blob: dd58c0ec2325a84bf696bb40a83d268bae925437 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008-2014,
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.yaml.snakeyaml.issues.issue67;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.LoaderOptions;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Util;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.nodes.Tag;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.representer.Representer;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerException;
public class NonAsciiCharsInClassNameTest extends TestCase {
private String PREFIX = "!!org.yaml.snakeyaml.issues.issue67.NonAsciiCharsInClassNameTest$";
public void testDump() {
Académico obj = new Académico();
obj.setName("Foo bar baz");
Yaml yaml = new Yaml();
String result = yaml.dump(obj);
assertEquals(PREFIX + "Acad%C3%A9mico {\n id: 1, name: Foo bar baz}\n", result);
public void testLoad() {
Yaml yaml = new Yaml();
Académico obj = (Académico) yaml.load(PREFIX + "Acad%C3%A9mico {id: 3, name: Foo bar}");
assertEquals(3, obj.getId());
assertEquals("Foo bar", obj.getName());
public void testLoadInvalidPattern() {
try {
Yaml yaml = new Yaml();
yaml.load(PREFIX + "Acad%WZ%A9mico {id: 3, name: Foo bar}");
fail("Illegal hex characters in escape (%) pattern must not be accepted.");
} catch (Exception e) {
"while scanning a tag\n"
+ " in 'string', line 1, column 1:\n"
+ " !!org.yaml.snakeyaml.issues.issu ... \n"
+ " ^\n"
+ "expected URI escape sequence of 2 hexadecimal numbers, but found W(87) and Z(90)\n"
+ " in 'string', line 1, column 71:\n"
+ " ... nAsciiCharsInClassNameTest$Acad%WZ%A9mico {id: 3, name: Foo bar}\n"
+ " ^\n", e.getMessage());
public void testLoadInvalidPatternTooShort() {
try {
LoaderOptions options = new LoaderOptions();
Yaml yaml = new Yaml(options);
yaml.load(PREFIX + "Acad%9%A9mico {id: 3, name: Foo bar}");
fail("Illegal hex characters in escape (%) pattern must not be accepted.");
} catch (ScannerException e) {
"while scanning a tag\n"
+ " in 'string', line 1, column 1:\n"
+ " !!org.yaml.snakeyaml.issues.issu ... \n"
+ " ^\n"
+ "expected URI escape sequence of 2 hexadecimal numbers, but found 9(57) and %(37)\n"
+ " in 'string', line 1, column 71:\n"
+ " ... nAsciiCharsInClassNameTest$Acad%9%A9mico {id: 3, name: Foo bar}\n"
+ " ^\n", e.getMessage());
assertEquals(Util.getLocalResource("issues/issue67-error1.txt"), e.toString());
public void testLoadInvalidUtf8() {
try {
LoaderOptions options = new LoaderOptions();
Yaml yaml = new Yaml(options);
yaml.load(PREFIX + "Acad%C0mico {id: 3, name: Foo bar}");
fail("Illegal UTF-8 must not be accepted.");
} catch (ScannerException e) {
assertEquals("while scanning a tag\n" + " in 'string', line 1, column 1:\n"
+ " !!org.yaml.snakeyaml.issues.issu ... \n" + " ^\n"
+ "expected URI in UTF-8: Input length = 1\n"
+ " in 'string', line 1, column 70:\n"
+ " ... onAsciiCharsInClassNameTest$Acad%C0mico {id: 3, name: Foo bar}\n"
+ " ^\n", e.getMessage());
assertEquals(Util.getLocalResource("issues/issue67-error2.txt"), e.toString());
public static class Académico {
public int getId() {
return id;
public void setId(int id) { = id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
private int id;
private String name;
public void testDumpCustomTag() {
Académico obj = new Académico();
obj.setName("Foo bar 123");
Representer repr = new Representer();
repr.addClassTag(Académico.class, new Tag("!foo"));
Yaml yaml = new Yaml(repr);
String result = yaml.dump(obj);
assertEquals("!foo {id: 123, name: Foo bar 123}\n", result);
public void testDumpEscapedTag() {
Académico obj = new Académico();
obj.setName("Foo bar 123");
Representer repr = new Representer();
repr.addClassTag(Académico.class, new Tag("!Académico"));
Yaml yaml = new Yaml(repr);
String result = yaml.dump(obj);
assertEquals("!Acad%C3%A9mico {id: 123, name: Foo bar 123}\n", result);
public void testTag() {
Tag tag = new Tag("!java/javabean:foo.Bar");
assertEquals("!java/javabean:foo.Bar", tag.getValue());