Exclude nameless fields from SmaliClass.getFields()

Fields with a null or blank name tend to cause problems, so we'll just
exclude them until they have a name.
1 file changed
tree: 30a7067541979564ea27b5974b8606bf0d735805
  1. baksmali/
  2. deodexerant/
  3. dexlib2/
  4. examples/
  5. gradle/
  6. scripts/
  7. smali/
  8. smali-integration-tests/
  9. smalidea/
  10. util/
  11. .gitignore
  12. build.gradle
  13. gradle.properties
  14. gradlew
  15. gradlew.bat
  16. NOTICE
  17. README.md
  18. settings.gradle


smali/baksmali is an assembler/disassembler for the dex format used by dalvik, Android‘s Java VM implementation. The syntax is loosely based on Jasmin’s/dedexer's syntax, and supports the full functionality of the dex format (annotations, debug info, line info, etc.)

The primary webpage is http://smali.googlecode.com, and the source is also mirrored at https://github.com/jesusfreke/smali. If you are interested in submitting a patch, feel free to send me a pull request on either site.


  • googlecode Issue tracker - For any bugs/issues/feature requests
  • #smali on freenode - Free free to drop by and ask a question. Don't expect an instant response, but if you hang around someone will respond. Think of it more in terms of.. multi-player notepad.

Some useful links for getting started with smali