blob: 8f849a6bf9ceb71c880f21bfb456081dedc884d4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
/* This interface file checks how well SWIG handles passing data back
through arguments WITHOUT returning it separately; for the cases where
maybe multiple values are passed by reference and all want changing */
%module argout
%include cpointer.i
%inline %{
// returns old value
int incp(int *value) {
return (*value)++;
// returns old value
int incr(int &value) {
return value++;
typedef int & IntRef;
// returns old value
int inctr(IntRef value) {
return value++;
// example of the old DB login type routines where you keep
// a void* which it points to its opaque struct when you login
// So login function takes a void**
void voidhandle(void** handle) {
*handle=(void*)"Here it is";
char * handle(void* handle) {
return (char *)handle;