blob: fcc01a99aeeb24c20788ac411390a2d9708d90f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package rpctype contains types of message passed via net/rpc connections
// between various parts of the system.
package rpctype
import (
type RPCInput struct {
Call string
Prog []byte
Signal signal.Serial
Cover []uint32
type RPCCandidate struct {
Prog []byte
Minimized bool
Smashed bool
type ConnectArgs struct {
Name string
type ConnectRes struct {
EnabledCalls []int
GitRevision string
TargetRevision string
AllSandboxes bool
CheckResult *CheckArgs
MemoryLeakFrames []string
DataRaceFrames []string
type CheckArgs struct {
Name string
Error string
EnabledCalls map[string][]int
DisabledCalls map[string][]SyscallReason
Features *host.Features
type SyscallReason struct {
ID int
Reason string
type NewInputArgs struct {
Name string
type PollArgs struct {
Name string
NeedCandidates bool
MaxSignal signal.Serial
Stats map[string]uint64
type PollRes struct {
Candidates []RPCCandidate
NewInputs []RPCInput
MaxSignal signal.Serial
type HubConnectArgs struct {
// Client/Key are used for authentication.
Client string
Key string
// Manager name, must start with Client.
Manager string
// Manager has started with an empty corpus and requests whole hub corpus.
Fresh bool
// Set of system call names supported by this manager.
// Used to filter out programs with unsupported calls.
Calls []string
// Current manager corpus.
Corpus [][]byte
type HubSyncArgs struct {
// see HubConnectArgs.
Client string
Key string
Manager string
NeedRepros bool
// Programs added to corpus since last sync or connect.
Add [][]byte
// Hashes of programs removed from corpus since last sync or connect.
Del []string
// Repros found since last sync.
Repros [][]byte
type HubSyncRes struct {
// Set of programs from other managers.
Progs [][]byte
// Set of repros from other managers.
Repros [][]byte
// Number of remaining pending programs,
// if >0 manager should do sync again.
More int
type RunTestPollReq struct {
Name string
type RunTestPollRes struct {
ID int
Bin []byte
Prog []byte
Cfg *ipc.Config
Opts *ipc.ExecOpts
Repeat int
type RunTestDoneArgs struct {
Name string
ID int
Output []byte
Info []*ipc.ProgInfo
Error string