AutoGraph reference



When AutoGraph is applied to normal Python code, you should expect no change in functionality. However, when applied to TensorFlow control flow (for example, an if statement with a tf.Tensor condition), there are certain limitations. This section describes these limitations and practices that will allow you to avoid them.

Key Term: Python variables refer to Python symbols (or symbols for short) and should not be confused with TensorFlow variables.

Key Term: A TensorFlow loop variable (or loop variable for short) refers to a value (typically a tf.Tensor) modified by a loop. See tf.while_loop.

Undefined and None values in TensorFlow

TensorFlow does not support undefined or None values. All tensors must have a value.


x = tf.cond(
    tf.random.uniform(()) > 0.5,
    lambda: tf.constant(1),
    lambda: None)  # Error -- a Tensor cannot be None

The same restriction carries over in AutoGraph. If a variable is created inside control flow, and used after, then it must be defined before the control flow statement:

if tf.random.uniform(()) > 0.5:
  x = tf.constant(1)
  x = None
tf.print(x)  # Error -- x may be None here

For this reason, AutoGraph forbids variables to be defined in only one branch of a TensorFlow conditional, if the variable is used afterwards:

del x
if tf.random.uniform(()) > 0.5:
  x = tf.constant(1)
tf.print(x)  # Error -- x may be undefined here

Note that if the variable is not used after the control flow statement, then it is considered local to the control flow block, and is not subject to these restrictions.

del x
if tf.random.uniform(()) > 0.5:
  x = tf.constant(1)  # Okay -- x does not need to be returned from the TF cond

Similarly, variables may not be defined inside a TensorFlow loop, unless they are local to the loop. A variable is local to the loop if (1) it's not used after the loop and (2) the value from a previour iteration is not used in the next iteration:

del x
while tf.random.uniform(()) > 0.5:  # Error -- x must be defined before the loop
  x = tf.constant(1)
del x
while tf.random.uniform(()) > 0.5:  # Okay -- x is local to the loop
  x = tf.constant(1)

Avoid these limitations by defining a default value before the control flow statement:

x = tf.constant()
if tf.random.uniform(()) > 0.5:
  x = tf.constant(1)
tf.print(x)  # Okay -- x is either 0 or 1

Note: None values and undefined symbols are allowed in Eager control flow, because Eager execution uses Python control flow, rather than TensorFlow control flow ops.

Indirect modifications and hidden side effects in TensorFlow control flow

Key Point: We recommend using a functional programming style, immutable Python collections, TensorFlow ops and collections. Only TensorFlow objects should be used for side effects.

AutoGraph analyzes code to detect modifications to Python objects

Note: Modifications to TensorFlow objects, such as tf.Variable, are tracked using a different mechanism (automatic control dependencies) which does not rely on code analysis.

One of the most important functions of AutoGraph is to rewrite Python control flow statements into equivalent TensorFlow ops. This process requires “wiring” variables covered by these control flow statements into the respective ops.

The examples below use a while loop, but the same notions extend to all control flow such as if and for statements.

In the example below, x needs to become a loop variable of the corresponding `tf.while_loop':

while x > 0:
  x = x - 1
x = tf.while_loop(..., loop_vars=(x,)

TF control ops support only a limited set of types for loop variables. At the same time, the efficiency of TensorFlow graphs is influenced by the number of loop variables, so we don't want to create them unnecessarily. AutoGraph pulls symbols through loop variables only if necessary to minimize the number of loop variables.

Note: If a symbol refers to a nested structure, such as a dict of dicts, the entire structure is mapped to multiple loop variables - TensorFlow automatically unpacks it.

For example, the symbol ‘y’ below is not wired through the tf.while_loop's loop_vars because it is not affected by the while loop:

y = 0
while x > 0:
  x = x - 1
x = tf.while_loop(..., loop_vars=(x,)  # y does not need to be a loop variable

AutoGraph uses static analysis to determine which symbols are modified by the code, in order to transform them into control flow variables. Static analysis is generally performed on single functions - Python's dynamic nature limits its effectiveness across functions.

Modifications of Python objects are not detected across functions

Note: Modifications to TensorFlow objects, such as tf.Variable, are tracked using a different mechanism (automatic control dependencies). Modifications to tf.Variable objects are correctly handled even when called in other functions.

