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  1. python/
  2. BUILD

Receptive field computation for convnets

This library enables you to easily compute the receptive field parameters of your favorite convnet. You can use it to understand how big of an input image region your output features depend on. Better yet, using the parameters computed by the library, you can easily find the exact image region which is used to compute each convnet feature.

This library can be used to compute receptive field parameters of popular convnets:

convnet modelreceptive fieldeffective strideeffective paddingFLOPs (Billion)

A comprehensive table with pre-computed receptive field parameters for different end-points, input resolutions, and other variants of these networks can be found here.

Basic usage

The main function to be called is compute_receptive_field_from_graph_def, which will return the receptive field, effective stride and effective padding for both horizontal and vertical directions.

For example, if your model is constructed using the function my_model_construction(), you can use the library as follows:

import tensorflow as tf

# Construct graph.
g = tf.Graph()
with g.as_default():
  images = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(1, None, None, 3), name='input_image')

# Compute receptive field parameters.
rf_x, rf_y, eff_stride_x, eff_stride_y, eff_pad_x, eff_pad_y = \
  tf.contrib.receptive_field.compute_receptive_field_from_graph_def( \
    g.as_graph_def(), 'input_image', 'my_output_endpoint')

Here's a simple example of computing the receptive field parameters for Inception-Resnet-v2. To get this to work, be sure to checkout tensorflow/models, so that the Inception models are available to you. This can be done in three simple commands:

git clone
cd models/research/slim
sudo python install_lib

You can then compute the receptive field parameters for Inception-Resnet-v2 as:

from nets import inception
import tensorflow as tf

# Construct graph.
g = tf.Graph()
with g.as_default():
  images = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(1, None, None, 3), name='input_image')

# Compute receptive field parameters.
rf_x, rf_y, eff_stride_x, eff_stride_y, eff_pad_x, eff_pad_y = \
  tf.contrib.receptive_field.compute_receptive_field_from_graph_def( \
    g.as_graph_def(), 'input_image', 'InceptionResnetV2/Conv2d_7b_1x1/Relu')

This will give you rf_x = rf_y = 3039, eff_stride_x = eff_stride_y = 32, and eff_pad_x = eff_pad_y = 1482. This means that each feature that is output at the node 'InceptionResnetV2/Conv2d_7b_1x1/Relu' is computed from a region which is of size 3039x3039. Further, by using the expressions

center_x = -eff_pad_x + feature_x*eff_stride_x + (rf_x - 1)/2
center_y = -eff_pad_y + feature_y*eff_stride_y + (rf_y - 1)/2

one can compute the center of the region in the input image that is used to compute the output feature at position [feature_x, feature_y]. For example, the feature at position [0, 2] at the output of the layer 'InceptionResnetV2/Conv2d_7b_1x1/Relu' is centered in the original image in the position [37, 101].

TODO: include link to derivations and definitions of different parameters.

Receptive field benchmark

As you might expect, it is straightforward to run this library on the popular convnets, and gather their receptive fields. We provide a python script which does exactly that, available under python/util/examples/

To get this to work, be sure to checkout tensorflow/models (see the 3-command instructions for this above). Then, simply:

cd python/util/examples
python --csv_path /tmp/rf_benchmark_results.csv

The script will write to stdout the receptive field parameters for many variants of several popular convnets: AlexNet, VGG, ResNet, Inception, Mobilenet. They are also written to the file /tmp/rf_benchmark_results.csv.

A comprehensive table with pre-computed receptive field parameters for different networks can be found here.

Compute RF parameters from a graph pbtxt

We also provide a utility to compute the receptive field parameters directly from a graph protobuf file.

Have a graph.pbtxt file and want to compute its receptive field parameters? We got you covered. The only prerequisite is to install google/protobuf, which you probably already have if you're using tensorflow (otherwise, follow installation instructions here).

This should work:

cd python/util/examples
python \
  --graph_path /path/to/graph.pbtxt \
  --output_path /path/to/output/rf_info.txt \
  --input_node my_input_node \
  --output_node my_output_node

Don't know how to generate a graph protobuf file? Take a look at the script, which shows how to save it for the Inception-Resnet-v2 model:

cd python/util/examples
python --graph_dir /tmp --graph_filename graph.pbtxt

This will write the Inception-Resnet-v2 graph protobuf to /tmp/graph.pbtxt.

For completeness, here's how you would use this file to get the receptive field parameters of the Inception-Resnet-v2 model:

cd python/util/examples
python \
  --graph_path /tmp/graph.pbtxt \
  --output_path /tmp/rf_info.txt \
  --input_node input_image \
  --output_node InceptionResnetV2/Conv2d_7b_1x1/Relu

This will write the receptive field parameters of the model to /tmp/rf_info.txt, which will look like:

Receptive field size (horizontal) = 3039
Receptive field size (vertical) = 3039
Effective stride (horizontal) = 32
Effective stride (vertical) = 32
Effective padding (horizontal) = 1482
Effective padding (vertical) = 1482


André Araujo (@andrefaraujo) and Mark Sandler (@marksandler)