blob: 54e4010c2a6ae9361f61a505fba0ed1e0cc26215 [file] [log] [blame]
* See LICENSE file in distribution for copyright and licensing information.
package org.yaml.snakeyaml.representer;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.DumperOptions.FlowStyle;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.DumperOptions.ScalarStyle;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.error.YAMLException;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.nodes.MappingNode;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.nodes.Node;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.nodes.ScalarNode;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.nodes.SequenceNode;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.serializer.Serializer;
* Represent basic YAML structures: scalar, sequence, mapping
* @see <a href="">PyYAML</a> for more information
public abstract class BaseRepresenter {
protected final Map<Class, Represent> representers = new HashMap<Class, Represent>();
* in Java 'null' is not a type. So we have to keep the null representer
* separately otherwise it will coincide with the default representer which
* is stored with the key null.
protected Represent nullRepresenter;
protected final Map<Class, Represent> multiRepresenters = new HashMap<Class, Represent>();
private Character defaultStyle;
protected Boolean defaultFlowStyle;
protected final Map<Integer, Node> representedObjects = new HashMap<Integer, Node>();
private final Set<Object> objectKeeper = new HashSet<Object>();
protected Integer aliasKey;// internal memory address
* because when representing JavaBeans the root tag has a special meaning we
* have to let the <code>Representer</code> to know whether the Node to
* represent it root
protected boolean isRoot = true;
public void represent(Serializer serializer, Object data) throws IOException {
Node node = representData(data);
protected Node representData(Object data) {
aliasKey = System.identityHashCode(data);// take memory address
if (!ignoreAliases(data)) {
// check for identity
if (representedObjects.containsKey(aliasKey)) {
Node node = representedObjects.get(aliasKey);
return node;
// check for null first
if (data == null) {
Node node = nullRepresenter.representData(data);
return node;
// check the same class
Node node;
Class clazz = data.getClass();
if (representers.containsKey(clazz)) {
Represent representer = representers.get(clazz);
node = representer.representData(data);
} else {
// check the parents
for (Class repr : multiRepresenters.keySet()) {
if (repr.isInstance(data)) {
Represent representer = multiRepresenters.get(repr);
node = representer.representData(data);
return node;
// check array of primitives
if (clazz.isArray()) {
throw new YAMLException("Arrays of primitives are not fully supported.");
// check defaults
if (multiRepresenters.containsKey(null)) {
Represent representer = multiRepresenters.get(null);
node = representer.representData(data);
} else {
Represent representer = representers.get(null);
node = representer.representData(data);
return node;
protected Node representScalar(String tag, String value, Character style) {
if (style == null) {
style = this.defaultStyle;
Node node = new ScalarNode(tag, value, null, null, style);
representedObjects.put(aliasKey, node);
isRoot = false;
return node;
protected Node representScalar(String tag, String value) {
return representScalar(tag, value, null);
protected Node representSequence(String tag, List<? extends Object> sequence, Boolean flowStyle) {
List<Node> value = new LinkedList<Node>();
SequenceNode node = new SequenceNode(tag, value, flowStyle);
representedObjects.put(aliasKey, node);
isRoot = false;
boolean bestStyle = true;
for (Object item : sequence) {
Node nodeItem = representData(item);
if (!((nodeItem instanceof ScalarNode && ((ScalarNode) nodeItem).getStyle() == null))) {
bestStyle = false;
if (flowStyle == null) {
if (defaultFlowStyle != null) {
} else {
return node;
protected Node representMapping(String tag, Map<? extends Object, Object> mapping,
Boolean flowStyle) {
List<Node[]> value = new LinkedList<Node[]>();
MappingNode node = new MappingNode(tag, value, flowStyle);
representedObjects.put(aliasKey, node);
isRoot = false;
boolean bestStyle = true;
for (Object itemKey : mapping.keySet()) {
Object itemValue = mapping.get(itemKey);
Node nodeKey = representData(itemKey);
Node nodeValue = representData(itemValue);
if (!((nodeKey instanceof ScalarNode && ((ScalarNode) nodeKey).getStyle() == null))) {
bestStyle = false;
if (!((nodeValue instanceof ScalarNode && ((ScalarNode) nodeValue).getStyle() == null))) {
bestStyle = false;
value.add(new Node[] { nodeKey, nodeValue });
if (flowStyle == null) {
if (defaultFlowStyle != null) {
} else {
return node;
protected abstract boolean ignoreAliases(Object data);
public void setDefaultScalarStyle(ScalarStyle defaultStyle) {
this.defaultStyle = defaultStyle.getChar();
public void setDefaultFlowStyle(FlowStyle defaultFlowStyle) {
this.defaultFlowStyle = defaultFlowStyle.getStyleBoolean();