blob: a94ca267a19bf8bf7fc96246d041a0fbe385bded [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrPathTessellateOp_DEFINED
#define GrPathTessellateOp_DEFINED
#include "src/gpu/GrInnerFanTriangulator.h"
#include "src/gpu/ops/GrMeshDrawOp.h"
#include "src/gpu/tessellate/GrPathTessellator.h"
#include "src/gpu/tessellate/GrTessellationPathRenderer.h"
class GrAppliedHardClip;
class GrEagerVertexAllocator;
class GrStencilPathShader;
class GrResolveLevelCounter;
// Renders paths using a hybrid "Red Book" (stencil, then cover) method. Curves get linearized by
// either GPU tessellation shaders or indirect draws. This Op doesn't apply analytic AA, so it
// requires a render target that supports either MSAA or mixed samples if AA is desired.
class GrPathTessellateOp : public GrDrawOp {
GrPathTessellateOp(const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, const SkPath& path, GrPaint&& paint,
GrAAType aaType, GrTessellationPathRenderer::OpFlags opFlags)
: GrDrawOp(ClassID())
, fOpFlags(opFlags)
, fViewMatrix(viewMatrix)
, fPath(path)
, fAAType(aaType)
, fColor(paint.getColor4f())
, fProcessors(std::move(paint)) {
SkRect devBounds;
fViewMatrix.mapRect(&devBounds, path.getBounds());
this->setBounds(devBounds, HasAABloat(GrAAType::kCoverage == fAAType), IsHairline::kNo);
const char* name() const override { return "GrPathTessellateOp"; }
void visitProxies(const VisitProxyFunc& fn) const override;
GrProcessorSet::Analysis finalize(const GrCaps& caps, const GrAppliedClip* clip,
bool hasMixedSampledCoverage,
GrClampType clampType) override {
return fProcessors.finalize(
fColor, GrProcessorAnalysisCoverage::kNone, clip, &GrUserStencilSettings::kUnused,
hasMixedSampledCoverage, caps, clampType, &fColor);
FixedFunctionFlags fixedFunctionFlags() const override;
void onPrePrepare(GrRecordingContext*, const GrSurfaceProxyView&, GrAppliedClip*,
const GrXferProcessor::DstProxyView&, GrXferBarrierFlags,
GrLoadOp colorLoadOp) override;
struct PrePrepareArgs {
SkArenaAlloc* fArena;
const GrSurfaceProxyView& fWriteView;
const GrAppliedHardClip* fHardClip;
GrAppliedClip* fClip;
const GrXferProcessor::DstProxyView* fDstProxyView;
GrXferBarrierFlags fXferBarrierFlags;
GrLoadOp fColorLoadOp;
const GrCaps* fCaps;
// Chooses the rendering method we will use and creates the corresponding stencil and fill
// programs up front.
void prePreparePrograms(const PrePrepareArgs&);
// Produces a non-overlapping triangulation of the path's inner polygon(s). The inner polygons
// connect the endpoints of each verb. (i.e., they are the path that would result from
// collapsing all curves to single lines.) If this succeeds, then we will be able to fill the
// triangles directly and bypass stencilling them.
// Returns false if the inner triangles do not form a simple polygon (e.g., self intersection,
// double winding). Non-simple polygons would need to split edges in order to avoid overlap,
// and this is not an option as it would introduce T-junctions with the outer cubics.
bool prePrepareInnerPolygonTriangulation(const PrePrepareArgs&, bool* isLinear);
void prePrepareStencilTrianglesProgram(const PrePrepareArgs&);
template<typename ShaderType> void prePrepareStencilCubicsProgram(const PrePrepareArgs&);
void prePreparePipelineForStencils(const PrePrepareArgs&);
void prePrepareFillTrianglesProgram(const PrePrepareArgs&, bool isLinear);
void prePrepareFillCubicHullsProgram(const PrePrepareArgs&);
void prePrepareFillBoundingBoxProgram(const PrePrepareArgs&);
void prePreparePipelineForFills(const PrePrepareArgs&);
void onPrepare(GrOpFlushState*) override;
void onExecute(GrOpFlushState*, const SkRect& chainBounds) override;
void drawStencilPass(GrOpFlushState*);
void drawCoverPass(GrOpFlushState*);
const GrTessellationPathRenderer::OpFlags fOpFlags;
const SkMatrix fViewMatrix;
const SkPath fPath;
const GrAAType fAAType;
SkPMColor4f fColor;
GrProcessorSet fProcessors;
GrInnerFanTriangulator* fInnerFanTriangulator = nullptr;
GrTriangulator::Poly* fInnerFanPolys = nullptr;
sk_sp<const GrBuffer> fTriangleBuffer;
int fBaseTriangleVertex = 0;
int fTriangleVertexCount = 0;
// This pipeline is used by all programInfos in the stencil step.
const GrPipeline* fPipelineForStencils = nullptr;
// This pipeline is used by all programInfos in the fill step.
const GrPipeline* fPipelineForFills = nullptr;
// These switches specify how the above fTriangleBuffer should be drawn (if at all).
// If stencil and !fill:
// We just stencil the triangles (with cubics) during the stencil step. The path gets filled
// later using a simple bounding box if needed.
// If stencil and fill:
// We still stencil the triangles and cubics normally, but during the *fill* step we fill
// the triangles plus local convex hulls around each cubic instead of a bounding box.
// If !stencil and fill:
// This means that fTriangleBuffer contains non-overlapping geometry that can be filled
// directly to the final render target. We only need to stencil *curves*, and during the
// fill step we draw the triangles directly with a stencil test that accounts for curves
// (see drawCoverPass()), and then finally fill the curves with local convex hulls.
const GrProgramInfo* fStencilTrianglesProgram = nullptr;
const GrProgramInfo* fFillTrianglesProgram = nullptr;
const GrProgramInfo* fStencilCubicsProgram = nullptr;
// This will draw either a bounding box, or if fFillTrianglesProgram exists, individual convex
// hulls covering each cubic.
const GrProgramInfo* fFillPathProgram = nullptr;
GrPathTessellator* fTessellator = nullptr;
friend class GrOp; // For ctor.
// This serves as a base class for benchmarking individual methods on GrPathTessellateOp.
class TestingOnly_Benchmark;