blob: a131e40cc76c4fc437c6926fd372266aceb22e1d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build aetest
package dash
import (
func init() {
// Config used in tests.
var testConfig = &GlobalConfig{
AccessLevel: AccessPublic,
AuthDomain: "",
Clients: map[string]string{
"reporting": "reportingkeyreportingkeyreportingkey",
EmailBlacklist: []string{
"\"Bar\" <>",
DefaultNamespace: "test1",
Namespaces: map[string]*Config{
"test1": {
AccessLevel: AccessAdmin,
Key: "test1keytest1keytest1key",
Clients: map[string]string{
client1: key1,
Repos: []KernelRepo{
URL: "git://",
Branch: "branch10",
Alias: "repo10alias",
CC: []string{"", ""},
URL: "git://",
Branch: "master",
Alias: "repo10alias",
CC: []string{"", ""},
Reporting: []Reporting{
Name: "reporting1",
DailyLimit: 3,
Embargo: 14 * 24 * time.Hour,
Filter: skipWithRepro,
Config: &TestConfig{
Index: 1,
Name: "reporting2",
DailyLimit: 3,
Config: &TestConfig{
Index: 2,
"test2": {
AccessLevel: AccessAdmin,
Key: "test2keytest2keytest2key",
Clients: map[string]string{
client2: key2,
Repos: []KernelRepo{
URL: "git://",
Branch: "branch10",
Alias: "repo10alias",
CC: []string{"", ""},
Managers: map[string]ConfigManager{
"restricted-manager": {
RestrictedTestingRepo: "git://restricted.git/restricted.git",
RestrictedTestingReason: "you should test only on restricted.git",
Reporting: []Reporting{
Name: "reporting1",
DailyLimit: 5,
Embargo: 14 * 24 * time.Hour,
Filter: skipWithRepro,
Config: &EmailConfig{
Email: "",
Name: "reporting2",
DailyLimit: 3,
Filter: skipWithRepro2,
Config: &EmailConfig{
Email: "",
DefaultMaintainers: []string{""},
MailMaintainers: true,
Name: "reporting3",
DailyLimit: 3,
Config: &EmailConfig{
Email: "",
DefaultMaintainers: []string{""},
MailMaintainers: true,
// Namespaces for access level testing.
"access-admin": {
AccessLevel: AccessAdmin,
Key: "adminkeyadminkeyadminkey",
Clients: map[string]string{
clientAdmin: keyAdmin,
Repos: []KernelRepo{
URL: "git://",
Branch: "access-admin",
Alias: "access-admin",
Reporting: []Reporting{
Name: "access-admin-reporting1",
Config: &TestConfig{Index: 1},
Name: "access-admin-reporting2",
Config: &TestConfig{Index: 2},
"access-user": {
AccessLevel: AccessUser,
Key: "userkeyuserkeyuserkey",
Clients: map[string]string{
clientUser: keyUser,
Repos: []KernelRepo{
URL: "git://",
Branch: "access-user",
Alias: "access-user",
Reporting: []Reporting{
AccessLevel: AccessAdmin,
Name: "access-admin-reporting1",
Config: &TestConfig{Index: 1},
Name: "access-user-reporting2",
Config: &TestConfig{Index: 2},
"access-public": {
AccessLevel: AccessPublic,
Key: "publickeypublickeypublickey",
Clients: map[string]string{
clientPublic: keyPublic,
Repos: []KernelRepo{
URL: "git://",
Branch: "access-public",
Alias: "access-public",
Reporting: []Reporting{
AccessLevel: AccessUser,
Name: "access-user-reporting1",
Config: &TestConfig{Index: 1},
Name: "access-public-reporting2",
Config: &TestConfig{Index: 2},
const (
client1 = "client1"
client2 = "client2"
key1 = "client1keyclient1keyclient1key"
key2 = "client2keyclient2keyclient2key"
clientAdmin = "client-admin"
keyAdmin = "clientadminkeyclientadminkey"
clientUser = "client-user"
keyUser = "clientuserkeyclientuserkey"
clientPublic = "client-public"
keyPublic = "clientpublickeyclientpublickey"
func skipWithRepro(bug *Bug) FilterResult {
if strings.HasPrefix(bug.Title, "skip with repro") &&
bug.ReproLevel != dashapi.ReproLevelNone {
return FilterSkip
return FilterReport
func skipWithRepro2(bug *Bug) FilterResult {
if strings.HasPrefix(bug.Title, "skip reporting2 with repro") &&
bug.ReproLevel != dashapi.ReproLevelNone {
return FilterSkip
return FilterReport
type TestConfig struct {
Index int
func (cfg *TestConfig) Type() string {
return "test"
func (cfg *TestConfig) Validate() error {
return nil
func testBuild(id int) *dashapi.Build {
return &dashapi.Build{
Manager: fmt.Sprintf("manager%v", id),
ID: fmt.Sprintf("build%v", id),
OS: "linux",
Arch: "amd64",
VMArch: "amd64",
SyzkallerCommit: fmt.Sprintf("syzkaller_commit%v", id),
CompilerID: fmt.Sprintf("compiler%v", id),
KernelRepo: fmt.Sprintf("repo%v", id),
KernelBranch: fmt.Sprintf("branch%v", id),
KernelCommit: strings.Repeat(fmt.Sprint(id), 40)[:40],
KernelCommitTitle: fmt.Sprintf("kernel_commit_title%v", id),
