blob: 5690c3a601466cb525af66ce2e46e9ad7bec9443 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =============================================================================
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include "tensorflow/core/kernels/boosted_trees/quantiles/weighted_quantiles_buffer.h"
namespace tensorflow {
namespace boosted_trees {
namespace quantiles {
// Summary holding a sorted block of entries with upper bound guarantees
// over the approximation error.
template <typename ValueType, typename WeightType,
typename CompareFn = std::less<ValueType>>
class WeightedQuantilesSummary {
using Buffer = WeightedQuantilesBuffer<ValueType, WeightType, CompareFn>;
using BufferEntry = typename Buffer::BufferEntry;
struct SummaryEntry {
SummaryEntry(const ValueType& v, const WeightType& w, const WeightType& min,
const WeightType& max) {
// Explicitly initialize all of memory (including padding from memory
// alignment) to allow the struct to be msan-resistant "plain old data".
// POD =
memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
value = v;
weight = w;
min_rank = min;
max_rank = max;
SummaryEntry() {
memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
value = ValueType();
weight = 0;
min_rank = 0;
max_rank = 0;
bool operator==(const SummaryEntry& other) const {
return value == other.value && weight == other.weight &&
min_rank == other.min_rank && max_rank == other.max_rank;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& strm,
const SummaryEntry& entry) {
return strm << "{" << entry.value << ", " << entry.weight << ", "
<< entry.min_rank << ", " << entry.max_rank << "}";
// Max rank estimate for previous smaller value.
WeightType PrevMaxRank() const { return max_rank - weight; }
// Min rank estimate for next larger value.
WeightType NextMinRank() const { return min_rank + weight; }
ValueType value;
WeightType weight;
WeightType min_rank;
WeightType max_rank;
// Re-construct summary from the specified buffer.
void BuildFromBufferEntries(const std::vector<BufferEntry>& buffer_entries) {
WeightType cumulative_weight = 0;
for (const auto& entry : buffer_entries) {
WeightType current_weight = entry.weight;
entries_.emplace_back(entry.value, entry.weight, cumulative_weight,
cumulative_weight + current_weight);
cumulative_weight += current_weight;
// Re-construct summary from the specified summary entries.
void BuildFromSummaryEntries(
const std::vector<SummaryEntry>& summary_entries) {
entries_.insert(entries_.begin(), summary_entries.begin(),
// Merges two summaries through an algorithm that's derived from MergeSort
// for summary entries while guaranteeing that the max approximation error
// of the final merged summary is no greater than the approximation errors
// of each individual summary.
// For example consider summaries where each entry is of the form
// (element, weight, min rank, max rank):
// summary entries 1: (1, 3, 0, 3), (4, 2, 3, 5)
// summary entries 2: (3, 1, 0, 1), (4, 1, 1, 2)
// merged: (1, 3, 0, 3), (3, 1, 3, 4), (4, 3, 4, 7).
void Merge(const WeightedQuantilesSummary& other_summary) {
// Make sure we have something to merge.
const auto& other_entries = other_summary.entries_;
if (other_entries.empty()) {
if (entries_.empty()) {
// Move current entries to make room for a new buffer.
std::vector<SummaryEntry> base_entries(std::move(entries_));
entries_.reserve(base_entries.size() + other_entries.size());
// Merge entries maintaining ranks. The idea is to stack values
// in order which we can do in linear time as the two summaries are
// already sorted. We keep track of the next lower rank from either
// summary and update it as we pop elements from the summaries.
// We handle the special case when the next two elements from either
// summary are equal, in which case we just merge the two elements
// and simultaneously update both ranks.
auto it1 = base_entries.cbegin();
auto it2 = other_entries.cbegin();
WeightType next_min_rank1 = 0;
WeightType next_min_rank2 = 0;
while (it1 != base_entries.cend() && it2 != other_entries.cend()) {
if (kCompFn(it1->value, it2->value)) { // value1 < value2
// Take value1 and use the last added value2 to compute
// the min rank and the current value2 to compute the max rank.
entries_.emplace_back(it1->value, it1->weight,
it1->min_rank + next_min_rank2,
it1->max_rank + it2->PrevMaxRank());
// Update next min rank 1.
next_min_rank1 = it1->NextMinRank();
} else if (kCompFn(it2->value, it1->value)) { // value1 > value2
// Take value2 and use the last added value1 to compute
// the min rank and the current value1 to compute the max rank.
entries_.emplace_back(it2->value, it2->weight,
it2->min_rank + next_min_rank1,
it2->max_rank + it1->PrevMaxRank());
// Update next min rank 2.
next_min_rank2 = it2->NextMinRank();
} else { // value1 == value2
// Straight additive merger of the two entries into one.
entries_.emplace_back(it1->value, it1->weight + it2->weight,
it1->min_rank + it2->min_rank,
it1->max_rank + it2->max_rank);
// Update next min ranks for both.
next_min_rank1 = it1->NextMinRank();
next_min_rank2 = it2->NextMinRank();
// Fill in any residual.
while (it1 != base_entries.cend()) {
entries_.emplace_back(it1->value, it1->weight,
it1->min_rank + next_min_rank2,
it1->max_rank + other_entries.back().max_rank);
while (it2 != other_entries.cend()) {
entries_.emplace_back(it2->value, it2->weight,
it2->min_rank + next_min_rank1,
it2->max_rank + base_entries.back().max_rank);
// Compresses buffer into desired size. The size specification is
// considered a hint as we always keep the first and last elements and
// maintain strict approximation error bounds.