Because static analysis is limited to single functions, modifications that are performed in other functions are not visible to AutoGraph:

def change_y():
  global y
  y = y + 1

while x > 0:
  change_y()  # Problem -- change made to y is not visible here!

This can be easily remedied using a functional programming style - writing functions that use argument for all their inputs and return values for all their outputs:

def change(y):
  y = y + 1
  return y

while x > 0:
  y = change(y)  # Okay -- y can now be properly tracked!

As noted before, this limitation does not apply to most TensorFlow objects, although it is still a good idea to use functional programming style for better code readability:

def change(y_var):

y = tf.Variable(1)
while x > 0:
  change(y)  # This is still okay -- TensorFlow side effects are robust.

Keep in mind however that certain types like tf.TensorArray don't support side effects and must have their result assigned, otherwise they may raise an error:

def change(ta):
  ta.write(0, 1)  # Incorrect use of TensorArray - will raise an error

In other words, tf.TensorArray must be handled using functional programming style:

def change(ta):
  ta = ta.write(0, 1)  # Modifications create a new TensorArray efficiently.
  return ta

ta = tf.TensorArray(tf.int32, size=0, dynamic_size=True)
while x > 0:
  # TensorArray must be handled using functional programming style.
  ta = change(ta)

Modifications of Python objects are not detected in methods

A special case of hidden side effects are methods, which are commonly used to change the value of objects:

def MyClass(object):
  def change(self):
    self.y += 1

c = MyClass()
while x > 0:
  c.change()  # Problem -- modification to c.y is not visible here!

This can be addressed in a number of ways.

One possibility is to operate directly on the object properties:

c = MyClass()
while x > 0:
  c.y += 1  # Okay -- c.y can now be properly tracked!

Another possibility is to rely on immutable objects. This may lead to many temporary objects when executing eagerly, but their number is greatly reduced in @tf.function:

def MyClass(object):
  def change(self):
    self.y += 1
    return self

c = MyClass()
while x > 0:
  c = c.change()  # Okay -- c is now a loop var.

Note: TensorFlow control flow does not currently support arbitrary Python objects, but it does support basic collection objects such as list, dict, tuple, namedtuple and their subclasses. Design your objects as subclasses of namedtuple.

Variables closed over by lambda functions

AutoGraph assumes that variables that local functions close over may be used anywhere in the parent function, because in general it is possible to hide a function call in almost any Python statement). For this reason, these variables are accounted within TensorFlow loops.

For example, the following code correctly captures a in the TensorFlow loop variables:

a = 0
def f():
for i in tf.range(3):
  a = i
f()  # Prints 2

An consequence is that these variables must be defined before the loop (see Undefined and None values above). So the following code will raise an error, even if the variable is never used after the loop:

def f():
for i in tf.range(3):  # Error -- `a` must be defined before the loop.
  a = i

However, lambda functions are handled differently, for reasons of backward compatibility. Lambda functions are assumed to be used in the statement where they are used, or at least in the same block.

a = 0
foo(lambda: a)  # This lambda is not expected to be called anywhere else.
for i in tf.range(3):  # Okay -- `a` is local to the loop.
  a = i

Due to that reason, the following code will not work as expected for TensorFlow loops.

a = 0
l = lambda: tf.print(a)
for i in tf.range(3):
  a = i  # `a` is considered local to the loop
l()  # Prints 0!

Note that none of these restrictions only apply to TensorFlow loops; Python loops correctly correctly handle closures in all cases.

Python collections in TensorFlow control flow

Key Point: Use TensorFlow collection classes instead of Python collections. Python collections are okay to use when they represent a fixed structure (that is, lists don‘t change length, dicts don’t add or remove keys).

Modifying Python collections in TensorFlow control flow is not allowed

One of the advantages of eager execution is that you may use the usual Python collections, like list or dict to hold tf.Tensor values. However, these are generally not compatible with TensorFlow control flow. Specialized collections like tf.TensorArray are required.

