tensor equivalent to logits - log(reduce_sum(exp(logits), -1))


Inputs {
  0: a tensor
Outputs {
  0: a tensor where each entry is the maximum of the input values in the
     corresponding window.
Options {
  fused_activation_function:  NONE|RELU|RELU6
  padding: SAME|VALID
  stride_w,stride_h: stride of the sliding window
  filter_width,filter_height: size of the sliding window


Inputs {
  0: a tensor
  1: a tensor
Outputs {
  0: elementwise multiplication of the input tensors
Options {
  fused_activation_function:  NONE|RELU|RELU6


Inputs {
  0: a tensor
Outputs {
  0: elementwise negation of the input tensor


Inputs {
  0: tensor
  1: tensor
Outputs {
  0: tensor where additional values are added before and after the contents of
     each dimension

MEAN (tf.reduce_mean)

Inputs {
  0: tensor
  1: tensor
Outputs {
  0: tensor containing the mean of the elements
Options {
  keep_dims: whether to retain reduced dimensions


Inputs {
  0: a tensor
  1: a tensor
Outputs {
  0: a tensor of type bool, true whenever an element of the first tensor is not
  equal to the corresponding element of the second tensor.


Inputs {
  0: a tensor
Outputs {
  0: a tensor equivalent to max(0, input)


Inputs {
  0: a tensor
Outputs {
  0: a tensor equivalent to max(-1, min(input, 1)


Inputs {
  0: a tensor
Outputs {
  0: a tensor equivalent to max(0, min(input, 6)


Inputs {
  0: a tensor
  1: ignored
Outputs {
  0: a tensor with the same elements as the input but with the new shape
Options {


Inputs {
  0: a tensor
Outputs {
  0: result of computing element-wise reciprocal square root of the input tensor


Inputs {
  0: a tensor
Outputs {
  0: a 1D tensor representing the shape of the input tensor
Options {
  out_type: the output type of the op (int32 or int64). Defaults to int32.


Inputs {
  0: tensor
  1: 1D tensor
  2: 1D tensor
Outputs {
  0: slice of the input tensor of the given size from the given begin index.


Inputs {
  0: a tensor
Outputs {
  0: a tensor equivalent to exp(input) / tf.reduce_sum(exp(input * beta), dim),
     where dim is always the last dimension of the input tensor.
Options {


Inputs {
  0: a 4D tensor
Outputs {
  0: a tensor rearranged using block_size. See tf.space_to_depth for details.
Options {


Inputs {
  0: 4D tensor
  1: 1D tensor
  2: 2D tensor
Outputs {
  0: a tensor rearranged using block_shape. See tf.space_to_batch_nd for


Inputs {
  0: 0D or 1D or 2D tensor
  1: 1D tensor
  2: 0D or 1D tensor
  3: 0D tensor
  4: a boolean value
Outputs {
  0: Dense Tensor of shape output_shape. Has the same type as sparse_values.


Inputs {
  0: 0D tensor (axis)
  1: tensor (input)
Outputs {
  0-N: subtensors built from the input tensors
Options {
  num_splits: Specifies number of outputs


Inputs {
  0: a tensor
Outputs {
  0: result of computing element-wise square root of the input tensor


Inputs {
  0: tensor
Outputs {
  0: tensor without any dimensions of size 1
Options {


Inputs {
  0: tensor
  1: 1D tensor
  2: 1D tensor
  3: 1D tensor
Outputs {
  0: slice of the input tensor of the given size
Options {
  begin_mask: mask for begin indices
  end_mask: mask for end indices
  shrink_axis_mask: mask that indicates which dimensions to remove


Inputs {
  0: tensor
  1: OD tensor
Outputs {
  0: k largest element along each last dimensional slice
  1: indices of values within the last dimension of the input ensor


Inputs {
  0: tensor
  1: tensor
Outputs {
  0: tensor permuted according to perm


Inputs {
  0: tensor
  1: tensor
  2: tensor
Outputs {
  0: tensor that contains the elementwise values of 'tensor 1' if the
  corresponding value of 'tensor 0' is true or the value of 'tensor 2' if false.


Inputs {
  0: a tensor
  1: a tensor
Outputs {
  0: elementwise pow of the input tensors


Inputs {
  0: a tensor
  1: a tensor
Outputs {
  0: A tensor of indices of maximum values.


Inputs {
  0: a tensor
  1: a tensor
Outputs {
  0: A tensor of indices of minium values.


Inputs {
  0: a list of tensors.
  1: an integer.
Outputs {
  0: A tensor of stacked tensors.


Inputs {
  0: a list of tensors.
  1: a list of tensors.
Outputs {
  0: A tensor of logical_or output tensors.


Inputs {
  0: a tensor.
  1: an integer.
  2: an integer.
Outputs {
  0-N: tensors of unpacked tensor.


Inputs {
  0: a list of tensors.
  1: a list of tensors.
Outputs {
  0: A tensor of floor_div output tensors.

And these are TensorFlow Lite operations that are present but not ready for custom models yet:

  • CALL
  • LSTM
  • RNN
  • SVDF
  • TANH