dashboard/app: fix infinite emails

We override crash with the crash used for bisection
to make the information more consistent.
However if bisection crash only have syz repro
and there is now another crash with C repro,
then we always think that we have not reported C repro
and continue sending the same report again and again.
Don't override the crash with bisection crash in such case.
2 files changed
tree: 7fd16513e56b84d7ed1f19be982ff813877ac550
  1. dashboard/
  2. docs/
  3. executor/
  4. Godeps/
  5. pkg/
  6. prog/
  7. sys/
  8. syz-ci/
  9. syz-fuzzer/
  10. syz-hub/
  11. syz-manager/
  12. tools/
  13. vendor/
  14. vm/
  15. .clang-format
  16. .gitignore
  17. .gometalinter.json
  18. .travis.yml
  22. fuzz.yaml
  24. Makefile
  25. README.md

syzkaller - kernel fuzzer

Build Status Go Report Card Coverage Status GoDoc License

syzkaller is an unsupervised coverage-guided kernel fuzzer.
Supported OSes: Akaros, FreeBSD, Fuchsia, gVisor, Linux, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Windows.

Mailing list: syzkaller@googlegroups.com (join on web or by email).

Found bugs: Akaros, Darwin/XNU, FreeBSD, Linux, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Windows.


Initially, syzkaller was developed with Linux kernel fuzzing in mind, but now it's being extended to support other OS kernels as well. Most of the documentation at this moment is related to the Linux kernel. For other OS kernels check: Akaros, Darwin/XNU, FreeBSD, Fuchsia, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Windows, gVisor.

External Articles


This is not an official Google product.