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  5. BUILD

Google Cloud Bigtable

Cloud Bigtable is a high performance storage system that can store and serve training data. This contrib package contains an experimental integration with TensorFlow.

Status: Highly experimental. The current implementation is very much in flux. Please use at your own risk! :-)

The TensorFlow integration with Cloud Bigtable is optimized for common TensorFlow usage and workloads. It is currently optimized for reading from Cloud Bigtable at high speed, in particular to feed modern accelerators. For general-purpose Cloud Bigtable APIs, see the official Cloud Bigtable client library documentation.

Sample Use

There are three main reading styles supported by the BigtableTable class:

  1. Reading keys: Read only the row keys in a table. Keys are returned in sorted order from the table. Most key reading operations retrieve all keys in a contiguous range, however the sample_keys operation skips keys, and operates on the whole table (and not a contiguous subset).
  2. Retrieving a row's values: Given a row key, look up the data associated with a defined set of columns. This operation takes advantage of Cloud Bigtable's low-latency and excellent support for random access.
  3. Scanning ranges: Given a contiguous range of rows retrieve both the row key and the data associated with a fixed set of columns. This operation takes advantage of Cloud Bigtable's high throughput scans, and is the most efficient way to read data.

When using the Cloud Bigtable API, the workflow is:

  1. Create a BigtableClient object.
  2. Use the BigtableClient to create BigtableTable objects corresponding to each table in the Cloud Bigtable instance you would like to access.
  3. Call methods on the BigtableTable object to create to retrieve data.

The following is an example for how to read all row keys with the prefix train-.

import tensorflow as tf

PREFIX = 'train-'

def main():
  table = client.table(BIGTABLE_TABLE_NAME)
  dataset = table.keys_by_prefix_dataset(PREFIX)
  iterator = dataset.make_initializable_iterator()
  get_next_op = iterator.get_next()

  with tf.Session() as sess:
    print('Initializing the iterator.')
    print('Retrieving rows:')
    row_index = 0
    while True:
        row_key =
        print('Row key %d: %s' % (row_index, row_key))
        row_index += 1
      except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:
        print('Finished reading data!')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Reading row keys

Read only the row keys in a table. Keys are returned in sorted order from the table. Most key reading operations retrieve all keys in a contiguous range, however the sample_keys operation skips keys, and operates on the whole table (and not a contiguous subset).

There are 3 methods to retrieve row keys:

  • table.keys_by_range_dataset(start, end): Retrieve row keys starting with start, and ending with end. The range is “half-open”, and thus it includes start if start is present in the table. It does not include end.
  • table.keys_by_prefix_dataset(prefix): Retrieves all row keys that start with prefix. It includes the row key prefix if present in the table.
  • table.sample_keys(): Retrieves a sampling of keys from the underlying table. This is often useful in conjunction with parallel scans.

Reading cell values given a row key

Given a dataset producing row keys, you can use the table.lookup_columns transformation to retrieve values. Example:

key_dataset =[
values_dataset = key_dataset.apply(
  table.lookup_columns(('my_column_family', 'column_name'),
                       ('other_cf', 'col')))
training_data =  # ...

Scanning ranges

Given a contiguous range of rows retrieve both the row key and the data associated with a fixed set of columns. Scanning is the most efficient way to retrieve data from Cloud Bigtable and is thus a very common API for high performance data pipelines. To construct a scanning from a BigtableTable object, call one of the following methods:

  • table.scan_prefix(prefix, ...)
  • table.scan_range(start, end, ...)
  • table.parallel_scan_prefix(prefix, ...)
  • table.parallel_scan_range(start, end, ...)

Aside from the specification of the contiguous range of rows, they all take the following arguments:

  • probability: (Optional.) A float between 0 (exclusive) and 1 (inclusive). A non-1 value indicates to probabilistically sample rows with the provided probability.
  • columns: The columns to read. (See below.)
  • **kwargs: The columns to read. (See below.)

In addition the two parallel operations accept the following optional argument: num_parallel_scans which configures the number of parallel Cloud Bigtable scan operations to run. A reasonable default is automatically chosen for small Cloud Bigtable clusters. If you have a large cluster, or an extremely demanding workload, you can tune this value to optimize performance.

Specifying columns to read when scanning

All of the scan operations allow you to specify the column family and columns in the same ways.

Using columns

The first way to specify the data to read is via the columns parameter. The value should be a tuple (or list of tuples) of strings. The first string in the tuple is the column family, and the second string in the tuple is the column qualifier.

Using **kwargs

The second way to specify the data to read is via the **kwargs parameter, which you can use to specify keyword arguments corresponding to the columns that you want to read. The keyword to use is the column family name, and the argument value should be either a string, or a tuple of strings, specifying the column qualifiers (column names).

Although using **kwargs has the advantage of requiring less typing, it is not future-proof in all cases. (If we add a new parameter to the scan functions that has the same name as your column family, your code will break.)


