blob: b0c4263a2a49972a3a441a71d6f7c53fab9931d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// This example illustrates how C++ classes can be used from D using SWIG.
// The D class gets mapped onto the C++ class and behaves as if it is a D class.
module runme;
import example;
void main() {
// ----- Object creation -----
Stdout( "Creating some objects:" ).newline;
scope Square s = new Square(10);
scope Circle c = new Circle(10);
// ----- Access a static member -----
Stdout.format( "{} shapes were created.", Shape.nshapes ).newline;
// ----- Member data access -----
// Notice how we can do this using functions specific to
// the 'Circle' class.
c.x = 20;
c.y = 30;
// Now use the same functions in the base class
Shape shape = s;
shape.x = -10;
shape.y = 5;
Stdout( "\nHere is their current position:" ).newline;
Stdout.format( " Circle = ( {}, {} )", c.x, c.y ).newline;
Stdout.format( " Square = ( {}, {} )", s.x, s.y ).newline;
// ----- Call some methods -----
Stdout( "\nHere are some properties of the shapes:" ).newline;
Shape[] shapes = [ cast(Shape) c, cast(Shape) s ];
foreach ( currentShape; shapes )
Stdout.format( " {}", ).newline;
Stdout.format( " area = {}", currentShape.area() ).newline;
Stdout.format( " perimeter = {}", currentShape.perimeter() ).newline;
// Notice how the area() and perimeter() functions really
// invoke the appropriate virtual method on each object.
// ----- Delete everything -----
Stdout( "\nGuess I'll clean up now:" ).newline;
// Note: when this using scope is exited the D destructors are called which
// in turn call the C++ destructors.
Stdout.format( "{} shapes remain", Shape.nshapes ).newline;
Stdout( "\nGoodbye!" ).newline;