sqlite: upgrade to SQLite 3.14.1

Downloaded from https://www.sqlite.org/2016/sqlite-amalgamation-3140100.zip

    $ sha256sum sqlite-amalgamation-3140100.zip
    b7a8bccbe55df471f3f4ba84e789372606025eaccd09b05f80a41591282a2a41  sqlite-amalgamation-3140100.zip

dist/orig contains the stock sqlite3 code, as packaged in the ZIP file above.

dist contains a copy of dist/orig, but with the Android.patch file applied.
Please see Android.patch for a list of differences between stock and

The Android specific patch applied cleanly and was regenerated.

This very minor release contains a performance enhancement to the page-cache "truncate" operation.

More details about the release is avaliable here: http://sqlite.com/releaselog/3_14_1.html

Change-Id: I0a2581dc64a2bb327fdd4bded7539882848c4321
Signed-off-by: Alex Naidis <alex.naidis@linux.com>
6 files changed
tree: f02087703b92ec8bceb4f4c6d1cb7935f5f5de4f
  1. android/
  2. dist/
  3. CleanSpec.mk
  4. README.version