blob: 5477c40c997ff9ad4cc78e06e52891fa18ad96f2 [file] [log] [blame]
var cpp11_null_pointer_constant = require("cpp11_null_pointer_constant");
a = new cpp11_null_pointer_constant.A();
if (a._myA != null) {
throw new Error(
"cpp11_null_pointer_constant: _myA should be None, but is ", a._myA);
b = new cpp11_null_pointer_constant.A();
if (a._myA != b._myA) {
throw new Error(
"cpp11_null_pointer_constant: a._myA should be the same as b._myA, but ", a._myA, "!=", b._myA);
a._myA = new cpp11_null_pointer_constant.A();
if (a._myA == null) {
throw new Error((
"cpp11_null_pointer_constant: _myA should be object, but is None"));