Training a model

The following document will walk you through the process of training your own 250 KB embedded vision model using scripts that are easy to run. You can use either the Visual Wake Words dataset for person detection, or choose one of the 80 categories from the MSCOCO dataset.

This model will take several days to train on a powerful machine with GPUs. We recommend using a Google Cloud Deep Learning VM.

Training framework choice

Keras is the recommended interface for building models in TensorFlow, but when the person detector model was being created it didn‘t yet support all the features we needed. For that reason, we’ll be showing you how to train a model using tf.slim, an older interface. It is still widely used but deprecated, so future versions of TensorFlow may not support this approach. We hope to publish Keras instructions in the future.

The model definitions for Slim are part of the TensorFlow models repository, so to get started you'll need to download it from GitHub using a command like this:

! cd ~
! git clone

The following guide is going to assume that you‘ve done this from your home directory, so the model repository code is at ~/models, and that all commands are run from the home directory too unless otherwise noted. You can place the repository somewhere else, but you’ll need to update all references to it.

To use Slim, you‘ll need to make sure its modules can be found by Python, and install one dependency. Here’s how to do this in an iPython notebook:

! pip install contextlib2
import os
new_python_path = (os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH") or '') + ":models/research/slim"
%env PYTHONPATH=$new_python_path

Updating PYTHONPATH through an EXPORT statement like this only works for the current Jupyter session, so if you're using bash directly, you should add it to a persistent startup script, running something like this:

echo 'export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:models/research/slim' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

If you see import errors running the slim scripts, you should make sure the PYTHONPATH is set up correctly, and that contextlib2 has been installed. You can find more general information on tf.slim in the repository's README.

Building the dataset

In order to train a person detector model, we need a large collection of images that are labeled depending on whether or not they have people in them. The ImageNet one-thousand class data that‘s widely used for training image classifiers doesn’t include labels for people, but luckily the COCO dataset does. You can also download this data without manually registering too, and Slim provides a convenient script to grab it automatically:

! chmod +x models/research/slim/datasets/
! bash models/research/slim/datasets/ coco

This is a large download, about 40GB, so it will take a while and you‘ll need to make sure you have at least 100GB free on your drive to allow space for unpacking and further processing. The argument to the script is the path that the data will be downloaded to. If you change this, you’ll also need to update the commands below that use it.

The dataset is designed to be used for training models for localization, so the images aren‘t labeled with the “contains a person”, "doesn’t contain a person" categories that we want to train for. Instead each image comes with a list of bounding boxes for all of the objects it contains. “Person” is one of these object categories, so to get to the classification labels we want, we have to look for images with bounding boxes for people. To make sure that they aren't too tiny to be recognizable we also need to exclude very small bounding boxes. Slim contains a script to convert the bounding box into labels:

! python models/research/slim/datasets/
--logtostderr \
--train_image_dir=coco/raw-data/train2014 \
--val_image_dir=coco/raw-data/val2014 \
--train_annotations_file=coco/raw-data/annotations/instances_train2014.json \
--val_annotations_file=coco/raw-data/annotations/instances_val2014.json \
--output_dir=coco/processed \
--small_object_area_threshold=0.005 \

Don‘t be surprised if this takes up to twenty minutes to complete. When it’s done, you‘ll have a set of TFRecords in coco/processed holding the labeled image information. This data was created by Aakanksha Chowdhery and is known as the Visual Wake Words dataset. It’s designed to be useful for benchmarking and testing embedded computer vision, since it represents a very common task that we need to accomplish with tight resource constraints. We're hoping to see it drive even better models for this and similar tasks.

Training the model

One of the nice things about using tf.slim to handle the training is that the parameters you commonly need to modify are available as command line arguments, so we can just call the standard script to train our model. You can use this command to build the model we use in the example:

! python models/research/slim/ \
    --train_dir=vww_96_grayscale \
    --dataset_name=visualwakewords \
    --dataset_split_name=train \
    --dataset_dir=coco/processed \
    --model_name=mobilenet_v1_025 \
    --preprocessing_name=mobilenet_v1 \
    --train_image_size=96 \
    --input_grayscale=True \
    --save_summaries_secs=300 \
    --learning_rate=0.045 \
    --label_smoothing=0.1 \
    --learning_rate_decay_factor=0.98 \
    --num_epochs_per_decay=2.5 \
    --moving_average_decay=0.9999 \
    --batch_size=96 \

This will take a couple of days on a single-GPU v100 instance to complete all one-million steps, but you should be able to get a fairly accurate model after a few hours if you want to experiment early.

