blob: e09ed7e98631033839386a83dcebfb01ee13dc11 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2017 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Page with details about a single bug.
<!doctype html>
{{template "head" .Header}}
{{template "header" .Header}}
Status: {{if .Bug.ExternalLink}}<a href="{{.Bug.ExternalLink}}">{{.Bug.Status}}</a>{{else}}{{.Bug.Status}}{{end}}<br>
Reported-by: {{.Bug.CreditEmail}}<br>
{{if .Bug.Commits}}
Fix commit: {{template "fix_commits" .Bug.Commits}}<br>
{{if .Bug.ClosedTime.IsZero}}
Patched on: {{.Bug.PatchedOn}}, missing on: {{.Bug.MissingOn}}<br>
First crash: {{formatLateness $.Now $.Bug.FirstTime}}, last: {{formatLateness $.Now $.Bug.LastTime}}<br>
{{template "bisect_results" .BisectCause}}
{{template "bisect_results" .BisectFix}}
{{template "bug_list" .DupOf}}
{{template "bug_list" .Dups}}
{{template "bug_list" .Similar}}
{{if .SampleReport}}
<br><b>Sample crash report:</b><br>
<textarea id="log_textarea" readonly rows="25" wrap=off>{{printf "%s" .SampleReport}}</textarea><br>
{{if .FixBisections}}
{{template "crash_list" .FixBisections}}
{{template "crash_list" .Crashes}}