blob: ea03c429ed4b642b9ec48d2c1ababcefe73d0ac0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package mgrconfig
import "encoding/json"
type Config struct {
// Instance name (used for identification and as GCE instance prefix).
Name string `json:"name"`
// Target OS/arch, e.g. "linux/arm64" or "linux/amd64/386" (amd64 OS with 386 test process).
Target string `json:"target"`
// URL that will display information about the running syz-manager process (e.g. "localhost:50000").
HTTP string `json:"http"`
// TCP address to serve RPC for fuzzer processes (optional).
RPC string `json:"rpc,omitempty"`
// Location of a working directory for the syz-manager process. Outputs here include:
// - <workdir>/crashes/*: crash output files
// - <workdir>/corpus.db: corpus with interesting programs
// - <workdir>/instance-x: per VM instance temporary files
Workdir string `json:"workdir"`
// Directory with kernel object files (e.g. `vmlinux` for linux)
// (used for report symbolization and coverage reports, optional).
KernelObj string `json:"kernel_obj"`
// Kernel source directory (if not set defaults to KernelObj).
KernelSrc string `json:"kernel_src,omitempty"`
// Location of the driectory where the kernel was built (if not set defaults to KernelSrc)
KernelBuildSrc string `json:"kernel_build_src"`
// Arbitrary optional tag that is saved along with crash reports (e.g. branch/commit).
Tag string `json:"tag,omitempty"`
// Location of the disk image file.
Image string `json:"image,omitempty"`
// Location (on the host machine) of a root SSH identity to use for communicating with
// the virtual machine (may be empty for some VM types).
SSHKey string `json:"sshkey,omitempty"`
// SSH user ("root" by default).
SSHUser string `json:"ssh_user,omitempty"`
HubClient string `json:"hub_client,omitempty"`
HubAddr string `json:"hub_addr,omitempty"`
HubKey string `json:"hub_key,omitempty"`
// List of email addresses to receive notifications when bugs are encountered for the first time (optional).
// Mailx is the only supported mailer. Please set it up prior to using this function.
EmailAddrs []string `json:"email_addrs,omitempty"`
DashboardClient string `json:"dashboard_client,omitempty"`
DashboardAddr string `json:"dashboard_addr,omitempty"`
DashboardKey string `json:"dashboard_key,omitempty"`
// Location of the syzkaller checkout, syz-manager will look
// for binaries in bin subdir (does not have to be syzkaller checkout as
// long as it preserves `bin` dir structure)
Syzkaller string `json:"syzkaller"`
// Number of parallel test processes inside of each VM.
// 1 by default, 4 or 8 would be reasonable numbers too.
Procs int `json:"procs"`
// Type of sandbox to use during fuzzing:
// "none": don't do anything special beyond resource sandboxing, default
// "setuid": impersonate into user nobody (65534). Supported only for some OSes.
// "namespace": create a new namespace for fuzzer using CLONE_NEWNS/CLONE_NEWNET/CLONE_NEWPID/etc,
// requires building kernel with CONFIG_NAMESPACES, CONFIG_UTS_NS, CONFIG_USER_NS,
// CONFIG_PID_NS and CONFIG_NET_NS. Supported only for some OSes.
// "android_untrusted_app": (Android) Emulate permissions of an untrusted app.
Sandbox string `json:"sandbox"`
// Use KCOV coverage (default: true).
Cover bool `json:"cover"`
// Reproduce, localize and minimize crashers (default: true).
Reproduce bool `json:"reproduce"`
// List of syscalls to test (optional). For example:
// "enable_syscalls": [ "mmap", "openat$ashmem", "ioctl$ASHMEM*" ]
EnabledSyscalls []string `json:"enable_syscalls,omitempty"`
// List of system calls that should be treated as disabled (optional).
DisabledSyscalls []string `json:"disable_syscalls,omitempty"`
// List of regexps for known bugs.
// Don't save reports matching these regexps, but reboot VM after them,
// matched against whole report output.
Suppressions []string `json:"suppressions,omitempty"`
// Completely ignore reports matching these regexps (don't save nor reboot),
// must match the first line of crash message.
Ignores []string `json:"ignores,omitempty"`
// Type of virtual machine to use, e.g. "qemu", "gce", "android", "isolated", etc.
Type string `json:"type"`
// VM-type-specific parameters.
// Parameters for concrete types are in Config type in vm/TYPE/TYPE.go, e.g. vm/qemu/qemu.go.
VM json.RawMessage `json:"vm"`
// Implementation details beyond this point.
// Parsed Target:
TargetOS string `json:"-"`
TargetArch string `json:"-"`
TargetVMArch string `json:"-"`
// Syzkaller binaries that we are going to use:
SyzFuzzerBin string `json:"-"`
SyzExecprogBin string `json:"-"`
SyzExecutorBin string `json:"-"`