  • The checkpoints and summaries will the saved in the folder given in the --train_dir argument, so that‘s where you’ll have to look for the results.
  • The --dataset_dir parameter should match the one where you saved the TFRecords from the Visual Wake Words build script.
  • The architecture we'll be using is defined by the --model_name argument. The ‘mobilenet_v1’ prefix tells the script to use the first version of MobileNet. We did experiment with later versions, but these used more RAM for their intermediate activation buffers, so for now we kept with the original. The ‘025’ is the depth multiplier to use, which mostly affects the number of weight parameters, this low setting ensures the model fits within 250KB of Flash.
  • --preprocessing_name controls how input images are modified before they‘re fed into the model. The ‘mobilenet_v1’ version shrinks the width and height of the images to the size given in --train_image_size (in our case 96 pixels since we want to reduce the compute requirements). It also scales the pixel values from 0 to 255 integers into -1.0 to +1.0 floating point numbers (though we’ll be quantizing those after training).
  • The HM01B0 camera we're using on the SparkFun Edge board is monochrome, so to get the best results we have to train our model on black and white images too, so we pass in the --input_grayscale flag to enable that preprocessing.
  • The --learning_rate, --label_smoothing, --learning_rate_decay_factor, --num_epochs_per_decay, --moving_average_decay and --batch_size are all parameters that control how weights are updated during the the training process. Training deep networks is still a bit of a dark art, so these exact values we found through experimentation for this particular model. You can try tweaking them to speed up training or gain a small boost in accuracy, but we can‘t give much guidance for how to make those changes, and it’s easy to get combinations where the training accuracy never converges.
  • The --max_number_of_steps defines how long the training should continue. There‘s no good way to figure out this threshold in advance, you have to experiment to tell when the accuracy of the model is no longer improving to tell when to cut it off. In our case we default to a million steps, since with this particular model we know that’s a good point to stop.

Once you start the script, you should see output that looks something like this:

INFO:tensorflow:global step 4670: loss = 0.7112 (0.251 sec/step)
I0928 00:16:21.774756 140518023943616] global step 4670: loss =
0.7112 (0.251 sec/step)
INFO:tensorflow:global step 4680: loss = 0.6596 (0.227 sec/step)
I0928 00:16:24.365901 140518023943616] global step 4680: loss =
0.6596 (0.227 sec/step)

Don‘t worry about the line duplication, this is just a side-effect of the way TensorFlow log printing interacts with Python. Each line has two key bits of information about the training process. The global step is a count of how far through the training we are. Since we’ve set the limit as a million steps, in this case we‘re nearly five percent complete. The steps per second estimate is also useful, since you can use it to estimate a rough duration for the whole training process. In this case, we’re completing about four steps a second, so a million steps will take about 70 hours, or three days. The other crucial piece of information is the loss. This is a measure of how close the partially-trained model‘s predictions are to the correct values, and lower values are better. This will show a lot of variation but should on average decrease during training if the model is learning. Because it’s so noisy, the amounts will bounce around a lot over short time periods, but if things are working well you should see a noticeable drop if you wait an hour or so and check back. This kind of variation is a lot easier to see in a graph, which is one of the main reasons to try TensorBoard.


TensorBoard is a web application that lets you view data visualizations from TensorFlow training sessions, and it‘s included by default in most cloud instances. If you’re using Google Cloud‘s AI Platform, you can start up a new TensorBoard session by open the command palette from the left tabs on the notebook interface, and scrolling down to select “Create a new tensorboard”. You’ll be prompted for the location of the summary logs, enter the path you used for --train_dir in the training script, in our example ‘vww_96_grayscale’. One common error to watch out for is adding a slash to the end of the path, which will cause tensorboard to fail to find the directory. If you‘re starting tensorboard from the command line in a different environment you’ll have to pass in this path as the --logdir argument to the tensorboard command line tool, and point your browser to http://localhost:6006 (or the address of the machine you're running it on).