Consider the following example:

def fn():
  l = []

  def loop_cond(i):
    return i < 10

  def loop_body(i):
    i = i + 1
    return i,


  return l

This code works in eager execution, which does not use the TensorFlow runtime for the tf.while_loop:


However, it does not work in graph execution, because TensorFlow uses special mechanisms to ensure the computations are correctly sequenced in the dataflow graph:

tf.function(fn)()  # Error -- illegal tensor capture!

The equivalent AutoGraph code raises the same error:

l = []
for i in tf.range(10):
  l.append(i)  # Error -- illegal tensor capture!

Instead, use the specialized tf.TensorArray class:

l = tf.TensorArray(tf.int32, size=0, dynamic_size=True)
for i in tf.range(10):
  l = l.write(l.size(), i)  # Okay

Python collections of fixed structure are allowed TensorFlow control flow

An exception from the previous rule is made by Python collections that are static, that is, they don't grow in size for the duration of the computation.

Caution: Use functional programming style when manipulating static collections.


static_list = [tf.constant(3)]
while d.prop > 0:
  static_list[0] -= 1  # Okay -- static_list does not change structure
static_object = MyClass()
static_object.field = tf.constant(3)
while static_object.field > 0:
  static_object.field -= 1  # Okay -- static_object does not change structure
static_dict = {'field': tf.constant(3)}
while static_dict['field'] > 0:
  static_dict['field'] -= 1  # Okay -- static_dict does not change structure

However, remember to use functional programming style when these collections are used inside control flow.

Python collections of fixed structure with dynamic index

A more subtle error occurs when the collection is static, but is accessed in a dynamic way, that is with a key that is not constant.

For example:

d = {'a': tf.constant(3)}
for i in tf.range(10):
  for key in d:
    d[key] += i  # Problem -- accessing `dict` using non-constant key

The code above will raises an “illegal capture” error. To remedy it, write it in functional programming style:

d = {'a': tf.constant(3)}
for i in tf.range(10):
  d = {key: value + i for key, value in d.items()}  # Okay

Shape and dtype consistency in TensorFlow control flow

Unlike Python, TensorFlow has limited support for dynamic typing. This means that tensors must maintain consistent shapes and dtypes across control flow paths.

Note: In general, these restrictions do not apply in control flow in Eager execution, because Eager execution uses Python control flow, rather than TensorFlow control flow ops.

Mixing dynamic computations and static shapes

Key Point: Use .shape on tensors of static shape, and .shape.rank on tensors of static rank; only use tf.shape and tf.rank when the shape or rank is dynamic.

TensorFlow has optional static types and shapes: the shape of tensors may be static (e.g. my_tensor.shape=(3, 3) denotes a three by three matrix) or dynamic (e.g. my_tensor.shape=(None, 3) denotes a matrix with a dynamic number of rows and three columns. When the shapes are dynamic, you can still query it at runtime by using the tf.shape() function.

Note: tf.shape always returns a tensor.

For static shapes, TensorFlow will perform additional shape verifications at graph construction time, that is, during tracing. These static shape verifications are useful because they work like a compiler for example, errors are caught early, before execution even begins.

For example:

x = tf.constant([1, 2, 3])
x[4]  # Tracing error! 4 is out of bounds.

To avoid tracing errors, you can add static shape verifications, which help make your code more robust:

if x.shape[0] > 4:
  val = x[4]
  val = some_default_value

In the snippet above, the code is protected against index-out-of-bounds errors. The code is also efficient because the verification x.shape[0] > 4 will not be included in the graph.

But what happens if you try to perform the index verifications using dynamic control flow? You might expect that the code works in the same way:

val = tf.cond(
  x.shape[0] >= 4,
  lambda: x[4],
  lambda: some_default_value)

However, TensorFlow will not let you write code that could result in an error, even if that code appeared in a branch of a tf.cond statement that would never execute. Remember that the shape of x is (3,), so TensorFlow performs static shape verification.

This can lead to surprising behavior when using tf.shape on tensors with static shape in TensorFlow:

x = tf.constant((1, 2, 3))
if tf.shape(x)[0] > 4:
  val = x[4]  # Error at tracing: 4 is out of bounds!
  val = some_default_value

Because tf.shape always evaluates to a Tensor, the if statement above is converted by AutoGraph into a tf.cond, which performs static shape verification of both branches.

