blob: f6cbd23f01c400b91b88132e744e74b7277a48b9 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- NVPTXMCAsmInfo.cpp - NVPTX asm properties -------------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file contains the declarations of the NVPTXMCAsmInfo properties.
#include "NVPTXMCAsmInfo.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
using namespace llvm;
void NVPTXMCAsmInfo::anchor() {}
NVPTXMCAsmInfo::NVPTXMCAsmInfo(const Triple &TheTriple) {
if (TheTriple.getArch() == Triple::nvptx64) {
CodePointerSize = CalleeSaveStackSlotSize = 8;
CommentString = "//";
HasSingleParameterDotFile = false;
InlineAsmStart = " begin inline asm";
InlineAsmEnd = " end inline asm";
SupportsDebugInformation = true;
// PTX does not allow .align on functions.
HasFunctionAlignment = false;
HasDotTypeDotSizeDirective = false;
// PTX does not allow .hidden or .protected
HiddenDeclarationVisibilityAttr = HiddenVisibilityAttr = MCSA_Invalid;
ProtectedVisibilityAttr = MCSA_Invalid;
// FIXME: remove comment once debug info is properly supported.
Data8bitsDirective = "// .b8 ";
Data16bitsDirective = nullptr; // not supported
Data32bitsDirective = "// .b32 ";
Data64bitsDirective = "// .b64 ";
ZeroDirective = "// .b8";
AsciiDirective = nullptr; // not supported
AscizDirective = nullptr; // not supported
SupportsQuotedNames = false;
SupportsExtendedDwarfLocDirective = false;
// @TODO: Can we just disable this?
WeakDirective = "\t// .weak\t";
GlobalDirective = "\t// .globl\t";