TFLite on GPU

TensorFlow Lite (TFLite) supports several hardware accelerators. This document describes how to use the GPU backend using the TFLite delegate APIs on Android and iOS.

GPUs are designed to have high throughput for massively parallelizable workloads. Thus, they are well-suited for deep neural nets which consists of a huge number of operators, each working on some input tensor(s) that can be easily divided into smaller workloads and carried out in parallel, typically resulting in lower latency. In the best scenario, inference on the GPU may now run fast enough and now become suitable for real-time applications if it was not before.

GPUs do their computation with 16-bit or 32-bit floating point numbers and do not require quantization for optimal performance unlike the CPUs. If quantization of your neural network was not an option due to lower accuracy caused by lost precision, such concern can be discarded when running deep neural net models on the GPU.

Another benefit that comes with GPU inference is its power efficiency. GPUs carry out the computations in a very efficient and optimized way, so that they consume less power and generate less heat than when the same task is run on the CPUs.

TFLite on GPU supports the following ops in 16-bit and 32-bit float precision:

  • ADD v1
  • CONV_2D v1
  • EXP v1
  • LSTM v2 (Basic LSTM only)
  • MAX_POOL_2D v1
  • MAXIMUM v1
  • MINIMUM v1
  • MUL v1
  • PAD v1
  • PRELU v1
  • RELU v1
  • RELU6 v1
  • RESHAPE v1
  • SOFTMAX v1
  • SUB v1

Basic Usage

Note: Following section describes the example usage for Android GPU delegate with C++. For other languages and platforms, please see the documentation.

Using TFLite on GPU is as simple as getting the GPU delegate via TfLiteGpuDelegateV2Create() and then passing it to InterpreterBuilder::AddDelegate():

// Set up InterpreterBuilder.
auto model = FlatBufferModel::BuildFromFile(model_path);
ops::builtin::BuiltinOpResolver op_resolver;
InterpreterBuilder interpreter_builder(*model, op_resolver);

// NEW: Prepare GPU delegate.
auto* delegate = TfLiteGpuDelegateV2Create(/*default options=*/nullptr);

// Set up Interpreter.
std::unique_ptr<Interpreter> interpreter;
if (interpreter_builder(&interpreter) != kTfLiteOk) return;

// Run inference.
if (interpreter->Invoke() != kTfLiteOk) return;

// Clean up.

IMPORTANT: When calling Interpreter::ModifyGraphWithDelegate() or InterpreterBuilder::operator() or Interpreter::Invoke(), the caller must have a EGLContext in the current thread and Interpreter::Invoke() must be called from the same EGLContext. If such EGLContext does not exist, the delegate will internally create one, but then the developer must ensure that Interpreter::Invoke() is always called from the same thread InterpreterBuilder::operator() or Interpreter::ModifyGraphWithDelegate() was called.

Building and Runtime

TFLite GPU backend uses OpenGL ES 3.1 compute shaders or OpenCL.

bazel build --config android_arm64 //path/to/your:project

Metal shaders are used for iOS, which were introduced with iOS 8. Thus, compilation flags should look like:

bazel build --config ios_fat //path/to/your:project

Advanced Usage: Delegate Options

There are GPU options that can be set and passed on to TfLiteGpuDelegateV2Create(). When option is set to nullptr as shown in the Basic Usage, it translates to:

const TfLiteGpuDelegateOptionsV2 kDefaultOptions =

Similar for TFLGpuDelegateCreate():

const TFLGpuDelegateOptions kDefaultOptions = {
  .allow_precision_loss = false,
  .wait_type = TFLGpuDelegateWaitTypePassive,
  .enable_quantization = false,

While it is convenient to just supply nullptr, it is recommended to explicitly set the options to avoid any unexpected artifacts in case default values are changed.

IMPORTANT: Note that the default option may not be the fastest. For faster execution, you may want to set allow_precision_loss to true so that the GPU performs FP16 calculation internally, and set wait_type to TFLGpuDelegateWaitTypeAggressive to avoid GPU sleep mode.

Tips and Tricks

  • Some operations that are trivial on CPU side may be high cost in GPU land. One class of such operation is various forms of reshape operations (including BATCH_TO_SPACE, SPACE_TO_BATCH, SPACE_TO_DEPTH, etc.). If those ops are inserted into the network just for the network architect's logical thinking, it is worth removing them for performance.

  • On GPU, tensor data is sliced into 4-channels. Thus, a computation on a tensor of shape [B, H, W, 5] will perform about the same on a tensor of shape [B, H, W, 8], but significantly worse than [B, H, W, 4].

  • In that sense, if the camera hardware supports image frames in RGBA, feeding that 4-channel input is significantly faster as a memory copy (from 3-channel RGB to 4-channel RGBX) can be avoided.

  • For performance best practices, do not hesitate to re-train your classifier with mobile-optimized network architecture. That is a significant part of optimization for on-device inference.