What if you need to write code which can handle both static and dynamic shapes? There are a few options in this case:

A first option is to always work with dynamic shapes, for instance by using input_signature in tf.function. Many shape and shape-related checks are skipped when the shape is dynamic:

def f(x):  # x now has dynamic shape
  if tf.shape(x)[0] >= 3:  # Builds a tf.cond
    val = x[4]  # Okay, bounds checks are skipped when the shape is dynamic
    val = some_default_value

A second option is to first verify whether the shape is static or dynamic. This can be done at tracing time, allowing to use Python if to only trace the code that is suitable for the situation:

if x.shape[0] is None:  # Python bool, does not use tf.cond
  # ... use x.shape here ...
  # ... use tf.shape(x) here ...

Consistency of dtype

The dtypes across all code paths must be consistent in conditionals and loops.

For example, if a tf.cond (and correspondingly, an AutoGraph if) sets a tensor value conditionally, then that tensor must have the same shape and dtype in both branches of the conditional.

Example of illegal dtype change in a conditional:

x = tf.cond(
    tf.random.uniform(()) > 0.5,
    lambda: tf.constant(1, dtype=tf.int32),
    lambda: tf.constant(1, dtype=tf.float32))  # Error -- inconsistent dtypes: int32, float32

The same restriction in AutoGraph code:

if tf.random.uniform(()) > 0.5:
  x = tf.constant(1, dtype=tf.int32)
  x = tf.constant(1, dtype=tf.float32)  # Error -- inconsistent dtypes: int32, float32

Example of illegal dtype change in a loop:

# This won't work - "x" changes dtype inside the loop.
x = tf.while_loop(
    lambda _: tf.random.uniform(()) > 0.5,
    lambda x: tf.constant(1, dtype=tf.float32),
    loop_vars=(tf.constant(1, dtype=tf.int32),))  # Error -- inconsistent dtypes: int32, float32

The same restriction in AutoGraph code:

x = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int32)
while tf.random.uniform(()) > 0.5:
  x = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.float32)   # Error -- inconsistent dtypes: int32, float32

Consistency of shape

The shapes across all code paths must be consistent in loops only. When tensors do need to change shape across iterations, use shape_invariants.

Note: Shapes are allowed to be inconsistent in conditionals. The result will be a partially dynamic shape.

In a tf.while_loop (and correspondingly, an AutoGraph while or for loop) all loop variables must maintain consistent shape and dtype across iterations. That is, every loop variable must have the same shape at the end of the loop body as it had at the beginning of the loop body.

Example of illegal shape change in a loop:

def loop_body(x):  # x.shape is ()
  return tf.constant((1, 2, 3))  # Error -- inconsistent shapes: (), (3,)

x = tf.while_loop(
    lambda _: tf.random.uniform(()) > 0.5,

The same restriction in AutoGraph code:

x = tf.constant(1,)
while tf.random.uniform(()) > 0.5:
  x = tf.constant((1, 2, 3))  # Error -- inconsistent shapes: (), (3,)

Access to source code

Key point: AutoGraph can only handle functions whose source code can be accessed at runtime.

Almost all Python functions allow access to their source code. However, a few exceptions exist:

  • functions created in the Python interactive shell
  • functions with native bindings (these do not have Python source code)
  • functions created dynamically, using exec or eval

Use inspect.getsource to quickly diagnose whether the source code is available for a function.

Source code of lambda functions

Key Point: Declare lambda functions on separate lines to avoid failures to load their source code.

The Python runtime exposes the source code of lambda functions, however it may include surrounding code. Typically, the code includes all the lines that contained the lambda function, including surrounding code. This may make it impossible to parse the exact source code of the lambda function.

For example, consider the declaration of a lambda function below, which is otherwise valid Python code:

foo = (
 lambda: x)

The Python runtime will report the following source code for foo[1]:

>>> inspect.getsource(foo[1])
' lambda: x)\n'

The code is the entire line of code at which the lambda was declared. Because the line is part of a larger expression, the line itself is not syntactically correct and cannot be parsed.

This shortcoming can be avoided by declaring the lambda function separately:

my_lambda = lambda: x
foo = ('bar', my_lambda)