blob: b64af0027af87a0aedb67e1aed5777055ed24218 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package prog
import (
// Target describes target OS/arch pair.
type Target struct {
OS string
Arch string
Revision string // unique hash representing revision of the descriptions
PtrSize uint64
PageSize uint64
NumPages uint64
DataOffset uint64
Syscalls []*Syscall
Resources []*ResourceDesc
Structs []*KeyedStruct
Consts []ConstValue
// MakeMmap creates call that maps [addr, addr+size) memory range.
MakeMmap func(addr, size uint64) *Call
// SanitizeCall neutralizes harmful calls.
SanitizeCall func(c *Call)
// SpecialTypes allows target to do custom generation/mutation for some struct's and union's.
// Map key is struct/union name for which custom generation/mutation is required.
// Map value is custom generation/mutation function that will be called
// for the corresponding type. g is helper object that allows generate random numbers,
// allocate memory, etc. typ is the struct/union type. old is the old value of the struct/union
// for mutation, or nil for generation. The function returns a new value of the struct/union,
// and optionally any calls that need to be inserted before the arg reference.
SpecialTypes map[string]func(g *Gen, typ Type, old Arg) (Arg, []*Call)
// Special strings that can matter for the target.
// Used as fallback when string type does not have own dictionary.
StringDictionary []string
// Additional special invalid pointer values besides NULL to use.
SpecialPointers []uint64
// Filled by prog package:
init sync.Once
initArch func(target *Target)
SyscallMap map[string]*Syscall
ConstMap map[string]uint64
resourceMap map[string]*ResourceDesc
// Maps resource name to a list of calls that can create the resource.
resourceCtors map[string][]*Syscall
any anyTypes
const maxSpecialPointers = 16
var targets = make(map[string]*Target)
func RegisterTarget(target *Target, initArch func(target *Target)) {
key := target.OS + "/" + target.Arch
if targets[key] != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("duplicate target %v", key))
target.initArch = initArch
targets[key] = target
func GetTarget(OS, arch string) (*Target, error) {
if OS == "android" {
OS = "linux"
key := OS + "/" + arch
target := targets[key]
if target == nil {
var supported []string
for _, t := range targets {
supported = append(supported, fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v", t.OS, t.Arch))
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown target: %v (supported: %v)", key, supported)
return target, nil
func AllTargets() []*Target {
var res []*Target
for _, target := range targets {
res = append(res, target)
sort.Slice(res, func(i, j int) bool {
if res[i].OS != res[j].OS {
return res[i].OS < res[j].OS
return res[i].Arch < res[j].Arch
return res
func (target *Target) lazyInit() {
target.SanitizeCall = func(c *Call) {}
target.ConstMap = nil // currently used only by initArch
// Give these 2 known addresses fixed positions and prepend target-specific ones at the end.
target.SpecialPointers = append([]uint64{
0x0000000000000000, // NULL pointer (keep this first because code uses special index=0 as NULL)
0xffffffffffffffff, // unmapped kernel address (keep second because serialized value will match actual pointer value)
0x9999999999999999, // non-canonical address
}, target.SpecialPointers...)
if len(target.SpecialPointers) > maxSpecialPointers {
panic("too many special pointers")
func (target *Target) initTarget() {
target.ConstMap = make(map[string]uint64)
for _, c := range target.Consts {
target.ConstMap[c.Name] = c.Value
target.resourceMap = make(map[string]*ResourceDesc)
for _, res := range target.Resources {
target.resourceMap[res.Name] = res
keyedStructs := make(map[StructKey]*StructDesc)
for _, desc := range target.Structs {
keyedStructs[desc.Key] = desc.Desc
target.Structs = nil
target.SyscallMap = make(map[string]*Syscall)
for i, c := range target.Syscalls {
c.ID = i
target.SyscallMap[c.Name] = c
ForeachType(c, func(t0 Type) {
switch t := t0.(type) {
case *ResourceType:
t.Desc = target.resourceMap[t.TypeName]
if t.Desc == nil {
panic("no resource desc")
case *StructType:
t.StructDesc = keyedStructs[t.Key]
if t.StructDesc == nil {
panic("no struct desc")
case *UnionType:
t.StructDesc = keyedStructs[t.Key]
if t.StructDesc == nil {
panic("no union desc")
target.resourceCtors = make(map[string][]*Syscall)
for _, res := range target.Resources {
target.resourceCtors[res.Name] = target.calcResourceCtors(res.Kind, false)
func (target *Target) GetConst(name string) uint64 {
if target.ConstMap == nil {
panic("GetConst can only be used during target initialization")
v, ok := target.ConstMap[name]
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("const %v is not defined for %v/%v", name, target.OS, target.Arch))
return v
type Gen struct {
r *randGen
s *state
func (g *Gen) Target() *Target {
func (g *Gen) Rand() *rand.Rand {
return g.r.Rand
func (g *Gen) NOutOf(n, outOf int) bool {
return g.r.nOutOf(n, outOf)
func (g *Gen) Alloc(ptrType Type, data Arg) (Arg, []*Call) {
return g.r.allocAddr(g.s, ptrType, data.Size(), data), nil
func (g *Gen) GenerateArg(typ Type, pcalls *[]*Call) Arg {
return g.generateArg(typ, pcalls, false)
func (g *Gen) GenerateSpecialArg(typ Type, pcalls *[]*Call) Arg {
return g.generateArg(typ, pcalls, true)
func (g *Gen) generateArg(typ Type, pcalls *[]*Call, ignoreSpecial bool) Arg {
arg, calls := g.r.generateArgImpl(g.s, typ, ignoreSpecial)
*pcalls = append(*pcalls, calls...)[]Arg{arg}, nil)
return arg
func (g *Gen) MutateArg(arg0 Arg) (calls []*Call) {
updateSizes := true
for stop := false; !stop; stop = g.r.oneOf(3) {
ma := &mutationArgs{target:, ignoreSpecial: true}
ForeachSubArg(arg0, ma.collectArg)
if len(ma.args) == 0 {
// TODO(dvyukov): probably need to return this condition
// and updateSizes to caller so that Mutate can act accordingly.
idx := g.r.Intn(len(ma.args))
arg, ctx := ma.args[idx], ma.ctxes[idx]
newCalls, ok :=, g.s, arg, ctx, &updateSizes)
if !ok {
calls = append(calls, newCalls...)
return calls
type Builder struct {
target *Target
ma *memAlloc
p *Prog
func MakeProgGen(target *Target) *Builder {
return &Builder{
target: target,
ma: newMemAlloc(target.NumPages * target.PageSize),
p: &Prog{
Target: target,
func (pg *Builder) Append(c *Call) error {
pg.p.Calls = append(pg.p.Calls, c)
return nil
func (pg *Builder) Allocate(size uint64) uint64 {
return, size)
func (pg *Builder) AllocateVMA(npages uint64) uint64 {
psize :=
addr :=, (npages+1)*psize)
return (addr + psize - 1) & ^(psize - 1)
func (pg *Builder) Finalize() (*Prog, error) {
if err := pg.p.validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, err := pg.p.SerializeForExec(make([]byte, ExecBufferSize)); err != nil {
return nil, err
p := pg.p
pg.p = nil
return p, nil