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Sonic is a simple algorithm for speeding up or slowing down speech. However, it's optimized for speed ups of over 2X, unlike previous algorithms for changing speech rate. The sonic library is a very simple ANSI C library that is designed to easily be integrated into streaming voice applications, like TTS back ends.

The primary motivation behind sonic is to enable the blind and visually impaired to improve their productivity with open source speech engines, like espeak. Sonic can also be used by the sighted. For example, sonic can improve the experience of listening to an audio book on an Android phone.

Sonic is Copyright 2010, 2011, Bill Cox, all rights reserved. It is released as open source under the Lesser Gnu Public License version 2.1. Feel free to contact me at One user was concerned about patents. I believe the sonic algorithms do not violate any patents, as most of it is very old, based on PICOLA, and the new part, for greater than 2X speed up, is clearly a capability most developers ignore, and would not bother to patent. I will not file any patents on sonic algorithms, leaving the algorithms free for you to use.

Comparison to Other Solutions

Sonic is not like SoundTouch. SoundTouch uses WSOLA, an algorithm optimized for changing the tempo of music. No open source WSOLA based program performs well for speech (contrary to the inventor's estimate of WSOLA). Listen to this soundstretch sample, which uses SoundTouch, and compare it to this sonic sample. Both are sped up by 2X. With a bit of hacking, WSOLA can be made to sound better than this soundstretch sample, but it will never sound good, even at 2X.

However, there are decent open-source algorithms for speech. They are all in the TD-PSOLA family. For speech rates below 2X, sonic uses PICOLA, which I find to be the best algorithm available. A slightly buggy implementation of PICOLA is availale in the spandsp library. I find the one in RockBox quite good, though it's limited to 2X speed up. So far as I know, only sonic is optimized for speed factors needed by the blind, up to 8X.

Using libsonic in your program

Sonic is still a new library, and has not yet been incorporated into Debian or other major distros. For now, I recommend that users simply add sonic.c and sonic.h to their applications.

The file main.c is the source code for the sonic command-line application. It is meant to be useful as example code. Feel free to copy directly from main.c into your application, as main.c is in the public domain. Dependencies listed in debian/control like libsndfile are there to compile the sonic command-line application. Libsonic has no external dependencies.

There are basically two ways to use sonic: batch or stream mode. The simplest is batch mode where you pass an entire sound sample to sonic. All you do is call one function, like this:

sonicChangeShortSpeed(samples, numSamples, speed, pitch, volume, sampleRate, numChannels);

This will change the speed and pitch of the sound samples pointed to by samples, which should be 16-bit signed integers. Stereo mode is supported, as is any arbitrary number of channels. Samples for each channel should be adjacent in the input array. Because the samples are modified in-place, be sure that there is room in the samples array for the speed-changed samples. In general, if you are speeding up, rather than slowing down, it will be safe to have no extra padding.

The other way to use libsonic is in stream mode. This is more complex, but allows sonic to be inserted into a sound stream with fairly low latency. The current maximum latency in sonic is 31 milliseconds, which is enough to process two pitch periods of voice as low as 65 Hz. In general, the latency is equal to two pitch periods, which is typically closer to 20 milliseconds.

To process a sound stream, you must create a sonicStream object, which contains all of the state used by sonic. Sonic should be thread safe, and multiple sonicStream objects can be used at the same time. You create a sonicStream object like this:

sonicStream stream = sonicCreateStream(sampleRate, numChannels);

When you‘re done with a sonic stream, you can free it’s memory with:


By default, a sonic stream sets the speed, pitch, and volume to 1.0, which means no change at all to the sound stream. Sonic detects this case, and simply copies the input to the output to reduce CPU load. To change the speed, pitch, or volume, set the parameters using:

sonicSetSpeed(stream, speed);
sonicSetPitch(stream, pitch);
sonicSetVolume(stream, volume);

These three parameters are floating point numbers. A speed of 2.0 means to double speed of speech. A pitch of 0.95 means to lower the pitch by about 5%, and a volume of 1.4 means to multiply the sound samples by 1.4, clipping if we exceed the maximum range of a 16-bit integer.

After setting the sound parameters, you write to the stream like this:

sonicWriteShortToStream(stream, samples, numSamples);

You read the sped up speech samples from sonic like this:

samplesRead = sonicReadShortFromStream(stream, outBuffer, maxBufferSize);
if(samplesRead > 0) {
/* Do something with the output samples in outBuffer, like send them to
 * the sound device. */

You may change the speed, pitch, and volume parameters at any time, without having to flush or create a new sonic stream.

When your sound stream ends, there may be several milliseconds of sound data in the sonic stream's buffers. To force sonic to process those samples use:


Then, read those samples as above. That's about all there is to using libsonic. There are some more functions as a convenience for the user, like sonicGetSpeed. Other sound data formats are supported: signed char and float. If float, the sound data should be between -1.0 and 1.0. Internally, all sound data is converted to 16-bit integers for processing.