Remove usage of StringNetworkSpecifier

StringNetworkSpecifier is a hidden API class that is removed in R, and
replaced by EthernetNetworkSpecifier and TestNetworkSpecifier.

Remove its usage in ConnectivityManagerFacade. It was misused to hold
JSON data to be later parsed and converted to a wifi NetworkSpecifier.

The current NetworkRequest builder from JSON is only used in
connectivityRegisterNetworkCallback which is unused, in
connectivityRequestNetwork which is never used with a NetworkSpecifier,
and in connectivityRequestWifiAwareNetwork. Only keep NetworkSpecifier
support in connectivityRequestWifiAwareNetwork, as the JSON format only
allows specifiers for that kind of network (generic string specifiers
should not be used as they are considered as EthernetNetworkSpecifier,
and the JSON format does not define a NetworkSpecifier type).

Bug: 179329291
Test: m sl4a
Merged-In: Iaa7a5395cd6f2af7f788b25276d8ba6c4c0eb2a2

Change-Id: Iaa7a5395cd6f2af7f788b25276d8ba6c4c0eb2a2
1 file changed
tree: 25874d54cc44e1266476b9af075733537ed811f3
  1. Common/
  2. Docs/
  3. InterpreterForAndroid/
  4. ScriptingLayer/
  5. ScriptingLayerForAndroid/
  6. Utils/
  7. Android.bp
  10. NOTICE
  11. OWNERS
  12. PREUPLOAD.cfg

Scripting Layer For Android


Originally authored by Damon Kohler, Scripting Layer for Android, SL4A, is an automation toolset for calling Android APIs in a platform-independent manner. It supports both remote automation via ADB as well as execution of scripts from on-device via a series of lightweight translation layers.

Build Instructions

Due to its inclusion in AOSP as a privileged app, building SL4A requires a system build.

For the initial build of Android:

source build/
lunch aosp_<TARGET>
make [-j15]

where <ANDROID_SOURCE_ROOT> is the root directory of the android tree and <TARGET> is the lunch target name

Then Build SL4A:

cd <ANDROID_SOURCE_ROOT>/external/sl4a
mm [-j15]

Adding SL4A Builds to Android Builds by Default

  1. If you are not using a custom buildspec, create one as follows:

  2. Modify the buildspec to build SL4A as a custom module by editing the line ‘#CUSTOM_MODULES:=’ to ‘CUSTOM_MODULES:=sl4a’:


Install Instructions

Run the following command:

adb install -r <ANDROID_SOURCE_ROOT>/out/target/product/<TARGET>/data/app/sl4a/sl4a.apk

Run Instructions

a) SL4A may be launched from Android as a normal App; or
b) To enable RPC access from the command prompt:

adb forward tcp:<HOST_PORT_NUM> tcp:<DEVICE_PORT_NUM>
adb shell "am start -a com.googlecode.android_scripting.action.LAUNCH_SERVER \
           --ei com.googlecode.android_scripting.extra.USE_SERVICE_PORT <DEVICE_PORT_NUM> \

where <HOST_PORT_NUM> and <DEVICE_PORT_NUM> are the tcp ports on the host computer and device.

Generate the API Documentation

From SL4A source directory run this command:

    python Docs/

In the Docs directory there should now be an file that contains which RPC functions are available in SL4A as well as documentation for the RPC functions.