blob: 5f41fd14477fe75cedd8f37ceb1d6b045d1d97e3 [file] [log] [blame]
namespace swig {
Traits that provides the from method
template <class Type> struct traits_from_ptr {
static SWIG_Object from(Type *val, int owner = 0) {
return SWIG_NewPointerObj(val, type_info<Type>(), owner);
template <class Type> struct traits_from {
static SWIG_Object from(const Type& val) {
return traits_from_ptr<Type>::from(new Type(val), 1);
template <class Type> struct traits_from<Type *> {
static SWIG_Object from(Type* val) {
return traits_from_ptr<Type>::from(val, 0);
template <class Type>
inline SWIG_Object from(const Type& val) {
return traits_from<Type>::from(val);
template <class Type>
inline SWIG_Object from_ptr(Type* val, int owner) {
return traits_from_ptr<Type>::from(val, owner);
Traits that provides the asval/as/check method
template <class Type>
struct traits_asptr {
static int asptr(SWIG_Object obj, Type **val) {
Type *p = 0;
swig_type_info *descriptor = type_info<Type>();
int res = descriptor ? SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj, (void **)&p, descriptor, 0) : SWIG_ERROR;
if (SWIG_IsOK(res)) {
if (val) *val = p;
return res;
template <class Type>
inline int asptr(SWIG_Object obj, Type **vptr) {
return traits_asptr<Type>::asptr(obj, vptr);
template <class Type>
struct traits_asval {
static int asval(SWIG_Object obj, Type *val) {
if (val) {
Type *p = 0;
int res = traits_asptr<Type>::asptr(obj, &p);
if (!SWIG_IsOK(res)) return res;
if (p) {
typedef typename noconst_traits<Type>::noconst_type noconst_type;
*(const_cast<noconst_type*>(val)) = *p;
if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res)){
res = SWIG_DelNewMask(res);
return res;
} else {
return SWIG_ERROR;
} else {
return traits_asptr<Type>::asptr(obj, (Type **)(0));
template <class Type> struct traits_asval<Type*> {
static int asval(SWIG_Object obj, Type **val) {
if (val) {
typedef typename noconst_traits<Type>::noconst_type noconst_type;
noconst_type *p = 0;
int res = traits_asptr<noconst_type>::asptr(obj, &p);
if (SWIG_IsOK(res)) {
*(const_cast<noconst_type**>(val)) = p;
return res;
} else {
return traits_asptr<Type>::asptr(obj, (Type **)(0));
template <class Type>
inline int asval(SWIG_Object obj, Type *val) {
return traits_asval<Type>::asval(obj, val);
template <class Type>
struct traits_as<Type, value_category> {
static Type as(SWIG_Object obj) {
Type v;
int res = asval(obj, &v);
if (!obj || !SWIG_IsOK(res)) {
throw std::invalid_argument("bad type");
return v;
template <class Type>
struct traits_as<Type, pointer_category> {
static Type as(SWIG_Object obj) {
Type *v = 0;
int res = (obj ? traits_asptr<Type>::asptr(obj, &v) : SWIG_ERROR);
if (SWIG_IsOK(res) && v) {
if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res)) {
Type r(*v);
return r;
} else {
return *v;
} else {
throw std::invalid_argument("bad type");
template <class Type>
struct traits_as<Type*, pointer_category> {
static Type* as(SWIG_Object obj, bool throw_error) {
Type *v = 0;
int res = (obj ? traits_asptr<Type>::asptr(obj, &v) : SWIG_ERROR);
if (SWIG_IsOK(res)) {
return v;
} else {
if (throw_error)
throw std::invalid_argument("bad type");
return 0;
template <class Type>
inline Type as(SWIG_Object obj) {
return traits_as<Type, typename traits<Type>::category>::as(obj);
template <class Type>
struct traits_check<Type, value_category> {
static bool check(SWIG_Object obj) {
int res = obj ? asval(obj, (Type *)(0)) : SWIG_ERROR;
return SWIG_IsOK(res) ? true : false;
template <class Type>
struct traits_check<Type, pointer_category> {
static bool check(SWIG_Object obj) {
int res = obj ? asptr(obj, (Type **)(0)) : SWIG_ERROR;
return SWIG_IsOK(res) ? true : false;
template <class Type>
inline bool check(SWIG_Object obj) {
return traits_check<Type, typename traits<Type>::category>::check(obj);
%define %specialize_std_container(Type,Check,As,From)
namespace swig {
template <> struct traits_asval<Type > {
typedef Type value_type;
static int asval(SWIG_Object obj, value_type *val) {
if (Check(obj)) {
if (val) *val = As(obj);
return SWIG_OK;
return SWIG_ERROR;
template <> struct traits_from<Type > {
typedef Type value_type;
static SWIG_Object from(const value_type& val) {
return From(val);
template <>
struct traits_check<Type, value_category> {
static int check(SWIG_Object obj) {
int res = Check(obj);
return obj && res ? res : 0;