// The approximation error delta is taken as the max of either the requested
// min error or 1 / size_hint.
// After compression, the approximation error is guaranteed to increase
// by no more than that error delta.
// This algorithm is linear in the original size of the summary and is
// designed to be cache-friendly.
void Compress(int64 size_hint, double min_eps = 0) {
// No-op if we're already within the size requirement.
size_hint = std::max(size_hint, int64{2});
if (entries_.size() <= size_hint) {
// First compute the max error bound delta resulting from this compression.
double eps_delta = TotalWeight() * std::max(1.0 / size_hint, min_eps);
// Compress elements ensuring approximation bounds and elements diversity
// are both maintained.
int64 add_accumulator = 0, add_step = entries_.size();
auto write_it = entries_.begin() + 1, last_it = write_it;
for (auto read_it = entries_.begin(); read_it + 1 != entries_.end();) {
auto next_it = read_it + 1;
while (next_it != entries_.end() && add_accumulator < add_step &&
next_it->PrevMaxRank() - read_it->NextMinRank() <= eps_delta) {
add_accumulator += size_hint;
if (read_it == next_it - 1) {
} else {
read_it = next_it - 1;
(*write_it++) = (*read_it);
last_it = read_it;
add_accumulator -= add_step;
// Write last element and resize.
if (last_it + 1 != entries_.end()) {
(*write_it++) = entries_.back();
entries_.resize(write_it - entries_.begin());
// To construct the boundaries we first run a soft compress over a copy
// of the summary and retrieve the values.
// The resulting boundaries are guaranteed to both contain at least
// num_boundaries unique elements and maintain approximation bounds.
std::vector<ValueType> GenerateBoundaries(int64 num_boundaries) const {
std::vector<ValueType> output;
if (entries_.empty()) {
return output;
// Generate soft compressed summary.
WeightedQuantilesSummary<ValueType, WeightType, CompareFn>
// Set an epsilon for compression that's at most 1.0 / num_boundaries
// more than epsilon of original our summary since the compression operation
// adds ~1.0/num_boundaries to final approximation error.
float compression_eps = ApproximationError() + (1.0 / num_boundaries);
compressed_summary.Compress(num_boundaries, compression_eps);
// Return boundaries.
for (const auto& entry : compressed_summary.entries_) {
return output;
// To construct the desired n-quantiles we repetitively query n ranks from the
// original summary. The following algorithm is an efficient cache-friendly
// O(n) implementation of that idea which avoids the cost of the repetitive
// full rank queries O(nlogn).
std::vector<ValueType> GenerateQuantiles(int64 num_quantiles) const {
std::vector<ValueType> output;
if (entries_.empty()) {
return output;
num_quantiles = std::max(num_quantiles, int64{2});
output.reserve(num_quantiles + 1);
// Make successive rank queries to get boundaries.
// We always keep the first (min) and last (max) entries.
for (size_t cur_idx = 0, rank = 0; rank <= num_quantiles; ++rank) {
// This step boils down to finding the next element sub-range defined by
// r = (rmax[i + 1] + rmin[i + 1]) / 2 where the desired rank d < r.
WeightType d_2 = 2 * (rank * entries_.back().max_rank / num_quantiles);
size_t next_idx = cur_idx + 1;
while (next_idx < entries_.size() &&
d_2 >= entries_[next_idx].min_rank + entries_[next_idx].max_rank) {
cur_idx = next_idx - 1;
// Determine insertion order.
if (next_idx == entries_.size() ||
d_2 < entries_[cur_idx].NextMinRank() +
entries_[next_idx].PrevMaxRank()) {
} else {
return output;
// Calculates current approximation error which should always be <= eps.
double ApproximationError() const {
if (entries_.empty()) {
return 0;
WeightType max_gap = 0;
for (auto it = entries_.cbegin() + 1; it < entries_.end(); ++it) {
max_gap = std::max(max_gap,
std::max(it->max_rank - it->min_rank - it->weight,
it->PrevMaxRank() - (it - 1)->NextMinRank()));
return static_cast<double>(max_gap) / TotalWeight();
ValueType MinValue() const {
return !entries_.empty() ? entries_.front().value
: std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::max();
ValueType MaxValue() const {
return !entries_.empty() ? entries_.back().value
: std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::max();
WeightType TotalWeight() const {
return !entries_.empty() ? entries_.back().max_rank : 0;
int64 Size() const { return entries_.size(); }
void Clear() { entries_.clear(); }
const std::vector<SummaryEntry>& GetEntryList() const { return entries_; }
// Comparison function.
static constexpr decltype(CompareFn()) kCompFn = CompareFn();
// Summary entries.
std::vector<SummaryEntry> entries_;
template <typename ValueType, typename WeightType, typename CompareFn>
constexpr decltype(CompareFn())
WeightedQuantilesSummary<ValueType, WeightType, CompareFn>::kCompFn;
} // namespace quantiles
} // namespace boosted_trees
} // namespace tensorflow