KernelCommitDate: buildCommitDate,
KernelConfig: []byte(fmt.Sprintf("config%v", id)),
var buildCommitDate = time.Date(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0, time.UTC)
func testCrash(build *dashapi.Build, id int) *dashapi.Crash {
return &dashapi.Crash{
BuildID: build.ID,
Title: fmt.Sprintf("title%v", id),
Log: []byte(fmt.Sprintf("log%v", id)),
Report: []byte(fmt.Sprintf("report%v", id)),
func testCrashWithRepro(build *dashapi.Build, id int) *dashapi.Crash {
crash := testCrash(build, id)
crash.ReproOpts = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("repro opts %v", id))
crash.ReproSyz = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("syncfs(%v)", id))
crash.ReproC = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("int main() { return %v; }", id))
return crash
func testCrashID(crash *dashapi.Crash) *dashapi.CrashID {
return &dashapi.CrashID{
BuildID: crash.BuildID,
Title: crash.Title,
func TestApp(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
apiClient1 := c.makeClient(client1, key1, false)
apiClient2 := c.makeClient(client2, key2, false)
c.expectFail("unknown api method", apiClient1.Query("unsupported_method", nil, nil))
c.client.LogError("name", "msg %s", "arg")
build := testBuild(1)
// Uploading the same build must be OK.
// Some bad combinations of client/key.
c.expectFail("unauthorized", c.makeClient(client1, "", false).Query("upload_build", build, nil))
c.expectFail("unauthorized", c.makeClient("unknown", key1, false).Query("upload_build", build, nil))
c.expectFail("unauthorized", c.makeClient(client1, key2, false).Query("upload_build", build, nil))
crash1 := testCrash(build, 1)
// Test that namespace isolation works.
c.expectFail("unknown build", apiClient2.Query("report_crash", crash1, nil))
crash2 := testCrashWithRepro(build, 2)
// Provoke purgeOldCrashes.
for i := 0; i < 30; i++ {
crash := testCrash(build, 3)
crash.Log = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("log%v", i))
crash.Report = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("report%v", i))
cid := &dashapi.CrashID{
BuildID: "build1",
Title: "title1",
ID: "id",
Status: dashapi.BugStatusOpen,
ReproLevel: dashapi.ReproLevelC,
func TestRedirects(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
checkRedirect(c, AccessUser, "/", "/test1", http.StatusFound) // redirect to default namespace
checkRedirect(c, AccessAdmin, "/", "/admin", http.StatusFound)
checkLoginRedirect(c, AccessPublic, "/access-user") // not accessible namespace
_, err := c.httpRequest("GET", "/access-user", "", AccessUser)
func checkLoginRedirect(c *Ctx, accessLevel AccessLevel, url string) {
to, err := user.LoginURL(c.ctx, url)
if err != nil {
checkRedirect(c, accessLevel, url, to, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
func checkRedirect(c *Ctx, accessLevel AccessLevel, from, to string, status int) {
_, err := c.httpRequest("GET", from, "", accessLevel)
c.expectNE(err, nil)
httpErr, ok := err.(HttpError)
c.expectEQ(httpErr.Code, status)
c.expectEQ(httpErr.Headers["Location"], []string{to})
// Test purging of old crashes for bugs with lots of crashes.
func TestPurgeOldCrashes(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build := testBuild(1)
// First, send 3 crashes that are reported. These need to be preserved regardless.
crash := testCrash(build, 1)
crash.ReproOpts = []byte("no repro")
rep := c.client.pollBug()
crash.ReproSyz = []byte("getpid()")
crash.ReproOpts = []byte("syz repro")
crash.ReproC = []byte("int main() {}")
crash.ReproOpts = []byte("C repro")
// Now report lots of bugs with/without repros. Some of the older ones should be purged.
const totalReported = 3 * maxCrashes
for i := 0; i < totalReported; i++ {
c.advanceTime(2 * time.Hour) // This ensures that crashes are saved.
crash.ReproSyz = nil
crash.ReproC = nil
crash.ReproOpts = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%v", i))
crash.ReproSyz = []byte("syz repro")
crash.ReproC = []byte("C repro")
crash.ReproOpts = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%v", i))
bug, _, _ := c.loadBug(rep.ID)
crashes, _, err := queryCrashesForBug(c.ctx, bug.key(c.ctx), 10*totalReported)
// First, count how many crashes of different types we have.
