sqlite: upgrade to SQLite 3.15.1

Downloaded from https://www.sqlite.org/2016/sqlite-amalgamation-3150100.zip

    $ sha256sum sqlite-amalgamation-3150000.zip
    7143be3e0b48aa687858ab4767b7d4a79a47de26ca159c6fab6e87b6c7f10fe4  sqlite-amalgamation-3150100.zip

dist/orig contains the stock sqlite3 code, as packaged in the ZIP file above.

dist contains a copy of dist/orig, but with the Android.patch file applied.
Please see Android.patch for a list of differences between stock and

The Android specific patch applied cleanly and was regenerated.

This minor release contains critical bug fixes, some of them
were classified as "immediate".

More details about the release is avaliable here: https://sqlite.org/releaselog/3_15_1.html

Change-Id: Ib9f7f419ec64c75865c41e0c04db19835f9ed571
Signed-off-by: Alex Naidis <alex.naidis@linux.com>
6 files changed
tree: c9853411d258759913be45e6221f6d391ede726d
  1. android/
  2. dist/
  3. CleanSpec.mk
  4. README.version