| /* Warnings for Perl keywords */ |
| #define PERLKW(x) %keywordwarn("'" `x` "' is a perl keyword") `x` |
| #define PERLBN(x) %builtinwarn("'" `x` "' conflicts with a built-in name in perl") "::" `x` |
| |
| |
| /* |
| |
| From http://www.rocketaware.com/perl/perlfunc/ |
| |
| */ |
| |
| /* Functions for SCALARs or strings*/ |
| PERLBN(chomp); |
| PERLBN(chop); |
| PERLBN(chr); |
| PERLBN(crypt); |
| PERLBN(hex); |
| PERLBN(index); |
| PERLBN(lc); |
| PERLBN(lcfirst); |
| PERLBN(length); |
| PERLBN(oct); |
| PERLBN(ord); |
| PERLBN(pack); |
| PERLBN(reverse); |
| PERLBN(rindex); |
| PERLBN(sprintf); |
| PERLBN(substr); |
| PERLBN(uc); |
| PERLBN(ucfirst); |
| |
| /* Regular expressions and pattern matching */ |
| PERLBN(m); |
| PERLBN(pos); |
| PERLBN(quotemeta); |
| PERLBN(split); |
| PERLBN(study); |
| |
| /* Numeric functions */ |
| PERLBN(abs); |
| PERLBN(atan2); |
| PERLBN(cos); |
| PERLBN(exp); |
| PERLBN(hex); |
| PERLBN(int); |
| PERLBN(log); |
| PERLBN(oct); |
| PERLBN(rand); |
| PERLBN(sin); |
| PERLBN(sqrt); |
| PERLBN(srand); |
| |
| |
| /* Functions for real @ARRAYs*/ |
| PERLBN(pop); |
| PERLBN(push); |
| PERLBN(shift); |
| PERLBN(splice); |
| PERLBN(unshift); |
| |
| /* Functions for list data*/ |
| PERLBN(grep); |
| PERLBN(join); |
| PERLBN(map); |
| PERLBN(qw); |
| PERLBN(reverse); |
| PERLBN(sort); |
| PERLBN(unpack); |
| |
| |
| /* Functions for real %HASHes*/ |
| PERLBN(delete); |
| PERLBN(each); |
| PERLBN(exists); |
| PERLBN(keys); |
| PERLBN(values); |
| |
| |
| /* Input and output functions*/ |
| |
| PERLBN(binmode); |
| PERLBN(close); |
| PERLBN(closedir); |
| PERLBN(dbmclose); |
| PERLBN(dbmopen); |
| PERLBN(die); |
| PERLBN(eof); |
| PERLBN(fileno); |
| PERLBN(flock); |
| PERLBN(format); |
| PERLBN(getc); |
| PERLBN(print); |
| PERLBN(printf); |
| PERLBN(read); |
| PERLBN(readdir); |
| PERLBN(rewinddir); |
| PERLBN(seek); |
| PERLBN(seekdir); |
| PERLBN(select); |
| PERLBN(syscall); |
| PERLBN(sysread); |
| PERLBN(sysseek); |
| PERLBN(syswrite); |
| PERLBN(tell); |
| PERLBN(telldir); |
| PERLBN(truncate); |
| PERLBN(warn); |
| PERLBN(write); |
| |
| |
| /* Functions for fixed length data or records*/ |
| PERLBN(pack); |
| PERLBN(read); |
| PERLBN(syscall); |
| PERLBN(sysread); |
| PERLBN(syswrite); |
| PERLBN(unpack); |
| PERLBN(vec); |
| |
| |
| /* Functions for filehandles, files, or directories */ |
| PERLBN(chdir); |
| PERLBN(chmod); |
| PERLBN(chown); |
| PERLBN(chroot); |
| PERLBN(fcntl); |
| PERLBN(glob); |
| PERLBN(ioctl); |
| PERLBN(link); |
| PERLBN(lstat); |
| PERLBN(mkdir); |
| PERLBN(open); |
| PERLBN(opendir); |
| PERLBN(readlink); |
| PERLBN(rename); |
| PERLBN(rmdir); |
| PERLBN(stat); |
| PERLBN(symlink); |
| PERLBN(umask); |
| PERLBN(unlink); |
| PERLBN(utime); |
| |
| |
| /* Keywords related to the control flow of your perl program */ |
| PERLKW(caller); |
| PERLKW(continue); |
| PERLKW(die); |
| PERLKW(do); |
| PERLKW(dump); |
| PERLKW(eval); |
| PERLKW(exit); |
| PERLKW(goto); |
| PERLKW(last); |
| PERLKW(next); |
| PERLKW(redo); |
| PERLKW(return); |
| PERLKW(sub); |
| PERLKW(wantarray); |
| |
| |
| /* Keywords related to scoping */ |
| PERLKW(caller); |
| PERLKW(import); |
| PERLKW(local); |
| PERLKW(my); |
| PERLKW(package); |
| PERLKW(use); |
| |
| |
| /* Miscellaneous functions */ |
| PERLBN("defined"); |
| PERLBN(dump); |
| PERLBN(eval); |
| PERLBN(formline); |
| PERLBN(local); |
| PERLBN(my); |
| PERLBN(reset); |
| PERLBN(scalar); |
| PERLBN(undef); |
| PERLBN(wantarray); |
| |
| |
| /* Functions for processes and process groups */ |
| PERLBN(alarm); |
| PERLBN(exec); |
| PERLBN(fork); |
| PERLBN(getpgrp); |
| PERLBN(getppid); |
| PERLBN(getpriority); |
| PERLBN(kill); |
| PERLBN(pipe); |
| PERLBN(setpgrp); |
| PERLBN(setpriority); |
| PERLBN(sleep); |
| PERLBN(system); |
| PERLBN(times); |
| PERLBN(wait); |
| PERLBN(waitpid); |
| |
| |
| /* Keywords related to perl modules */ |
| PERLKW(do); |
| PERLKW(import); |
| PERLKW(no); |
| PERLKW(package); |
| PERLKW(require); |
| PERLKW(use); |
| |
| |
| /* Keywords related to classes and object-orientedness */ |
| PERLKW(bless); |
| PERLKW(dbmclose); |
| PERLKW(dbmopen); |
| PERLKW(package); |
| PERLKW(ref); |
| PERLKW(tie); |
| PERLKW(tied); |
| PERLKW(untie); |
| PERLKW(use); |
| |
| /* Functions new in perl5 */ |
| PERLBN(abs); |
| PERLBN(bless); |
| PERLBN(chomp); |
| PERLBN(chr); |
| PERLBN(exists); |
| PERLBN(formline); |
| PERLBN(glob); |
| PERLBN(import); |
| PERLBN(lc); |
| PERLBN(lcfirst); |
| PERLBN(map); |
| PERLBN(my); |
| PERLBN(no); |
| PERLBN(prototype); |
| PERLBN(qx); |
| PERLBN(qw); |
| PERLBN(readline); |
| PERLBN(readpipe); |
| PERLBN(ref); |
| PERLBN(sub); |
| PERLBN(sysopen); |
| PERLBN(tie); |
| PERLBN(tied); |
| PERLBN(uc); |
| PERLBN(ucfirst); |
| PERLBN(untie); |
| PERLBN(use); |
| |
| #undef PERLKW |
| #undef PERLBN |