Below are two equivalent snippets for how to specify which columns to read:

ds1 = table.scan_range("row_start", "row_end", columns=[("cfa", "c1"),
                                                        ("cfa", "c2"),
                                                        ("cfb", "c3")])
ds2 = table.scan_range("row_start", "row_end", cfa=["c1", "c2"], cfb="c3")

In this example, we are reading 3 columns from a total of 2 column families. From the cfa column family, we are reading columns c1, and c2. From the second column family (cfb), we are reading c3. Both ds1 and ds2 will output elements of the following types (tf.string, tf.string, tf.string, tf.string). The first tf.string is the row key, the second tf.string is the latest data in cell cfa:c1, the third corresponds to cfa:c2, and the final one is cfb:c3.

Determinism when scanning

While the non-parallel scan operations are fully deterministic, the parallel scan operations are not. If you would like to scan in parallel without losing determinism, you can build up the parallel_interleave yourself. As an example, say we wanted to scan all rows between training_data_00000, and training_data_90000, we can use the following code snippet:

table = # ...
columns = [('cf1', 'col1'), ('cf1', 'col2')]
ds =
def interleave_fn(index):
  # Given a starting index, create 2 strings to be the start and end
  start_idx = index
  end_idx = index + 1
  start_idx_str = tf.as_string(start_idx * 10000, width=5, fill='0')
  end_idx_str = tf.as_string(end_idx * 10000, width=5, fill='0')
  start = tf.string_join(['training_data_', start_idx_str])
  end = tf.string_join(['training_data_', end_idx_str])
  return table.scan_range(start_idx, end_idx, columns=columns)
ds = ds.apply(
    interleave_fn, cycle_length=NUM_PARALLEL_READS, prefetch_input_elements=1))

Note: you should divide up the key range into more sub-ranges for increased parallelism.

Writing to Cloud Bigtable

In order to simplify getting started, this package provides basic support for writing data into Cloud Bigtable.

Note: The implementation is not optimized for performance! Please consider using alternative frameworks such as Apache Beam / Cloud Dataflow for production workloads.

Below is an example for how to write a trivial dataset into Cloud Bigtable.

import tensorflow as tf


def make_dataset():
  """Makes a dataset to write to Cloud Bigtable."""

def make_row_key_dataset():
  """Makes a dataset of strings used for row keys.

  The strings are of the form: `fake-data-` followed by a sequential counter.
  For example, this dataset would contain the following elements:

   - fake-data-00000001
   - fake-data-00000002
   - ...
   - fake-data-23498103
  counter_dataset =
  width = 8
  row_key_prefix = 'fake-data-'
  ds = index: tf.as_string(index,
  ds = idx_str: tf.string_join([row_key_prefix, idx_str]))
  return ds

def main():
  table = client.table(BIGTABLE_TABLE_NAME)
  dataset = make_dataset()
  index_dataset = make_row_key_dataset()
  aggregate_dataset =, dataset))
  write_op = table.write(aggregate_dataset, column_families=[COLUMN_FAMILY],

  with tf.Session() as sess:
    print('Starting transfer.')
    print('Transfer complete.')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Sample applications and architectures

While most machine learning applications are well suited by a high performance distributed file system, there are certain applications where using Cloud Bigtable works extremely well.

Perfect Shuffling

Normally, training data is stored in flat files, and a combination of (1) (or parallel_interleave), (2), and (3) writing the data in an unsorted order in the data files in the first place, provides enough randomization to ensure models train efficiently. However, if you would like perfect shuffling, you can use Cloud Bigtable's low-latency random access capabilities. Create a that generates the keys in a perfectly random order (or read all the keys into memory and use a shuffle buffer sized to fit all of them for a perfect random shuffle using, and then use lookup_columns to retrieve the training data.

Distributed Reinforcement Learning

Sophisticated reinforcement learning algorithms are commonly trained across a distributed cluster. (See IMPALA by DeepMind.) One part of the cluster runs self-play, while the other part of the cluster learns a new version of the model based on the training data generated by self-play. The new model version is then distributed to the self-play half of the cluster, and new training data is generated to continue the cycle.

In such a configuration, because there is value in training on the freshest examples, a storage service like Cloud Bigtable can be used to store and serve the generated training data. When using Cloud Bigtable, there is no need to aggregate the examples into large batch files, but the examples can instead be written as soon as they are generated, and then retrieved at high speed.

Common Gotchas!

gRPC Certificates

If you encounter a log line that includes the following:

"description":"Failed to load file", [...],

you can solve it via either of the following approaches:

  • copy the gRPC roots.pem file to /usr/share/grpc/roots.pem on your local machine, which is the default location where gRPC will look for this file
  • export the environment variable GRPC_DEFAULT_SSL_ROOTS_FILE_PATH to point to the full path of the gRPC roots.pem file on your file system if it's in a different location

Permission denied errors

The TensorFlow Cloud Bigtable client will search for credentials to use in the process's environment. It will use the first credentials it finds if multiple are available.

  • Compute Engine: When running on Compute Engine, the client will often use the service account from the virtual machine's metadata service. Be sure to authorize your Compute Engine VM to have access to the Cloud Bigtable service when creating your VM, or update the VM's scopes on a running VM if you run into this issue.
  • Cloud TPU: Your Cloud TPUs run with the designated Cloud TPU service account dedicated to your GCP project. Ensure the service account has been authorized via the Cloud Console to access your Cloud Bigtable instances.