It may take a little while for the graphs to have anything useful in them, since the script only saves summaries every five minutes. The most important graph is called ‘clone_loss’, and this shows the progression of the same loss value that‘s displayed on the logging output. It fluctuates a lot, but the overall trend is downwards over time. If you don’t see this sort of progression after a few hours of training, it‘s a good sign that your model isn’t converging to a good solution, and you may need to debug what's going wrong either with your dataset or the training parameters.

Tensorboard defaults to the ‘Scalars’ tab when it opens, but the other section that can be useful during training is ‘Images’. This shows a random selection of the pictures the model is currently being trained on, including any distortions and other preprocessing. This information isn't as essential as the loss graphs, but it can be useful to ensure the dataset is what you expect, and it is interesting to see the examples updating as training progresses.

Evaluating the model

The loss function correlates with how well your model is training, but it isn‘t a direct, understandable metric. What we really care about is how many people our model detects correctly, but to get calculate this we need to run a separate script. You don’t need to wait until the model is fully trained, you can check the accuracy of any checkpoints in the --train_dir folder.

! python models/research/slim/ \
    --alsologtostderr \
    --checkpoint_path=vww_96_grayscale/model.ckpt-698580 \
    --dataset_dir=coco/processed/ \
    --dataset_name=visualwakewords \
    --dataset_split_name=val \
    --model_name=mobilenet_v1_025 \
    --preprocessing_name=mobilenet_v1 \
    --input_grayscale=True \

You'll need to make sure that --checkpoint_path is pointing to a valid set of checkpoint data. Checkpoints are stored in three separate files, so the value should be their common prefix. For example if you have a checkpoint file called ‘’, the prefix would be ‘model.ckpt-5179’. The script should produce output that looks something like this:

INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [406/406]
I0929 22:52:59.936022 140225887045056] Evaluation [406/406]

The important number here is the accuracy. It shows the proportion of the images that were classified correctly, which is 72% in this case, after converting to a percentage. If you follow the example script, you should expect a fully-trained model to achieve an accuracy of around 84% after one million steps, and show a loss of around 0.4.

Exporting the model to TensorFlow Lite

When the model has trained to an accuracy you‘re happy with, you’ll need to convert the results from the TensorFlow training environment into a form you can run on an embedded device. As we've seen in previous chapters, this can be a complex process, and tf.slim adds a few of its own wrinkles too.

Exporting to a GraphDef protobuf file

Slim generates the architecture from the model_name every time one of its scripts is run, so for a model to be used outside of Slim it needs to be saved in a common format. We‘re going to use the GraphDef protobuf serialization format, since that’s understood by both Slim and the rest of TensorFlow.

! python models/research/slim/ \
    --alsologtostderr \
    --dataset_name=visualwakewords \
    --model_name=mobilenet_v1_025 \
    --image_size=96 \
    --input_grayscale=True \

If this succeeds, you should have a new ‘vww_96_grayscale_graph.pb’ file in your home folder. This contains the layout of the operations in the model, but doesn't yet have any of the weight data.

Freezing the weights

The process of storing the trained weights together with the operation graph is known as freezing. This converts all of the variables in the graph to constants, after loading their values from a checkpoint file. The command below uses a checkpoint from the millionth training step, but you can supply any valid checkpoint path. The graph freezing script is stored inside the main tensorflow repository, so we have to download this from GitHub before running this command.

! git clone
! python tensorflow/tensorflow/python/tools/ \
--input_graph=vww_96_grayscale_graph.pb \
--input_checkpoint=vww_96_grayscale/model.ckpt-1000000 \
--input_binary=true --output_graph=vww_96_grayscale_frozen.pb \

After this, you should see a file called ‘vww_96_grayscale_frozen.pb’.