// We should get all 3 reported crashes + some with repros and some without repros.
reported, norepro, repro := 0, 0, 0
for _, crash := range crashes {
if !crash.Reported.IsZero() {
} else if crash.ReproSyz == 0 {
} else {
c.t.Logf("got reported=%v, norepro=%v, repro=%v, maxCrashes=%v",
reported, norepro, repro, maxCrashes)
if reported != 3 ||
norepro < maxCrashes || norepro > maxCrashes+10 ||
repro < maxCrashes || repro > maxCrashes+10 {
c.t.Fatalf("bad purged crashes")
// Then, check that latest crashes were preserved.
for _, crash := range crashes {
if !crash.Reported.IsZero() {
idx, err := strconv.Atoi(string(crash.ReproOpts))
count := norepro
if crash.ReproSyz != 0 {
count = repro
if idx < totalReported-count {
c.t.Errorf("preserved bad crash repro=%v: %v", crash.ReproC != 0, idx)
func TestManagerFailedBuild(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
// Upload and check first build.
build := testBuild(1)
checkManagerBuild(c, build, nil, nil)
// Upload and check second build.
build.ID = "id1"
build.KernelCommit = "kern1"
build.SyzkallerCommit = "syz1"
checkManagerBuild(c, build, nil, nil)
// Upload failed kernel build.
failedBuild := new(dashapi.Build)
*failedBuild = *build
failedBuild.ID = "id2"
failedBuild.KernelCommit = "kern2"
failedBuild.KernelCommitTitle = "failed build 1"
failedBuild.SyzkallerCommit = "syz2"
Build: *failedBuild,
Crash: dashapi.Crash{
Title: "failed build 1",
checkManagerBuild(c, build, failedBuild, nil)
// Now the old good build again, nothing should change.
checkManagerBuild(c, build, failedBuild, nil)
// New good kernel build, failed build must reset.
build.ID = "id3"
build.KernelCommit = "kern3"
checkManagerBuild(c, build, nil, nil)
// Now more complex scenario: OK -> failed kernel -> failed kernel+syzkaller -> failed syzkaller -> OK.
failedBuild.ID = "id4"
failedBuild.KernelCommit = "kern4"
failedBuild.KernelCommitTitle = "failed build 4"
failedBuild.SyzkallerCommit = "syz4"
Build: *failedBuild,
Crash: dashapi.Crash{
Title: "failed build 4",
checkManagerBuild(c, build, failedBuild, nil)
failedBuild2 := new(dashapi.Build)
*failedBuild2 = *failedBuild
failedBuild2.ID = "id5"
failedBuild2.KernelCommit = ""
failedBuild2.KernelCommitTitle = "failed build 5"
failedBuild2.SyzkallerCommit = "syz5"
Build: *failedBuild2,
Crash: dashapi.Crash{
Title: "failed build 5",
checkManagerBuild(c, build, failedBuild, failedBuild2)
build.ID = "id6"
build.KernelCommit = "kern6"
checkManagerBuild(c, build, nil, failedBuild2)
build.ID = "id7"
build.KernelCommit = "kern6"
build.SyzkallerCommit = "syz7"
checkManagerBuild(c, build, nil, nil)
func checkManagerBuild(c *Ctx, build, failedKernelBuild, failedSyzBuild *dashapi.Build) {
mgr, dbBuild := c.loadManager("test1", build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(mgr.CurrentBuild, build.ID)
compareBuilds(c, dbBuild, build)
checkBuildBug(c, mgr.FailedBuildBug, failedKernelBuild)
checkBuildBug(c, mgr.FailedSyzBuildBug, failedSyzBuild)
func checkBuildBug(c *Ctx, hash string, build *dashapi.Build) {
if build == nil {
c.expectEQ(hash, "")
c.expectNE(hash, "")
bug, _, dbBuild := c.loadBugByHash(hash)
c.expectEQ(bug.Title, build.KernelCommitTitle)
compareBuilds(c, dbBuild, build)
func compareBuilds(c *Ctx, dbBuild *Build, build *dashapi.Build) {
c.expectEQ(dbBuild.ID, build.ID)
c.expectEQ(dbBuild.KernelCommit, build.KernelCommit)
c.expectEQ(dbBuild.SyzkallerCommit, build.SyzkallerCommit)