blob: 8cf8cdf53d53a56aea8656538ecc735b4fde2d88 [file] [log] [blame]
/* */
%insert("header") "swiglabels.swg"
%insert("init") "swiginit.swg"
%insert("runtime") "swigrun.swg"
%insert("runtime") "swigerrors.swg"
%insert("runtime") "rrun.swg"
%init %{
SWIGEXPORT void SWIG_init(void) {
%include <rkw.swg>
#define %Rruntime %insert("s")
#define SWIG_Object SEXP
#define VOID_Object R_NilValue
#define %append_output(obj) SET_VECTOR_ELT($result, $n, obj)
%define %set_constant(name, obj) %begin_block
SEXP _obj = obj;
assign(name, _obj);
%end_block %enddef
%define %raise(obj,type,desc)
return R_NilValue;
%insert("sinit") "srun.swg"
%insert("sinitroutine") %{
%include <typemaps/swigmacros.swg>
%typemap(in) (double *x, int len) %{
$1 = REAL(x);
$2 = Rf_length(x);
/* XXX
Need to worry about inheritance, e.g. if B extends A
and we are looking for an A[], then B elements are okay.
%typemap(scheck) SWIGTYPE[ANY]
# assert(length($input) > $1_dim0)
assert(all(sapply($input, class) == "$R_class"));
%typemap(out) void "";
%typemap(in) int *, int[ANY],
signed int *, signed int[ANY],
unsigned int *, unsigned int[ANY],
short *, short[ANY],
signed short *, signed short[ANY],
unsigned short *, unsigned short[ANY],
long *, long[ANY],
signed long *, signed long[ANY],
unsigned long *, unsigned long[ANY],
long long *, long long[ANY],
signed long long *, signed long long[ANY],
unsigned long long *, unsigned long long[ANY]
{ int _rswigi;
int _rswiglen = LENGTH($input);
$1 = %static_cast(calloc(sizeof($1_basetype), _rswiglen), $1_ltype);
for (_rswigi=0; _rswigi< _rswiglen; _rswigi++) {
$1[_rswigi] = INTEGER($input)[_rswigi];
%typemap(in) float *, float[ANY],
double *, double[ANY]
{ int _rswigi;
int _rswiglen = LENGTH($input);
$1 = %static_cast(calloc(sizeof($1_basetype), _rswiglen), $1_ltype);
for (_rswigi=0; _rswigi<_rswiglen; _rswigi++) {
$1[_rswigi] = REAL($input)[_rswigi];
%typemap(freearg,noblock=1) int *, int[ANY],
signed int *, signed int[ANY],
unsigned int *, unsigned int[ANY],
short *, short[ANY],
signed short *, signed short[ANY],
unsigned short *, unsigned short[ANY],
long *, long[ANY],
signed long *, signed long[ANY],
unsigned long *, unsigned long[ANY],
long long *, long long[ANY],
signed long long *, signed long long[ANY],
unsigned long long *, unsigned long long[ANY],
float *, float[ANY],
double *, double[ANY]
%typemap(freearg, noblock=1) int *OUTPUT,
signed int *OUTPUT,
unsigned int *OUTPUT,
short *OUTPUT,
signed short *OUTPUT,
unsigned short *OUTPUT,
long *OUTPUT,
signed long *OUTPUT,
unsigned long *OUTPUT,
long long *OUTPUT,
signed long long *OUTPUT,
unsigned long long *OUTPUT,
float *OUTPUT,
double *OUTPUT,
char *OUTPUT,
signed char *OUTPUT,
unsigned char *OUTPUT
/* Should we recycle to make the length correct.
And warn if length() > the dimension.
%typemap(scheck) SWIGTYPE [ANY] %{
# assert(length($input) >= $1_dim0)
/* Handling vector case to avoid warnings,
although we just use the first one. */
%typemap(scheck) unsigned int %{
assert(length($input) == 1 && $input >= 0, "All values must be non-negative");
%typemap(scheck) int, long %{
if(length($input) > 1) {
warning("using only the first element of $input");
%include <typemaps/fragments.swg>
%include <rfragments.swg>
%include <ropers.swg>
%include <typemaps/swigtypemaps.swg>
%include <rtype.swg>
%typemap(in,noblock=1) enum SWIGTYPE[ANY] {
$1 = %reinterpret_cast(INTEGER($input), $1_ltype);
%typemap(in,noblock=1,fragment="SWIG_strdup") char * {
$1 = %reinterpret_cast(SWIG_strdup(CHAR(STRING_ELT($input, 0))), $1_ltype);
%typemap(freearg,noblock=1) char * {
%typemap(in,noblock=1,fragment="SWIG_strdup") char *[ANY] {
$1 = %reinterpret_cast(SWIG_strdup(CHAR(STRING_ELT($input, 0))), $1_ltype);
%typemap(freearg,noblock=1) char *[ANY] {
%typemap(in,noblock=1,fragment="SWIG_strdup") char[ANY] {
$1 = SWIG_strdup(CHAR(STRING_ELT($input, 0)));
%typemap(freearg,noblock=1) char[ANY] {
%typemap(in,noblock=1,fragment="SWIG_strdup") char[] {
$1 = SWIG_strdup(CHAR(STRING_ELT($input, 0)));
%typemap(freearg,noblock=1) char[] {
%typemap(in) const enum SWIGTYPE & ($*1_ltype temp)
%{ temp = ($*1_ltype)INTEGER($input)[0];
$1 = &temp; %}
%typemap(out) const enum SWIGTYPE & %{ $result = Rf_ScalarInteger((int)*$1); %}
%typemap(memberin) char[] %{
if ($input) strcpy($1, $input);
strcpy($1, "");
%typemap(globalin) char[] %{
if ($input) strcpy($1, $input);
strcpy($1, "");
%typemap(out,noblock=1) char *
{ $result = $1 ? Rf_mkString(%reinterpret_cast($1,char *)) : R_NilValue; }
%typemap(in,noblock=1) char {
$1 = %static_cast(CHAR(STRING_ELT($input, 0))[0],$1_ltype);
%typemap(out) char
char tmp[2] = "x";
tmp[0] = $1;
$result = Rf_mkString(tmp);
%typemap(in,noblock=1) int, long
$1 = %static_cast(INTEGER($input)[0], $1_ltype);
%typemap(out,noblock=1) int, long
"$result = Rf_ScalarInteger($1);";
%typemap(in,noblock=1) bool
"$1 = LOGICAL($input)[0] ? true : false;";
%typemap(out,noblock=1) bool
"$result = Rf_ScalarLogical($1);";
$1 = %static_cast(REAL($input)[0], $1_ltype);
/* Why is this here ? */
/* %typemap(out,noblock=1) unsigned int *
"$result = ScalarReal(*($1));"; */
%Rruntime %{
setMethod('[', "ExternalReference",
function(x,i,j, ..., drop=TRUE)
if (!is.null(x$"__getitem__"))
sapply(i, function(n) x$"__getitem__"(i=as.integer(n-1))))
setMethod('[<-' , "ExternalReference",
function(x,i,j, ..., value)
if (!is.null(x$"__setitem__")) {
sapply(1:length(i), function(n)
x$"__setitem__"(i=as.integer(i[n]-1), x=value[n]))
setAs('ExternalReference', 'character',
function(from) {if (!is.null(from$"__str__")) from$"__str__"()})
suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(setMethod('print', 'ExternalReference',
function(x) {print(as(x, "character"))})))