Quantizing and converting to TensorFlow Lite

Quantization is a tricky and involved process, and it‘s still very much an active area of research, so taking the float graph that we’ve trained so far and converting it down to eight bit takes quite a bit of code. You can find more of an explanation of what quantization is and how it works in the chapter on latency optimization, but here we‘ll show you how to use it with the model we’ve trained. The majority of the code is preparing example images to feed into the trained network, so that the ranges of the activation layers in typical use can be measured. We rely on the TFLiteConverter class to handle the quantization and conversion into the TensorFlow Lite flatbuffer file that we need for the inference engine.

import tensorflow as tf
import io
import PIL
import numpy as np

def representative_dataset_gen():

  record_iterator =

  count = 0
  for string_record in record_iterator:
    example = tf.train.Example()
    image_stream =
    image =
    image = image.resize((96, 96))
    image = image.convert('L')
    array = np.array(image)
    array = np.expand_dims(array, axis=2)
    array = np.expand_dims(array, axis=0)
    array = ((array / 127.5) - 1.0).astype(np.float32)
    count += 1
    if count > 300:

converter =
['input'], ['MobilenetV1/Predictions/Reshape_1'])
converter.optimizations = [tf.lite.Optimize.DEFAULT]
converter.representative_dataset = representative_dataset_gen

tflite_quant_model = converter.convert()
open("vww_96_grayscale_quantized.tflite", "wb").write(tflite_quant_model)

Converting into a C source file

The converter writes out a file, but most embedded devices don't have a file system. To access the serialized data from our program, we have to compile it into the executable and store it in Flash. The easiest way to do that is to convert the file into a C data array.

# Install xxd if it is not available
!apt-get -qq install xxd
# Save the file as a C source file
!xxd -i vww_96_grayscale_quantized.tflite >

You can now replace the existing file with the version you've trained, and be able to run your own model on embedded devices.

Training for other categories

There are over 60 different object types in the MS-COCO dataset, so an easy way to customize your model would be to choose one of those instead of ‘person’ when you build the training dataset. Here's an example that looks for cars:

! python models/research/slim/datasets/
--logtostderr \
--train_image_dir=coco/raw-data/train2014 \
--val_image_dir=coco/raw-data/val2014 \
--train_annotations_file=coco/raw-data/annotations/instances_train2014.json \
--val_annotations_file=coco/raw-data/annotations/instances_val2014.json \
--output_dir=coco/processed_cars \
--small_object_area_threshold=0.005 \

You should be able to follow the same steps you did for the person detector, but substitute the new ‘coco/processed_cars’ path wherever ‘coco/processed’ used to be.

If the kind of object you‘re interested in isn’t present in MS-COCO, you may be able to use transfer learning to help you train on a custom dataset you‘ve gathered, even if it’s much smaller. We don't have an example of this yet, but we hope to share one soon.

Understanding the architecture

MobileNets are a family of architectures designed to provide good accuracy for as few weight parameters and arithmetic operations as possible. There are now multiple versions, but in our case we're using the original v1 since it required the smallest amount of RAM at runtime. The core concept behind the architecture is depthwise separable convolution. This is a variant of classical two-dimensional convolutions that works in a much more efficient way, without sacrificing very much accuracy. Regular convolution calculates an output value based on applying a filter of a particular size across all channels of the input. This means the number of calculations involved in each output is width of the filter multiplied by height, multiplied by the number of input channels. Depthwise convolution breaks this large calculation into separate parts. First each input channel is filtered by one or more rectangular filters to produce intermediate values. These values are then combined using pointwise convolutions. This dramatically reduces the number of calculations needed, and in practice produces similar results to regular convolution.

MobileNet v1 is a stack of 14 of these depthwise separable convolution layers with an average pool, then a fully-connected layer followed by a softmax at the end. We‘ve specified a ‘width multiplier’ of 0.25, which has the effect of reducing the number of computations down to around 60 million per inference, by shrinking the number of channels in each activation layer by 75% compared to the standard model. In essence it’s very similar to a normal convolutional neural network in operation, with each layer learning patterns in the input. Earlier layers act more like edge recognition filters, spotting low-level structure in the image, and later layers synthesize that information into more abstract patterns that help with the final object classification.