blob: a4257b2e7783aa0e149b6f7ef9228d95c9a19e75 [file] [log] [blame]
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
! @file de-DE_kdt_g2p.dtfmt
! Decision Tree Configuration <Grapheme-To-Phoneme> for language de-DE
! Copyright (C) 2008-2009 SVOX AG, Baslerstr. 30, 8048 Zuerich, Switzerland
! All rights reserved.
! History:
! - 2009-05-30 -- initial version
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
! configuration file for the input DT vector
! is loaded during the compilation of the binary file
! the file describes the values type of the attributes in the vector
! character/string type is splitted to three types:
! - phone (phoneme values)
! - graph (grapheme values)
! - pos (part of speech tags)
! for the :ATTR the values in the range [1, 255] or
! reserved word "target" are available
! history type: the input value is the output decision
:ATTR "1" :PROP type = graph
:ATTR "2" :PROP type = graph
:ATTR "3" :PROP type = graph
:ATTR "4" :PROP type = graph
:ATTR "5" :PROP type = graph
:ATTR "6" :PROP type = graph
:ATTR "7" :PROP type = graph
:ATTR "8" :PROP type = graph
:ATTR "9" :PROP type = graph
:ATTR "10" :PROP table = "de-DE_pos.utf" type = pos
:ATTR "11" :PROP type = numeric
:ATTR "12" :PROP type = numeric
:ATTR "13" :PROP type = numeric
:ATTR "14" :PROP type = history
:ATTR "15" :PROP type = history
:ATTR "16" :PROP type = history
:ATTR "target" :PROP table = "de-DE_phones.utf" type = phone